Okay, how to beat death. Well, you can not win forever. You can however prolong your life long beyond the norm. there are numerous techniques and philosophies, the best I have witnessed and seen evidence of would be Chinese Qigong.
GIR's idea of the 'Kill me gene' is a fictional idea introduced by Tom Clancy and disproven several times by multiple geneticists. Even the idea of the 'Kill me gene' has been proven to be in error, since there are some 3,000 genetic disorders cataloged, IF a 'Kill me gene' did exist, then there would be evidence if this by people who age extremely slow. (NOT appear to grow old because of height issues such as nephritis like actor Gary Coleman.) To date, there have been no people that simply age slowly. However, geneticists believe that there may be a “keep-alive gene” that may inhibit certain traits of aging until a particular time in ones life. Since evidence of this gene would be abnormal mutations (genetic disorders) that cause rapid premature aging such as progeria and Werner's syndrome, two real genetic disorders that cause rapid aging. So, although we may never be able to eliminate aging and death, we may be able to slow it down significantly. In fact, most geneticists believe that someday the ability to extend the human life span is an almost certainty. But it will take time and research far beyond what is being done today.
Sill, death is NOT something one should fear. I know that all sort of religious freaks talk about god and Jesus and blah, blah, blah! But forget their crap for a moment. Look at it this way. Can you imagine yourself "not being." Just being nothing? Most people can't. That is one of the reasons that religions started about 130 centuries ago or possible even further back.
Life is a strong, strong thing. We are also far more then just flesh and bone. Energy is can not be destroyed, just converted. So, when we die, our energies must go somewhere, right? Some believe we are reincarnated. Maybe. Some believe we simply enter another realm and have a different type of existence. Maybe. Others believe we go to a heaven and life is peace and harmony. Highly unlikely! (Why? Because nothing in nature exists in bliss and death (and thus that which comes after death) is just another natural experience.
Personally, while I ma not anxious to die, I am very curious about what will be experienced and I have absolutely no fear of facing my death. After all, death is ultimately unavoidable. Even if you could suspend the aging processes, sometime in the future the earth is going to experience another cataclysm that will eliminate most of not all life on the face of the planet and if you were to survive that, some time later, the entire earth will be destroyed by either the expansion of the sun or radiation from other exploding stars and sometime after that, the entire universe will collapse and it will start all over again. So you see, death is unavoidable.
If I were you, I would simply resign myself to live the best I can for as long as I can and although I wouldn’t ignore death, I wouldn't dwell on it either. Doing so will kill what little life you do have remaining.
As for being selfish, yes, not wanting to die is a bit selfish, but being a little selfish is okay. After all, when you pick what restaurant you want to go to, you pick based on what you like to eat, right? That too is selfish, but it is reasonably selfish. So is wanting a long life.
I hope this helps.
2007-07-11 10:24:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There's no genetic reason to age.
Aging is the process of cells malfunctioning over time.
The primary cause is in the mitochondria where as a byproduct of metabolism we create free radicals.
Anti-oxidants like vitamin C and E can help slow this down, and mammal studies have shown that creatures on starvation diets live up to 150% longer. Some humans are trying a radical "Calorie Reduction" or CR diet. Theoreticaly this diet will let you live much longer, possibly as much as 160 years. For 40,000 generations most humans have lived at the edge of starvation, without benifit of real medical knowledge. Now that we have the knowledge we also have excessive amounts of food available.
I'd encourage people to research CR diets.
Naturaly this will not help you if you get hit by a bus.
That's the best answer I know of.
2007-07-10 12:19:35
answer #2
answered by ♥Gnostic♥ 4
No. God does no longer lie and what He reported in His notice, no count how long it takes to unravel, will take place. as a result, there heavily isn't any such tablet. And no i does no longer take of undertaking. God has given a blessed insurance, as for people, there have been a great variety of themes that have risen from those limitless researched and the pills on the markets already,and on an identical time as some help, they have continually accounted for different severe themes and a great variety of the time some are experimental which ordinarily have not have been given something to furnish different than it is going to the two artwork or fail. there's no wrong thank you to eternity yet with the aid of God's grace that's salvation. an undemanding certainty. God bless
2016-11-08 23:07:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Death is the permanent end of the life of a biological organism caused by sickness or age. It can be postponed by diet and physical activity, but the accelerating incidence of disease with age still imposes limits on human longevity. The evolutionary cause of aging is, at best, only just beginning to be understood. It has been suggested that direct intervention in the aging process may now be the most effective intervention against major causes of death.
It is an inspiration to feel that "A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth. Instead of its bringing sad and melancholy prospects of decay, it should give us hopes of eternal youth in a better world." - R. Palmer
2007-07-10 12:36:02
answer #4
answered by henry 4
Get yourself sooooooooooo famous and legendary that your name (and your deeds) NEVER die - this is the only way to live on after your (physical) death...
Become a famous artist, build something that will last for centuries/milleniums (think the pyramids, or the great wall of China), or discover a cure for something such as AIDS or Cancer!
As for living beyond your years - science will probably give us some answer eventually... People today are living longer than ANY other time in history -100 years from now, it will probably be considered NORMAL for anyone to live to 100+ ;););)
2007-07-10 12:14:57
answer #5
answered by kr_toronto 7
Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die. Ironic, isn't it? The idea of not being able to take a breath each morning and smell the crisp air, or think about what you're going to eat for dinner ever again is a scary thought, but it's a very real thought. How can you cheat death? It's simple:
Immortality. Through legend, through memory, you become immortal. If you're a legend in the minds of others, you're kept alive by their memory of you, and the more people you have who recognize your death, the more people who will learn about you - all in all - you become immortal.
2007-07-10 12:11:28
answer #6
answered by Alley S. 6
Yes! Death is a total waste and a useless loss. It should be beaten and it will be beaten.
That's what science is for! Leonardo Da Vince wanted to conquer the air and dreamed up ways of making man able to fly. People of his time ridiculed him as crazy. Though Leonardo could not make a flying machine, the accumulation of scientific knowledge over a period of 500 years has brought us where we are. Who's asking that question now?
Death is the same problem. Stem cell research is only the beginning of organ-replacement biology. Less than 300 years from now, every single part of our body will be able to be reconstructed, replaced as new. People WILL live forever! Hang in there. If you are young and keep your body VERY healthy, science can preserve and repair it until the day will come that ALL its parts can be replaced.
The purpose of life is to conquer death!
2007-07-10 12:20:40
answer #7
answered by DrEvol 7
The only way to "beat" death is not to fear it.
have you ever heard the mcr song famous last words?
"I am not afraid to keep on living, i am not afraid to walk this world alone, honew if you stay ill be forgiven, nothing you can say can stop me from going on.
or that quote...
"Death? Why this fuss about death? Use your imagination. Try to visualize a world without death. Death is the essential condition of life...not an evil. People who live deeply have no fear of death."
2007-07-10 12:17:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There is Jesus! He will lead you in this life and in a spiritual life after physical death if you will invite him into your heart. If you believe this death loses it's sting. You must be young- I am old and not afriad of death because of my beliefs a nd the experiences I have had with dying people as a Hospice nurse. Stop worrying about that and make the most of today by appreciating the beauty around you, the blessings of living in this country, friends and family, and hopefully a relationship with God. Be grateful every day for your health.
2007-07-10 12:12:42
answer #9
answered by Jane T 3
What with the health craze,I've always wished I had the investment capital to start up a whole line of health products with the brand name Cheat The Reaper. Anti-smoking crusaders obviously think you'll live forever if you avoid this small vice. Mortal death comes to all. No amount of carrot juice will alter that. It's interesting to note how obsessed atheists are with prolonging life.
2007-07-10 12:12:11
answer #10
answered by Galahad 7