The Scriptures clearly instruct a true worshipper to date and/or marry only another true worshipper.
(Exodus 23:32) You are not to conclude a [marriage or other] covenant with them or their gods.
(Deuteronomy 7:3) And you must form no marriage alliance with [unbelievers]. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son.
(1 Corinthians 7:39) She is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord.
(Nehemiah 13:25) You should not give your daughters to [the unbeliever's] sons, and you should not accept any of their daughters for your sons or yourselves.
(2 Corinthians 6:14) Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers.
The Scriptures also warn against elevating human desires above godly teachings.
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) We request of you not to be quickly shaken from your reason... Let no one seduce you in any manner
(Romans 16:17-18) Keep your eye on those who cause ... stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. smooth talk and complimentary speech they seduce the hearts of guileless ones.
(2 Timothy 4:3-5) For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled... You, though, keep your senses in all things, suffer evil, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry.
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2007-07-13 08:39:42
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
You shouldn't try to get this girl to stop being a Jehovah's Witness. If you really love would want what is best for her and encourage her in achieving her goals...especially spiritual ones. She may really like you but she is probably holding back because of the Bible's counsel at 1 Corinthians 7:39..."marry only in the lord"....meaning of the same faith. People choose to become JW's because they want to...nobody forces them to...they choose that way of life because they love Jehovah God, his son Christ Jesus, and want to help other people to and encourage them by preaching to them the many truths they have learned. That is why she preached to you. And i can't say much about her going on a date with you because that would be out of my place not knowing her...don't pressure her into doing wrong...and why don't you take the time to listen to her when she preaches to you...everything may all start to make sense and you might learn something.
And for the record...JWs are not brainwashed and we all have free will and a mind of our own to make our own decisions...(for those that think we don't)
2007-07-11 03:50:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Think about what you said. You said that she is one of Jehovah's Witnesses and is really nice. It is because she is one of Jehovah's that she is the way she is. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. She will turn into a different person than the one you like now. (Been there, done that)
You are also wanting to take a person away from God. That's what Satan does. Do you really want to be in his category?
Before you start getting into that territory why don't you try to understand why she loves God so much, then see if what you want her to do is what's right? You are being selfish. You are after what you want, not what God wants. Sounds like Satan to me.
2007-07-11 03:39:49
answer #3
answered by Suzy 7
i am a disfellowshiped Christian, and i was very active for many years as one of Jehovah's Witnesses...
the fact that i can now see from the outside looking back at my family, and old friends, i now know MORE THAN EVER that what Jehovah's Witnesses teach is The Truth, The Way, and The Life.
i have been reading the Bible nearly everyday on my break at work, and i plan to get reinstated as soon as i can quit smoking.
fortunately, my second wife and my step kids are favorable to the guidance i have been trying to assist them with for the past 5 years, and, hopefully we will all serve Jehovah together.
My advice to yous is to read God's word the Bible everyday...
And, try your best to be the best person that yous possibly can be...
2007-07-10 23:13:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As someone who dated a JW woman for a couple years, I feel I may have some valid insight into this. I met...lets call her...Ann. I met Ann in college, she was JW, I was (and still am) agnostic. We hung out, kissed, nothing major. We really liked each other. I knew she was JW big time, she knew I wasn't.
Basically we took things slow, and talked alot. I wasn't trying to get her to ditch JWism, but I let her know that I wasn't interested in it, but I didn't make a big deal about it. We started being BF/GF, whatever you call it, in a steady relationship. I still wasn't getting any, but I didn't really mind too much because she was amazing (in both looks and personality).
Eventually we were intimate, and it was great. She had some guilt about it for awhile, but steady hot action all the time, every time helped her get over it. Alas, we broke up a few years later, but it wasn't over religion. There were other issues which are irrelevant.
My point is thus: you can't make her ditch her faith, but you can live with it if you truly care about her beyond getting her in the sack, because that probably isn't going to happen for a few months down the road, if that soon. So if you really are interested in HER, not sex, then I say go for it. If you're in the mind for a quick shag, then hit the bars and find some skank at taco tuesday tonight or something.
2007-07-10 12:00:21
answer #5
answered by TubThumpin 3
What right do you have to even want to remove this young lady from her faith? Forgive me, but you are on a real ego trip in my opinion. Why don't you begin to believe in God and become active in the Jehovah's Witnesses? You have a right to change yourself, but it is arrogant to change her. Perhaps you need to open up your mind OR leave her alone.
Pastor John
2007-07-10 11:35:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Her JW mentality has trained her to view you and every other non-JW as “worldly” and/or “evil”. In other words, you just don’t know any better (don’t know about God) because you’ve never been a JW. That’s why she’s preaching to you. The JW cult has conditioned her to think this way. Basically, the only way she could seriously date or marry you is if you became a JW, which would be the biggest mistake of your life (I used to be a JW so I know what I’m talking about).
Also, it will take some serious prayers and re-education to get her out of the JW’s. She’s been brainwashed (though she isn’t aware of this nor would she ever admit to it if she did become aware) to believe that she has no chance of salvation outside of the JW’s. If she quits, she believes she’ll be damned – destroyed – by God at the end of time. Plus, the JW rules state that if she leaves and she has family and friends who are JW’s, then they can have nothing more to do with her for leaving God’s “true organization”. So dating you means she risks losing her family.
This is what you’re dealing with. Hope it helps to explain a few things. If you’re not well versed in religion then its best you do not engage her in religious discussions because the JW’s have very twisted, subtle teachings that easily snare someone not properly trained in religion. You can do one thing: pray for her.
God bless.
2007-07-10 12:17:02
answer #7
answered by Danny H 6
Let her make up her own mind on her own time. Usually if you try to pry into areas like that and someone does change there is a little bit of resentment there. Everyone wants to be loved for who they really are and not what someone else wants them to be. Best bet is to let her know you don't believe what she does but you respect her enough not to try to change her ( this also should be the case for how she looks at you)
2007-07-10 13:10:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Shame on you.
Ask her to read you 1 Corinthians 15:33
2007-07-10 11:25:12
answer #9
answered by johnusmaximus1 6
You can't.
Don't try it.
You'd b working against God.
Do YOU really want to face God, w/ that on ur record?
2007-07-11 08:35:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous