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a chemical imbalance in the brain? or could it sometimes be activated randomly through the teen years? i am 15, and i thinkk i am depressed, but there hasn't been any event in my life that could possibly lead to depression. i have always been a bit shy, so is it just my personaliy??

2007-07-10 09:02:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

6 answers

Most teens go through this stage, i did too. Yes, I think it can depend on your personality and your perspective on life (which changes as you get older anyway...) so dont worry too much about that.

Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain yes, but that is only with more severe cases. Most of the time, it tends to be hormones going mad combined with the stress of school and growing up. As I say, i understand as i've been there myself :(

You will be fine though, dont worry. If you can, talk to someone reliable and understanding about how you feel, it helps to have someone else's perspective sometimes, and can bring you down to earth and make you realise "its not that bad" :)

Also, I found that writing and keeping a kind of... mood diary.. helped. I found it recently and found it a little strange and a bit funny as i was so dramatic while i felt like that :P

Hope this helped
El xxx

2007-07-10 09:12:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depression is a nasty little disease, but is curable in 92% of cases which is a good thing!

Depression can come on for 1 million different reasons. You do not have to have some "trauma" in your life to trigger the depression.

As you mentioned depression can come from a chemical imbalance or even a hormonal imbalance. It can also be biological, if your parents have any sort of mental illness you have a large ( I think up to 75%) chance of having one too.

In my case, I had never had any sort of mental health problem until I got on the birth control pill. It gave me a condition called "estrogen dominance" which was unknown to me at the time. I became extremely depressed and no one could figure out why, after almost 6 months of testing the Docs finally figured it out...

When you have a chemical imbalance, the neurons in your brain are not firing enough hormones which make you "feel good". This is why drugs like prozac, lexapro, celexa and zoloft work. They help your brain make these much needed hormones.

Regardless or reason, if you are depressed tell someone you care about and ask for help. It is easily treated and there is no reason for you to suffer! Best of luck.

2007-07-10 09:17:58 · answer #2 · answered by 1 3 · 0 0

I had been agony from submit partum despair for the beyond one yr while I gave delivery to a youngster boy. I could not give up considering how my husband loves him greater than me and the way matters possibly larger if he wasn't born in any respect. Thus, I stayed clear of him due to the fact I knew that I would do some thing I will remorse for the relaxation of my lifestyles. Almost immediately I went to a therapist and persuade them that I want aid. Among different matters, I've attempted natural dietary supplements and different publication to regard despair however not anything works just like the Depression Free Method. So now I'm proud to mention I'm probably the most happiest mom on the earth. My husband loves us each very a lot and I thank the Lord for the blessing he gave us. Depression Free Method?

2016-09-05 22:46:42 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The word "depression" is thrown about too much without people really understanding what it means.

There are different types of depression; situational (for example when someone dies), hormonal (due to things happening in the body with brain chemistry, poor diet, teen years, etc.) and then there is clinical depression where a person really is incapacitated and requires extensive professional help. That's it in a nutshell, it goes into more depth.

Yes, teens are prone to depression because their hormones are all over the place. How to handle that? Make sure you have a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep (teens require 8-12 hours a night), limit stress, have good support (family and friends) and don't do drugs or alcohol. Teens don't understand some drugs and all alcohol are depressants and further change brain chemistry and create depression.

2007-07-10 09:10:24 · answer #4 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 0 1

I did try the medications for depression (im a teen and was about ur age when I tried them) but they don't solve the realy problem. Doctors act like they're a miracle drug but really the only thing that can change our way of thinking and mental health is ourselves! For me, the best treatment was quitting the depression meds (they cause so many side effects I don't know how anyone can even trust taking them) and I just started leading a healthier lifestyle. I also stopped thinking negatively, bcause once you change the way you view things it makes a huge difference. I'll probably get all these thumbs down for saying this. But really, treating depression is very simple and it starts with ourselves. Only we ourselves know what is best for us.

2007-07-10 09:08:22 · answer #5 · answered by deejay 3 · 1 0

depression can be caused my lots of things. usually it is a chemical imbalance in the brain but what is it that causes the imbalance is the question.

try this:

here you can access your depression symptoms:

2007-07-10 09:12:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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