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My mother took care of him financially, even though he yelled,screamed at her all the time - mostly about how brilliant he was and how people were out to steal from him and hurt him. My mother died in '05. Now I have to take care of him. He's 57. I'm 48, but feel 10 when it comes to helping him. I have had him put in the hospital twice in the last 8 months. The last time, I contacted Adult Protective Services, they were very helpful in that they could talk to the social worker and doctor, where I wasn't allowed too. The doctor asked to have a meeting with us. I thought this time he'll really get help(he's been sick 40 yrs) . I was wrong. My brother told the doctor he would stay on his medicine and clean up his house (mom moved away in '89 to protect herself).
This was 3 months ago. He can not clean his house. He thinks that when he puts his trash by the road that the neighbors get it and dump it in his house . He doesn't pay taxes or other bills and thinks they're "messing with him"

2007-07-10 08:56:08 · 7 answers · asked by misty19492000 5 in Health Mental Health

7 answers

I have a lot of experience working with people with schizophrenia and have found that they are quite capable of many things if someone is there to offer guidance. Your brother sounds like he would qualify for a case manager. You should contact your local community mental health center and see about setting up proper services, it will not cost you but will be set up through Medicaid and Medicare.

2007-07-10 09:21:53 · answer #1 · answered by ஜSnazzlefrazzஜ 5 · 0 0

First of all, ler me say I am sorry this has fallen on you. I can imagine that as much as you love your brother this is a very hard situation.

Im guessing your question lies in what else can you do to help your brother. I would assume at this point he has SSI and Medicaid funding so find a mental health agency that accepts medicaid funding and look into getting him case management services. They will be able to first get him in with a therapist ( and if he refuses) they may be able to hook him up with a "paraprofessional" which can spend several hours with him a day building skills and helpping with medication management. Finally if none of these work, your case manager can help find placement for your brother in terms of a "half way" home, assisted living or even long term placement at the State Hospital.

I hope Ive been able to offer some advice. Thank you for being a good person and stepping up to the plate to take care of your brother.

2007-07-10 09:28:10 · answer #2 · answered by 1 3 · 0 0

I am sorry to hear of your brother. I too am a paranoid schizophrenic diagnosed over 40 years ago. I am answering this mainly because of a previous answer that the behavior you described for your brother is pretty much what they (schizophrenics) do. It is distressing to hear of another person with my diagnosis doing so poorly.

I know that if one takes their med's, listens to their therapists and gets TLC (praise for doing things acceptably) they can learn to live pretty normal responsible lives. It is sad but a lot of mental health professionals just "give up" on chronic schizophrenics. They think that pills are a cure all whereas they are not; it takes a lat of talk therapy to recover.

I don't know what your question is but I do know that schizophrenia paranoids can recover if they are given proper care.

Good luck, good health, peace and love!

Edit after 5 hours. I received notification from Yahoo! answers of a message from you and connection to me just recently. I will answer the message on line through yahoo! I just want to say that I don't know where you live and laws for commitment vary but usually if a person is a danger to themselves or others it is possible to get them commited. Not having heat in the winter because of his own neglect, not eating right or maintaining reasonable hygiene is being a danger to oneself. I recommend getting a lawyer, or first, a person in the mental health field (like a family doctor) or familiar with it, to get advice.

Mad Mac

2007-07-10 11:51:16 · answer #3 · answered by Mad Mac 7 · 0 0

Time to take back your LIFE!! Guilt free!! You have done enough. You've bent over backward and then some. Now, let the social worker do his or her job. If that means he will go to a home, so be it. He will have someone to watch over him, physically and mentally. He will have to take his meds. Your brother is not a child. Time to let paid people earn their salary doing what they have been trained. And you can visit when you want. You deserve it!

2007-07-10 11:13:43 · answer #4 · answered by zen 6 · 0 0

If he's not taking his medication and is diagnosed with schizophrenia you can commit him to a hospital to help stabilize him until you can get a court order forcing him to remian in the hospital for the rest of his life. (It depends on which state you live in) You might research the drug CLOZARIL as I have seen it work MIRICLES in children who have the same diagnosis as your brother....good luck!

2007-07-10 12:38:18 · answer #5 · answered by La-Te-Da 2 · 0 0

examine to him, this little ditty yet permit him upload the final line Roses are crimson Violets are blue I`m schitzophrenic ........ ...... ...... .... . If he finishes it and so are you, he`s ok, yet whilst he finishes it "and so am I, you have the respond

2016-10-01 07:53:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's pretty much what they do. My mom is like that.

2007-07-10 09:05:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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