My mother took care of him financially, even though he yelled,screamed at her all the time - mostly about how brilliant he was and how people were out to steal from him and hurt him. My mother died in '05. Now I have to take care of him. He's 57. I'm 48, but feel 10 when it comes to helping him. I have had him put in the hospital twice in the last 8 months. The last time, I contacted Adult Protective Services, they were very helpful in that they could talk to the social worker and doctor, where I wasn't allowed too. The doctor asked to have a meeting with us. I thought this time he'll really get help(he's been sick 40 yrs) . I was wrong. My brother told the doctor he would stay on his medicine and clean up his house (mom moved away in '89 to protect herself).
This was 3 months ago. He can not clean his house. He thinks that when he puts his trash by the road that the neighbors get it and dump it in his house . He doesn't pay taxes or other bills and thinks they're "messing with him"
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➔ Mental Health