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I'm certainly new to the idea of Paganism (and recognizing there are several varieties of Paganism), but I am not new to a faith in Love and Life.

For 37 years I've walked that path, but it never dawned on me to personify it or add rituals.

I'd like to understand why and how you've selected the deities and rituals you have, what purpose they serve, and how essential they are to your growth.

2007-07-10 08:38:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

"I'd like to understand why and how you've selected the deities and rituals you have, what purpose they serve, and how essential they are to your growth."

Ninian Smart proposed that a religion (and some non-religions) can be broken into seven dimensions. The Practical / Ritual Dimension, The Experiential / Emotional Dimension, The Narrative / Mythic Dimension, The Doctrinal / Philosophical Dimension, The Ethical / Legal Dimension, The Social / Institutional Dimension, and The Material Dimension.
All religions have these dimensions, but they vary in emphasis from religion to religion. Paganism (and I'm using this very generally) has HIGH Ritual, Emotional, Mythical and Material Dimensions, and low Doctrinal and Institutional dimentions. Thats not to say that we don't have doctrine, or institutions, they're just not a priority in the religion. As for Ethics, it depends on the individual. We generally don't have any written down laws for ethics (some Pagan religions do), but that doesn't mean that Pagans don't have high ethical standards. We just don't write them down.
Anyways... Ritual, Mythology and Diety are huge aspects of Paganism. I think that its a major reason why people choose to be Pagan, they feel a heavy need for ritual, mythology and diety, where they don't for things like Doctrine, and Paganism fills that need.

Personally, I chose Paganism for those reasons. I feel a need for ritual, and Diety. I also hold a belief that humans are members of the Earth; that we are a part of the Earth, like an organ in a living being, and the cycles of the Earth reflects our lives. I believe that there is Something out there, or in us, or both, that is the soul/spirit of the universe, and I want to connect with it. Its so big, so unbelieveably huge, though, that we as humans can't understand it. Hell, we can barely understand how BIG our own oceans are on the planet,... what a billion dollars looks like,... How could we possibly begin to completely understand it? Its everything, all in one being, yet everywhere,.... how can I describe it? I can't. Thats the point. Its everything, the ultimate reality of human expression, as well as the Earth's expression, the expression of everything on Earth, and not on Earth. Good and Bad. Terrifying, yet Beautiful.
So how can I connect with it? Well, I try to break it up into god-forms with particular attributes, and relate to it a bit at a time.
For example, Athena is my patron Goddess. I dedicated to her for a year and a day. She's the Goddess of many things, but particularly of School, Weaving and War. Durring this year, I've not only decided to become a Fiber Artist, but i've learned how to weave, got a job at a yarn store, and, most recently, bought a spinning wheel. I'm also doing really well in my classes at my college. I've discovered how I learn best, and my grades are improving. Athena connects me to the Ultimate in ways that other Gods and Goddesses can't.

How do I connect to her? Well, Through Ritual. Ritual can be anything that is repetative. When I spin my spinning wheel, I connect to Athena, so when I do that over and over, its my ritual. There are formal rituals that one can do to connect them to their Gods and Goddesses, ones that people read about in books, ways to go about things... You can do that if you feel it connects you. If it doesn't, don't do it.

In the end... We do Dieties and Rituals because it feels right... And if it doesn't feel right to you, don't do it ^_^.

2007-07-11 19:38:52 · answer #1 · answered by Cassie G 3 · 2 1

I don't see how, maybe you have just been caught by the stereotype that religious means monotheistic and all the rest is atheism, anything different is strange and unfitting. I mean look at some of these answers, they make good points. How is Paganism any stranger than Christianity? And I don't believe in the myths, I look at the myths as sort of realistic fiction. They involve real characters (ie Gods, Titans,), but the stories themselves are fake. I believe in the Gods as real beings, while others may disagree. And I know what you mean by 'ritual', but I don't get what you mean by 'work'? I mean meditation and chants are rituals, I can accomplish them, does that mean it worked? And the reason why I came to Paganism, is because of the Christian dogma. One God, who's three people, who can do everything at once, looks like something out of some bad fantasy novel. Eternal torture for not believing, sounds like a scam. Living for another life, not going to take that chance! But, yet I knew there was a God, something out there, but it wasn't the bible God. Thus, I found the old Gods from the stories I love, and found that while the stories are false the Gods are real.

2016-05-18 21:45:55 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

As a Pagan and Witch my deities embody the Mother and Father and my rituals all deal with my magick. The preparation of the room, preparation of myself, the raising of my circle... help me to focus on what I am doing. I don't do as much magick as I used to. Old age I guess.

I was raised Pagan so everything I do is what was passed on.I've enjoyed my friend's religions, but I haven't seen any that would suit my tastes.

The best thing about being a Pagan is that you drive Christians into a frenzy to convert or change you. Little do they realize that Pagans and Witches are probably better "Christian like" people than they are.We don't condemn our people to hell, our judgement is swift (if we don't like you we will walk away) and we would rather go for walk than close ourselves up in a church or building. We also usually clean up behind other people who are too concerned with the afterlife to see or care about the damage and polution that they leave behind.

Hope this helps.

2007-07-10 17:29:55 · answer #3 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 2 0

The rituals and deities are not a requirement. The deities are there if you want to connect with them, but you never have to. For me the deities in my life are ones I have a connection with.
A lot of the rituals centre around the holidays but sometimes they are because of something you are in need of help with (eg healing) or simply to make a deeper connection with the Earth and nature and the God/Goddess.
To me, the experience that you had with the rainstorm was a ritual. You felt a connection with nature and what could be more spiritual than that. They don't need to be done a specific way as long as tehy work for you and you feel the connection you wanted to feel.
This is how I feel anyway.

2007-07-10 10:57:16 · answer #4 · answered by PaganPixiePrincessVT 4 · 1 1

For me, the Gods are very real. I did not choose the Gods I worship, they chose me. I don't see them as archetypes of my own unconscious mind, and I don't see them as different aspects of One God. I see them as distinct personalities. To me "Paganism" implies Polytheism, so Deities are necessary to what I do. I believe in several Gods whom I pray to and worship.

As for rituals, every religion has rituals. My rituals are either religious -- acts of worship, or magickal -- intended to produce specific results. I adore the Gods in order to strengthen my relationship with them. When I practice Magick, I do so within a ritual structure. I perform a banishing ritual to prepare the temple space. I take a ritual bath to prepare myself. I invoke a deity who governs those aspects of life that I need to effect change in, and then I perform my Magick, whether it is consecrating a talisman or summoning a spirit. Then, at the end, I thank the Deity (but never dismiss them) and I banish the temple again. Then I like to eat something to ground myself with afterwords. For me, every part of this ritual structure should be present, but it can be as simple or as complex as the situation warrants.

But I practice Ceremonial Magick. My approach is a lot more structured than some other traditions such as Eclectic Wicca, which reject structure altogether. But each part of the ritual structure serves a purpose and helps move the ritual along.

2007-07-10 16:43:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Mine simply drew me to them. By that I mean I always had the base belief. Of who they were, then one day I was reading a very old book and as it spoke of these goddesses I knew, I felt it in my very spirit. The feeling was so completely right and peaceful. Since then I have never looked back or wondered about them. They reaffirm themselves to me daily in everything around me. As to a type of paganism. I guess you would have to qualify me as just a solitary. In the beginning I studied furiously trying to put a name to it but as time has gone on I know that there is no type. You just are or your not. Over the years I have incorporated different things into and out of rituals. My rituals are much more about the earth and the powers surrounding me and much less about the theatrical aspects that can be involved. The bottom line really is what feels right to you. Are you group minded? Or are you more comfortable alone? and then the million questions that can go on from there. Let me give you a few good resources that I have found and you can go from there. www.witchvox.com is a great website for networking and finding more information. They have everything from articles, shops to listings of groups and resources in your area. Also, yahoo itself has a few groups that are good. I hope this helps and brightest blesssings on your quest.

2007-07-10 08:57:04 · answer #6 · answered by Witchblade_1 2 · 3 0

Hi Sweetie,
I am not a pagan but am a witch. Paganism was the first religion, contrary to popular beliefs. Dieties worrshipped at certain rituals were to sybolize the time of year.
Rituals, were a time of celebration. The harvest, yule( christmas), The spring equinox. Times when the earth was fertile and good for planting crops, or cold and barren and time to stay indoors. The significance of ritual is to honor the season's and give thanks for your blessings.

2007-07-10 08:48:04 · answer #7 · answered by grannygoodwitch5 2 · 1 0

Well to me personally it helps me focus more on what I am doing.
Most people preform the same rituals day after day. Celebrating my faith in Ritual helps me ground myself, opens my eyes to something I may not have seen and the quiet meditation rituals help me relax.
deities are a personal choice. A pagan may choose a personal deity to represent part of their personality.
I don't use many. I prefer just honor the Lord and Lady. But I have one I work with alot.
Many pagans use deities in specific ways. For instance if they need to call on one to help in sickness they wouldn't call on the deity for "plant blessings"
It's an individualistic way of walking through life and each one chooses what is best for them.

2007-07-10 08:46:22 · answer #8 · answered by Milmom 5 · 3 1

I don't have deities, but generally the Pagans I know that do choose them because they felt an affinity or calling.

As for rituals, they serve the purpose of making me aware of changes in my life, changes in me. They make me very aware of my goals, my thoughts, my responsibilities and my connection to the rest of the world. They give me a sense of empowerment, and they provide me the opportunity to grow by letting me pick my own path and guide my own life.

2007-07-10 08:45:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

all it does is help us.the 4 main rituals we use is the 4 seasons..but there is sometimes things like some1 else joining a group of pagans or if we want it to rain because of a drought or something like that.. and to help us in a time of need like if some1 is hurt we pray to the god and goddess to help them or to have a happy life for every1..ect.
paganism is all about life,love,helping others, understanding, nature and lots more....all we want is to be loved like we do...and not judge
i don't know everything and sometimes i can get embarrassed sometimes of what some rituals do like chanting..but i feel like i am always embarrassed..lol
but i don't know what deities r...srry
good luck

2007-07-10 08:47:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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