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Just wanted to get a few more opinions on this issue...

I'm a Muslimah who has worn hijab in the past but does not currently (a slightly threatening incident has me with no scarf for the time being).....

right now i'm wondering if the hijab might be worth the attention it brings in the US right now, and want to hear from anyone who has an opinion on its purpose

Peace and blessings,

PS i don't at all mind honesty, but i would appreciate respect

2007-07-10 07:21:33 · 17 answers · asked by Submission 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I am sorry that someone has caused you to stop wearing the hijab. Ignorant people should be enlightened.

I know women who both choose to wear the hijab and ot not wear it. I have a close friend from Pakistan who chooses not to wear the hijab, she does not feel that the hijab is necessary. I have another close friend who is American born, her parents do not like the hijab, but she has chosen to wear it as an expression of her faith and a symbol of her modesty. I applaud both these women for standing up for what they believe as individuals, they do not wear or not wear it simply because someone else says.

I have no issues with the hijab, I think women are beautiful either way. I have been invited to a mosque several times, and have never felt unhappy about wearing a scarf while inside, in fact I was very happy to do it as a sign of respect for Islam and the Muslims attending the Mosque that day.

2007-07-10 07:31:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

There are a lot of reasons why the wearing of the hijab is looked at with suspicion in the West; one of them is partly due to current world affairs and fears about radical Islam. Another is simply because to Westerners, the hijab, burka, and other clothing worn by women in Muslim countries symbolizes oppression against women; after all, in many Muslim countries, women have comparatively few rights--not being able to drive, go to school, go out of the house by themselves, not be able to vote, etc. It depends on the country and how conservatively they adhere to Sharia law, of course. Something as simple as a head covering--which isn't even unique to Muslim culture--symbolizes all that oppression of women which the West frowns on. Women have gained many rights in the last 100 years and Western culture is proud of that; it's considered vitally important progress. That's not to say that wearing a hijab prevents you from being assertive or having rights--that depends on the country you live in, not your faith--I'm merely pointing out the perceptions of many Westerners where the head scarf is concerned. Personally I think it's a silly thing for non-Muslims to obsess about the head scarf... but that's just me.

2007-07-10 07:35:41 · answer #2 · answered by ಠ__ಠ 7 · 0 0

If you want to cover then I think you should be able to without fear. It is wrong that anyone should make value judgments about you just because of what you wear. I personally make no judgment other than that you are probably Muslim. However I live in the UK which is a little different from the US
As long as anyone who doesn't wear it does not have certain value judgments made about them either. It works both ways - being devotional to your faith is commendable, treating other women as dirty is not.

2007-07-10 07:33:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't think ill of people who wear hijab scarves, but I do think the idea that women are supposed to wear them is mildly oppressive. I find it the reasoning behind telling women to wear it (and the first clue something is wrong is when men make rules that women are supposed to follow) fishy, since it implies that women need to cover themselves to keep temptation away from men. This is just another way to blame women and try to prevent them from expressing their sexuality.

It all dates back to the bad old days, when women were property. This is why women in many religious traditions are told to be "pure" (with pure being a euphamisms for mostly asexual). This becomes even more obvious in countries where female genital mutilation is still practiced or is only reluctantly given up.

2007-07-10 07:25:59 · answer #4 · answered by Minh 6 · 4 1

It really all depends on the area you are in. In my area, people don't seem to notice it much (midwestern college town). That's probably because we don't feel threatened or that we are a target here in the middle of nowhere.

When it is just the head covering with normal clothes, people feel far less threatened (in my experience). Personally, I would be afraid to wear it in the US, but I probably wouldn't be seen as threatening because I'm white. It's a tough call. In the end, I would wear it just because people need to stop being ignorant about Islam and stereotyping based on psycho fundamentalists. BUT, I would be careful where I wore it.

2007-07-10 07:30:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

To be honest with you, the best thing for your faith is to wear the hijab as directed, but the best thing for fitting in with Americans is to make yourself as indistinguishable as possible. Many may tell you otherwise, but the United States still has problems discriminating against those that are perceived as different from the norm. If your line of work allows you to wear it, then by all means do so. But if you are in an area that is easily accessible to the general public, the stigma attached to the common perception of your religion may cause some to be leery of you, which could be bad for business.

America touts a lot of good 'virtues' and has written laws to ensure certain freedoms, but laws are only as good as those that are to follow them.

2007-07-10 07:28:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The US is a free country...at least it's supposed to be. You should feel free to wear your scarf if you wish.

As for my feelings on it, I don't particularly care for what it represents. It implies several things: That men are unable to control themselves at the sight of a woman's face or head. That being uncovered is somehow bad. That the woman must humble herself in a way that women don't. That a woman can be looked at as property more easily if her face is covered.

2007-07-10 07:32:26 · answer #7 · answered by Scott M 7 · 0 0

I'm a Muslimah .I wear hijab cause it's an order from Allah
And I don't care for what people will say

2007-07-10 07:30:06 · answer #8 · answered by *~Ãya~* 4 · 1 2

There is nothing wrong about a woman that covers her hair if if she choses to do it. The only problem is *to force* women to do it no matter for what reason, forced practices of any kind have no value. Not to mention that to force a woman in a hot weather to cover herself so much is "inhuman", God is merciful God, he wont like his children to suffer for nothing.

2007-07-10 07:30:26 · answer #9 · answered by Millie 7 · 2 0

I would gladly stand up for any Muslimah under attack for wearing her hijab/niqab. It's sad that people's ignorance and incorrect perceptions are causing whole groups of people to suffer.


2007-07-10 07:24:26 · answer #10 · answered by vinslave 7 · 4 1

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