Let me try to simplify things.
Jesus was born to Mary by the power of God, not by any human intervention, making Jesus the SON of God. Also, the SPIRIT of God lived within Jesus, making Him also equivalent to God.
Jesus grew up in the Jewish culture and was the Jewish Messiah as promised by all the Old Testament prophets.
To be a Jew, you have to either convert to Judaism, or be a descendent of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel).
If you convert to Judaism, however, you can not believe in Jesus, because the Jews believe that Jesus was a liar, a deceiver and a blasphemer (blasphemer, because he claimed equality with God by things he said and did, as recorded in the four gospels.)
Jesus came to the Jews, but Paul the apostle pointed out that gentiles (non-Jews) can believe in Jesus, also.
Anybody who puts their trust in Jesus will be able to go to heaven after he or she dies, whether that person is a Jew or a non-Jew (gentile).
Jews and Muslems reject this for different reasons, but God loves them anyway. Jesus said it like this, "For God so loved this world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (trusts and relies completely on Him) shall not perish (go to hell after he dies), but have everlasting life (live forever in heaven).
By the way, the New Testament was written by people who were the contemporaries of Jesus. The four gospels were written by those who personally knew Jesus, and the letters of Paul were written by Paul, who became a Christian after God revealed Himself to him. Before he was a Christian, Paul's name was Saul, and he went around putting Christians in prison, and was there when Stephen was killed for being a Christian. Stephen was another contemporary of Jesus. That simply means that he lived at the same time as Jesus. Many people who hate Christianity will tell you lies, like the New Testament was written hundreds of years later, but history tells us differently.
2007-07-10 05:11:49
answer #1
answered by no1home2day 7
Way to blindly conform, Peter D.
To the person who asked this question: You don't necessarily have to believe in Christianity to believe that Jesus was an awesome historical character. I believe there is truth to what he said and that it has been twisted and screwed up over time. Jesus had a good message. It wasn't necessarily supposed to be made into a religion. I also believe that there is no "right" religion, because each religion came from somewhere. So those that have been around since early mankind are just different points of view (different takes) on the same supernatural events, right? So why would any one religion be so bold as to assume it's the only one that's right? Do yourself a favor. Read, learn, think, and formulate your own opinion instead of letting mindless drones like Peter D tell you to just accept it... be above that. Use your own brain!
2007-07-10 12:16:51
answer #2
answered by Godfather76 2
He was never a normal person. His birth was in a barn yet sheperds & wise men followed a star to him. There were multitudes of angels singing too. Childhood you find him with all the religious teachers outside the temple. Manhood he traveled, preached, and did miracles for those in need. Why would we all be Jewish if Jesus was Jewish he didn't have children? He was killed because many were jealous Pilot the roman who killed him didn't even want to. He was like "Why he hasn't done anything wrong?" but all the others insisted on it happening. They placed a sign over his head saying KING OF THE JEWS to mock him and then they made fun of him they said "If your so great why don't you take yourself off that cross!" even though he could have he had to stay on that cross and take the punishment of everyone else's sins.
2007-07-10 12:21:56
answer #3
answered by Holly T 3
He was never a "normal person". Born of a virgin, he lived a totally sinless life, that no one else can claim to have done, that made him the only acceptable sacrifice for the redemption of the sins of the world.
Jesus being Jewish has nothing to do with religion. Judaism was merely the rules God laid down for man to follow until Christ came. A Christian is a follower of Christ, a child of God, not a member of a religion or denomination.
2007-07-10 12:16:06
answer #4
answered by Machaira 5
Jesus may or may not have ever existed. His story is very similiar to others stories from mythology.
He may be a composite character formed from several people who were persecuted by the jewish temple, the romans and their puppet king.
He may have been a teacher and "holy man" whose followers could accept his death, so they gave a different meaning to it.
The bible wasn't written for 300 years after this all supposedly happened. Before that these stories were spread by word of mouth. You know that old game "telephone?"
2007-07-10 12:07:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You have asked some very profound questions that most Christians probably don't want you to ask. The "right" way to do things as a Christian is to accept what you're told in the Bible. If it doesn't make sense then too bad. Either you don't have enough faith or else god just doesn't want it to make sense.
2007-07-10 12:09:42
answer #6
answered by Peter D 7
OK.. here is the short version...
* The Old Testament is mythology
* The New Testament is a hoax
* Christianity is a criminal business conspiracy
* Jesus never existed
2007-07-10 12:09:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous