the trinity is man made , it is pure polytheism, invented by man to win converts among the pagans, in a bid to show the religion had similarities to their pagan religions.
2007-07-09 23:46:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I agree with u that the bible does not teach us trinity.
1. Godhead - is the father which is Jehovah the most high.
2. Son - is Jesus Christ.
3. Holy Spirit
Please click the site below, it will help u a lot.
2007-07-09 23:42:43
answer #2
answered by doods 2
a million) there is just one genuine God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 40 5:5). 2) the daddy is the only genuine God (John 17:3; a million Corinthians 8:6). logic utilized to Jesus: 3) Jesus is God (Colossians 2:9; a million Timothy 3:sixteen). 4) for this reason, Jesus could desire to be the daddy (John 14:9; John 10:28-30) logic utilized to the Holy Spirit 3) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God (a million Corinthians 2:11,thirteen; Matthew 3:sixteen with Luke 3:22). 4) for this reason, the Holy Spirit could desire to be the Spirit of the daddy (Mark thirteen:11; Luke 12:12 with Matthew 10:20). the excellence isn't between "persons interior the Godhead," yet God present day the two as an real and comprehensive man or woman and as God all-powerful persevering with to exist different than for humanity. Apostolic Believer in one God, JESUS Does Genesis a million:26 coach that God is a trinity of persons? Hmmm..... "permit's see".....
2016-10-01 07:09:10
answer #3
answered by ? 4
The Trinity is a man made concept. It is very confusing indeed. Jesus Christ said himself "A Spirit does not have flesh and bones" . His followers touched him and felt that he was indeed a human made of flesh and bones. God or the Spirit is not made of flesh and bone. Therefore the Trinity is not possible scientifically. A man cannot be a Man and God (Creator) at the same time. Some people say water can be in 3 forms. Gaseous state (vapor), Solid State (Ice) and liguid state. Although they are in 3 forms their component is the same H20. God, Spirit because they are not made of flesh and blood cannot be same as a human being or Prophet. God in 3 forms this is not mathematically possible. I haven't seen the word 'Trinity' mentioned in the Bible. I think they came up with the idea later on.
2007-07-10 03:32:48
answer #4
answered by Saphire4 5
Most of what Catholics find as proof came from insertions by the church. Compare your bible with really old versions such as found in libraries. Ask librarian for help if needed.
If a trinity existed, why didn't Jesus mention it. He was very open with his teachings, not secretive like the church.
The Trinity’s Early Origins
The Bible tells of many gods and goddesses that people worshiped, including Ashtoreth, Milcom, Chemosh, and Molech. (1 Kings 11:1, 2, 5, 7) Even many people in the ancient nation of Israel once believed that Baal was the true God. So Jehovah’s prophet Elijah presented the challenge: “If Jehovah is the true God, go following him; but if Baal is, go following him.”—1 Kings 18:21.
The worship of pagan gods grouped in threes, or triads, was also common before Jesus was born. “From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity,” observed historian Will Durant. In the Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, James Hastings wrote: “In Indian religion, e.g., we meet with the trinitarian group of Brahmā, Siva, and Viṣṇu; and in Egyptian religion with the trinitarian group of Osiris, Isis, and Horus.”
2007-07-09 23:44:11
answer #5
answered by Wisdom 6
The trinity is man's best effort to describe the nature of God. This issue goes back to the Tetragrammaton (יהוה) in the OT. The nature of God is important, but difficult to understand / explain. Jesus claimed to be God when He proclaimed himself 'I Am.'
The OT and NT both detail who God is. A man made convention would not stand the test of intense scrutiny over the centuries. A man made God would be far less complex, and would be easy to understand. A description of the Living God will of course be a complicated issue, in my view.
2007-07-10 05:02:08
answer #6
answered by super Bobo 6
The JW's have their own Bible and interpretation. Christians believe in the Holy Bible with nothing added and nothing taken away. We believe that anyone can be saved, I don't believe the JW's do.
I don't see a difference, God is the head, so you have Father, son and Holy Spirit. When Jesus ascended into heaven the Holy spirit was left as ou comforter and guide. Believe in that and you have the answers you need.
2007-07-09 23:41:15
answer #7
answered by grandmabonnie 3
Colossians 2:9 may come to mind for many regarding what is often called the Godhead and for many this scripture is proof of the Trinity.
At Colossians 2:9 the Greek word rendered in the New World Translation as “divine quality” is theótes; this is the only time the word is used in the Christian Greek Scriptures. The same is true of a similar Greek word, theiótes; it appears only at Romans 1:20. The New World Translation there renders “Godship,” as follows: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”
The way these two words are rendered in the NWT has led many to charge that it is an invention and doctrine of the “Watchtower” (meaning Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses). This is one of many instances wherein people say of Jehovah's Witnesses: "they have their own Bible." The meaning that is to be given to these two Greek words depends upon what the entire Bible has to say about Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
What do I mean? There is a solid basis for translating these words either as “deity,” “divinity” or “Godhead” in which case there is the attributing of personality to them. Or they can be translated as “divine nature,” “divine quality,” “Godship,” which denotes qualities. From this we can see that those who believe in the trinity will attach personality to these words; those who do not will render them as qualities in light of the way God and Christ are described in the Scriptures AND so as to harmonize those words with the rest of God’s Word since God’s word does not contradict itself.
At Colossians 2:9 the apostle Paul says that in Christ “all the fullness of the divine quality [form of the Greek word the·o′tes] dwells bodily.” (New World Translation.) Some translations read “Godhead” or “deity,” which Trinitarians interpret to mean that God personally dwells in Christ. (King James Version, New English Bible, Revised Standard, New American Bible) However, Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon defines the·o′tes in basically the same way it does thei·o′tes, as meaning “divinity, divine nature.” (P. 792) The Syriac Peshitta and the Latin Vulgate render this word as “divinity.” Here then, we see a solid basis for rendering thei·o′tes as referring to quality, not personality.
So admittedly, not everyone offers the same interpretation of Colossians 2:9. But which interpretation agrees with the rest of that inspired letter to the Colossians? A closer look at the context of Colossians 2:9 clearly shows that having “divinity,” or “divine nature,” does not make Christ the same as God the Almighty. In Chapter 1, Paul says: “God saw good for all fullness to dwell in him.” (Col 1:19) Thus, all fullness dwells in Christ because it “pleased the Father” (KJ), because it was “by God’s own choice.” (NE) So the fullness of “divinity” that dwells in Christ is his as a result of a decision made by the Father. Further showing that having such “fullness” does not make Christ the same person as Almighty God is the fact that Paul later speaks of Christ as being “seated at the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:1.
Hannah J Paul
2007-07-09 23:42:20
answer #8
answered by Hannah J Paul 7
The Holy Trinity is three persons in one. God the Father who is the head of the Godhead, Whom nobody can see, becasue God told Moses on the mountain that He (Moses) can see the back of him but not his face. God said this becasue God said nobody can see my face and live. God is too powerful, and no fleash and blood can stand in his Holy pressence, as it would be too much for them, and would not be able to bear it. God the Son whome God the Father sent to die for our sins of the whole world as we are all sinners and in need of a Saviour and the Saviour is precious Jesus Christ. Jesus assended to Heaven to sit at the Fathers right hand on his throne. They have different bodies but one in nature, and agree on everything. They are one. Jesus prays to the Father on our behalf. Jesus said no man comes to the Father except through me. And God the Holy Spirit, that dwells in believers who are born again by a new spirit The Holy Spirit is God's spirit. Without the Holy Spirit nobody can have a relationship with Jesus and the Father as they either might not believe in Jesus and the Father or just confess Jesus with thier mouth and not thier heart. With the Holy Sprit living inside you you have faith and can come to the Father through Jesus and confess all of thoses sins, and you can come inot a relationship with his Son Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit living in you, you cannot be born again. Without the Holy spirit you cannot belive, and without the Holy Spirit you are dead. Not physically but spiritually. And without the Holy spirit you cannot know the truth, and will fall for mans lies regarding evolution, divinci code ect. The Holy spirit convicts you and you know what is right and wrong. God is so awsome.So as you can see the three go together.
2007-07-09 23:52:06
answer #9
answered by just me 2
Some people don't like the word Trinity because of its pagan origins. Abe Lincoln once said, "If you called a horse's tail a leg, how many legs would it have?" God's going to be God no matter what we say!
2007-07-09 23:40:17
answer #10
answered by shirleykins 7
Yes sir! God the Father
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit!!!
Thrice Holy God
2007-07-09 23:37:41
answer #11
answered by K in Him 6