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1. Where did the space for the universe come from?

2. Where did matter come from?

3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?

4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?

5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?

6. When, where, why, and how did life come from dead matter?

7. When, where, why, and how did life learn to reproduce itself?

8. With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce?

9. Why would any plant or animal want to reproduce more of its kind since this would only make more mouths to feed and decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individual have a drive to survive, or the species? How do you explain this?)

10. How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code) create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining English letters will never produce Chinese books.)

2007-07-09 11:54:41 · 38 answers · asked by geeks_gadgets 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

You need to visit a library. And the first book you need to get out is a DICTIONARY!

2007-07-09 11:57:49 · answer #1 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 12 0

This old cut and paste.

1) What we know as space IS the universe.

2) There is no reason to believe that the mass-energy of the universe did not always exist.

3) The laws are simply mans observations regarding natural processes.

4) Matter is not "perfectly" organized.

5) Organization does not require an input of energy. Crystal formation is often exothermic.

6) There was no "dead" matter. Spontaneous organization of of numerous chemical reactions in non-living allowed the processes we call life to develop.

7) Reproduction is a definition of life. Numerous chemicals can catalyze the formation of more similar molecules.

8) There are numerous forms of life capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. The first sexes were simply subpopulations that restricted genetic recombination.

9) There was open space and a food source for life to expand into. Restricting reproduction and massive reproduction are both survival tactics with advantages and disadvantages.

10) The 4 letters of life (A,C,G,T) can easily be rearranged without any need for Chinese. CAT can become ACT.

Thank you for your cut and paste intellectual dishonesty. When you used the term "This Question", your use of the singular was as honest as you'll ever be.

2007-07-09 12:36:06 · answer #2 · answered by novangelis 7 · 1 0

1. Space (like your god) has always been here. If god in all his complexity doesn't need a creator why does empty space?

2. There are many theories for this, It would take pages to go through them all and for this question i must say i do not know.

3. The laws didn't come from any where. They just are. Though it has been hypothesized that they were born out of the physical dynamics of the big bang.

4. Matter doesn't become perfectly organized just organized. This is due mostly to gravity and energy. Gravity collects matter and heat gives it the energy to change

5. Gravity creates pressure creates heat

6. It only had to happen once somewhere in the universe. Once life was started wether it be on earth then multiplied. The odds are infinitely small but the universe in inifinitly big.

7. Life didn't learn to produce itself it is a necessity to qualify AS life. Where did you learn to grow skin? You didn't, it is just part of you

8. This ones easy. Sexual reproduction afford more opportunities to lightly scramble the DAN of a species. This means more "mutations" making the species evolve more quickly

9. The species has a drive to survive. It is a natural thing that the needs of the next generation outweigh our own. You only live for 75-100 years but you great(x100) grandfather's DNA is surviving until this day though you. The goal of all species is to propagate its own DNA.

10. Because you are thinking that if one little change is made then the whole thing must naturally get scrambled. This isn't true. Out of the billions of lines of DNA one changed sequence can mean Death, it can mean nothing at all, or by some fluke chance your skin could be slightly lighter/darker. Maybe that change in skin tone helped you out.

You were clearly not expecting good answers to this question because you think you know the answer already. I know all my answers werent the best but i CHALLENGE you to look at them and give them equal opportunity to contend with your own beliefs. Chances are i wont change your mind but like evolution, maybe by some fluke chance i will convert you and make the survival of my species a tiny bit more likely.

2007-07-09 12:16:05 · answer #3 · answered by dougness86 4 · 1 0

1+2 If god can be around for ever why can't matter have been around forever
3. Laws of the universe are just how people come to understand what is happening in the universe.
4.Random chance.
5. Big bang
6. It did not come from dead matter. Dead would imply that it was once living. It is non living matter and yet again it is by random chance
7. In the DNA ther is the information to reproduce.
8. It is called binary fission. The cell splits in two and copies all of its organelles dna etc.
9. It is in their DNA the survival of the species is paramount over the survival of a single organism. If the organism cannot adapt to its environment it will become extinct
10. You are comparing apples to oranges. They can create new varieties because that is the nature of DNA and why it is so great. If you rearange engilsh words you could get spanish italien or french words. You cannot get chinese words because they have different charecters

Finally have you every stepped inside a biology classrfoom? Or any classroom for that matter?

2007-07-09 12:05:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not really, for, just as your headline is scattered with inappropriate capitals, so are your questions scattered with inappropriate terms and concepts.

There may not have been a "where" for matter to appear "from"

Similarly laws, if emergent rather than pre-ordained.

Who suggested matter was perfectly organised?

Why does organising require energy?
A false assumption is being made, if not more than one.

Life from dead matter appears to have come from folded proteins, possibly with clay as a substrate to change what would otherwise been statistically improbable odds.
But there are other potential answers in the open field of abiogenesis.
(now we have the first organisms engineered from scratch, the argument shifts ground slightly in this area)

And life did not "learn" to reproduce.

"want" is an utterly inappropriate anthropomorphism
Cells not set to reproduce, didn't.
Guess which ones tended to proliferate?
Ones with a propensity to proliferate!
We (mostly) inherit a desire to breed because all we come from a continuous successful line of breeders!
Sterility is rarely inherited.

And since there is only one genetic code, appealing to Chinese is again silly. If you must have "books" imagery., there are lots of competing English spellings, many of which will do, but some are marginally clearer and easier to read than others. these tend to be preferred.

2007-07-09 12:18:13 · answer #5 · answered by Pedestal 42 7 · 0 0

Sigh. You're kung fu is not strong.

1. It's always been.

2. It's always been.

3 See above

4. Is it?

5. Look up the laws of thermodynamics

6. A biogenesis

7. Certain molecules have the ability to do that. Just cause

8. Another cell that was likewise capable of swapping DNA

9. The species. Its called natural selection. Look it up. The botton line is that if your genes slant you toward self-survival only, your genes won't get passed on.

10. My son died from a disease that was caused by a genetic mutation. To say that mutation doesn't exist is ignorant.

2007-07-09 12:05:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes they can and have, its called the books they have wrote on the subjects.

When has any Atheist said that they can produce any and all answers.

We Atheists have a load of evidence behind us, our beliefs need no justification as they are based on facts and truth, your beliefs are based on a cut and paste job from Jewish scriptures and some other book thats more than 2000 years old.

However as there isn't a shred of evidence behind your religion, I'm afraid its an open and shut case, all religions are false - Guilty as charged.

If you want to act smart email Richard Dawkins and then get pounded by big words that your feeble mind will be unable to understand.

For interesting info on how religions use God to explain what reason can't see here:

Quote from wikipedia - "The God-of-the-gaps argument is the target of frequent criticism, often over the fact that the so-called "explanation" it provides for unexplained phenomena is not really an explanation (particularly in the eyes of atheists), but rather an argument from ignorance. Such criticism is usually related to the use of the God-of-the-gaps-argument as proof of the existence of God. A common argument is that the lack of scientific knowledge about an unexplained phenomena does not mean that it is an act of God, but rather that scientific research has not yet found an answer. A commonly cited example is Thor, the Viking god of lightning. The Vikings believed that lightning was the path of Thor's hammer as he threw it across the sky at his enemies. Later on, however, scientists discovered that lightning is in fact the result of static charges building up between the Earth and clouds during a storm, resulting in movement of electrons to counteract the charge. Thor is not required to explain the existence of lightning. Other examples include disease (often thought to be punishment from a God for wrongdoing; it was later demonstrated to be linked to pathogens), the sun (often believed to be a god; later shown to be a star) and various other natural phenomena that were previously ascribed to divine intervention but were later shown to have purely natural causes. The lack of understanding about a phenomenon does not necessarily mean that a deity is responsible for its existence."

2007-07-09 12:14:11 · answer #7 · answered by Ian G 3 · 1 0

1. Big Bang.
2. Big Bang.
3. Big Bang.
4. "perfectly organized" = weasel word
5. see #4
6. abiogenesis, RNA-like molecule as first replicator
7. see #6
8. Cell? In any case, sexual reproduction evolves easily, as any book on the subject will tell you.
9. Read "The Selfish Gene"
10. I didn't realize other species used different kinds of DNA. Oh, wait, they don't. It's all ACGT.

2007-07-09 12:07:17 · answer #8 · answered by Minh 6 · 1 0

Answers for 1-5: Mathematics

Personally I believe reality is ultimately mathematics (necessary logical truth) . It only looks like space and time because we see so little of it. Nothing is ever really created. The key here is a powerful selection effect (our existence ) which selects the portion of reality we find ourselves in. Only in very interesting portions of this vast infinite reality could we evolve.

Our understanding of reality is layered. You see the world in terms of large physical objects. But you are aware that those are illusions made up of atoms, and atoms in turn are made of smaller particles. Many believe that these so called "fundamental" particles are not fundamental but are built on a layer of mathematical objects called strings. My belief is that all reality is built upon mathematics and mathematics is what is truly fundamental.

The reason why we see top layers instead of lower layers is due to our inability to see all of the the details in the lower layers.

The reasons for my belief are way too involved to cover here so I will just post a link to something simple enough that you might understand it. I fear my actual reasons are likely to be well beyond your comprehension unless you have a very advanced gaduate physics background.


As mathematics ( necessary logical truth ) is fundamental and necessary it is not created. Existence simply equals necessary truth. Mathematics "just is" because it is necessary and tautologically simple ( Zero complexity ). But Mathematics does not create reality. Mathematics is reality.

The problem with the design hypothesis is your god needs to be more complex and hence more unlikely than the reality you are attempting to explain. Saying your god just is, still leaves a much bigger question than you had to begin with.

Since I have taken graduate level cosmology I will tell you how mass and energy are thought to have formed because most people do not know.

As most people are aware total mass/energy are thought to be conserved.

However most people do not know Gravitational potential energy is negative.

Rapid inflation results in large amounts of both normal mass/energy and gravitational potential energy which cancel each other.

Most of mass/energy you observe today formed in the first few milliseconds after the big bang as a direct result of the extremely rapid inflation which produces normal energy balanced with gravitational potential energy summing up to zero.

You should ask one question at a time. I could attempt to answer your biological questions but this is getting much too long already. I also suspect you are not really interested in the answers.

I will answer 9. though it is actually the gene which is selected to survive. We basically come along for the ride.

Also 10: Evolution is not random nor does it operate by chance. Natural Selection preserves the gains and eradicates the mistakes. In order to type the thirteen letters opening Hamlet's soliloquy by chance would take 26^13 trials for success. This is 16 times the number of seconds that have elapsed in the lifetime of our solar system.But if each correct letter is preserved and each incorrect letter is eradicated via a selection process the entire play would be typed in 4.5 days.

2007-07-09 11:57:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

I'm sure anyone with Google can tell you the answers to these questions. Unfortunately I doubt you'll ever even check back here to see if anyone did, you'll just leave it go into voting or just ignore the actual answers, pick something that sounds like your way of thought and proceed to claim that nobody actually answered your questions properly.

I expect you'll be back in about a day with the same question, probably claiming there that nobody answered it as well.

2007-07-11 03:40:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think of evolution replaced into real. If a god is responsible for turning out to be each and every little thing, it appears that evidently that he used evolution as a mechanism. If that's not the case, i could ask your self what reason he could have for making it seem so strongly that that replaced into the case. As for god being genuine (i'm an atheist), my reation could count fullyyt on what style of god it is. Is it too previous simply by alter? not on an identical time as i'm nevertheless alive.

2016-11-08 20:42:43 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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