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then you talk to them about the errors in their faith and in the bible and they call you a demon sent by the devil to destroy their faith
happened to me today
and i just asked them these questions
if the univers needs someone to create it wouldn't God also need someone to create him
why is humanity based on incest twice and how come you're God doesn't agree with it know
how could 15 milion animals and their food fit on the ark
why did God put disses in the world if he loves us
to be on that same note why is God vindictiv(some claim that God punishes the parents with hurt/hadicapted/killed) if he is so good
Why is God so blody that he requiers blod sacrafiese ex his son for the forgivness of sins
so Fundies want to give it a try i'll asume you don't know if you don't answer pls use you're own words i've got a bible and i have read it so i don't need any quates

2007-07-09 09:41:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

These aren't terribly remarkable or difficult to answer questions:

1. Time is a property of the universe, and has no meaning outside of it. Temporal concepts such as "created" would be inapplicable to an extra-universal creator, since such a creator would not be subject to the four dimensionality of what has been created. As hard as it is for temporal beings such as ourselves to understand an existence outside of time, temporal concepts such as "created" have no absolute meaning, but only mean something within a temporally constrained framework, such as our four dimensional universe.

2. It isn't. Adam and Eve are archetypes for early humans, and the state of innocence we regard them as having lived in... Adam and Eve are literally Hebrew words for "man" and "life giver." Incidentally geneticists can tell that all living humans are descended from a woman who lived 210,000 years ago, and a man in Africa's Kung! tribe who lived about 60,000 years ago.... so tales telling us about arch typical ancestors are not entirely inappropriate.

3. Not everything would have ended up on the ark - that's hyperbole and exaggeration, to make the point of a parable (as parables often do.) Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume there is some base historicity to the myth, since the Middle East is replete with flood tales (see the Epic of Gilgamesh.) It is not unreasonable to assume some Neolithic farmer boarded his animals aboard a boat in order to survive a large flood in the fertile crescent.

4. We may complain about diseases, but we descend from life forms not entirely unlike the diseases that abound today. Furthermore, these diseases improve our immune system, and/or sometimes act symbiotically in concert with our own bodies, such as e-coli. We could not be here without the microbiota, on whom the food chain rests.

5. As for God's alleged "bloodiness", he required nothing of us... the sacrifice for sin - all our sins - is something he paid himself. Nothing was required of us. Hard to see how that makes God bloodthirsty... he suffered for what WE did.

2007-07-09 10:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by evolver 6 · 2 0

I don't know that I can answer all your questions, but let me give it a try on at least some of them. (BTW, just because I may not know the answer doesn't mean an answer doesn't exist - I am NOT the final authority). And God invites questions, as long as they're honest questions, and not rebellious questions.

By very definition, God is the original, uncaused cause; the the first cause. It is said of God (through one of His names as presented in the Bible) that He has within Himself sufficient cause for His own existence without any prior cause. He is the uncaused first cause. When you say that He must have had a creator, that's begging the point, because then he wouldn't be God.

The universe must have a beginning because of the three laws of thermodynamics. That is to say, in light of entropy, for the universe to still be here, it can only be a certain age, whether 80 billion years old, or 6 thousand years old, it HAD to have had a beginning. If the universe were eternal, it would have died down by now. If you say it's not OLD enough to have died down yet, then we have a problem, because you just gave it an age, and thus you have given it a beginning. So, either the universe DID have a beginning, or it no longer exists. I don't know about YOU, but I know *I* exist.

Animals in the ark? First, there weren't 15 million animals in the ark, only two of every kind of unclean, and seven pair of the "clean" animals. Second, MANY animals are small. Third, the ark was gigantic, when you consider a cubit approximately 1.5 feet (about 18 inches). Read for yourself how many cubits the arc was, and do the math for yourself.

Third - disease. This is a direct result of the fall of man. When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, the perfect ecological balance was destroyed. Things that were absolutely harmless to us became harmful because of changes in our DNA. Yes, mankind was affected right down to the very DNA. But God said that one of His names is "Jehovah Rophe", "The God who heals". What we have done to this planet has nothing to do with God's love for us. That would be like saying that when I discipline my children, I no longer love them. That's utter nonsense. But beyond that, even, disease isn't even a punishment from God, but a natural result of our own sinfulness. That's right out of the Bible, but I'll let you do a little research for yourself.

Next, is God vindictive? Not according to the Scriptures. In Ezekiel, God said that He no longer wants to hear the proverb that was going around (and still is today but in a different form), that "The fathers have eaten sour grapes, but the childrens teeth are set on edge" Bad things happen to good people because of a serious condition called sin in this world. Refer to my previous answer as part of this one.

Finally, you ask about blood sacrifices required of God. It is obvious that you don't see the full extent of the evil of sin. God is so absolutely holy and pure, that He has zero tolerance for sin. Sin is SOOOO extremely wicked and damaging, that from God's perfect and holy perspective, it requires the blood of an innocent to cover and atone for the sins of the wicked. We can either pay the penalty for our own sins, or we can accept the vicarious death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ on our behalf. You don't see sin as anything terrible, so you don't see the horrible consequences of sin. Sin is SOOO extremely bad, only the blood of Jesus Christ was sufficient to to atone for our extreme sin.

Well, I think I got through all your questions, and I'm certain you have many others. What I have discovered is that, because of the answers I DO have, I can trust God for the questions I do NOT have answers to. But I am fully confident in this one thing - that ALL my questions will one day be answered.

2007-07-09 10:02:24 · answer #2 · answered by no1home2day 7 · 0 0

Did it really go down like that? You questioned their faith, they were offended and began calling you names. What I've noticed is that there are atheist who do the same thing when you express a view point about God different from theirs (like the atheists on the 20/20 debate. Did you see how irate that lady became. It was the so-called fundies who were calm. People are people so get over it.

2007-07-09 09:53:44 · answer #3 · answered by Jimbo 2 · 0 0

2 Peter 1:19-21 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Romans 1:21-23 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

2007-07-09 09:48:18 · answer #4 · answered by deacon 6 · 0 0

I will try not to use any quote, although I may just list the book and chapter.

The Creator, God, by definition is the "beginning". God has always existed so, no the Creator cannot have a creator, else, where would it logically end. This creator had this creator had this creator......and so on. The concept of God is difficult for many "human" minds to comprehend.

God created Adam and Eve and they had sons and daughters. In order to populate the world, incest would possibly have been required. Yet God was in control and allowed this to take place to "multiply" the human race. Many things that God allowed in the Old Testament are not allowed now and that is God's choice to determine. God does not have to answer to man's standards and cannot be judged by them. If He decides to change his mind, that is His right and we have no authority to question Him.

No where in the Bible does it state that 15 million animals were on the ark. There are a number of parameters to be considered in responding to this question. First, since God Himself designed and created the animal kingdom, it is safe to conclude that He was similarly able to design a boat large enough to carry a portion of those animals to safety. To state otherwise is to impugn the nature and integrity of God. Second, the ark was approximately 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high, with slightly more than 100,000 square feet of cargo space. Noah was instructed to take into the boat land-dwelling, air-breathing animals. Today the number of species of animals that fit that description is about 20,000. Assuming that another 20,000 species have become extinct since that time, Noah would have to fit approximately 80,000 animals into the ark. The average size of those animals has been calculated to be that of a sheep (see Gish, 1990, p. 75). Thus, about 50,000 square feet of space on the boat would be filled, leaving another 50,000 available for foodstuffs, living quarters, etc. [NOTE: Noah was not commanded to take two, or seven, of every species into the ark, but every kind, which would shrink considerably the numbers of animals onboard the ark. A biblical “kind” is not necessarily the same as the biologists’ “species,” but can (and generally does) have a much broader classification.]

Third, it may be that God allowed Noah some latitude in regard to the animals that were taken onboard. For example, perhaps it was not necessary for Noah to take adult animals; rather, immature animals may have been stowed. This would save space, and prevent potential reproductive problems. Fourth, it is possible that God may have placed some, or all, of the animals into hibernation, thus making them easier to care for. The point is that the Flood was initated and controlled by God from beginning to end. It involved both God’s providential and miraculous intervention. Neither should be diminished in importance in the historical account of Genesis 6-8.

I'll assume that the word "disses" is supposed to be diseases. You can cover the topic of diseases as well as the "handicapped,death,etc, at the same time. God does not punish people with disease, death of a baby, etc. Many times, these "diseases" can be attributed to faulty genetics, external sources (smoking, drinking, etc.). Though God is in full control, he does not directly "intervene" by curing all of man's sicknesses. Jesus, while on the earth, did perform miracles to remove some of these problems from certain people, he "caused the blind to see" and made the "lame to walk", but these miracles were as examples to Jesus' power and authority. God does not tempt us nor does He "cure" us when we are not "perfect", in man's eyes. To say he punishes people with death, disease, etc is falsely accusing God of being cruel and assuming that all "handicaps" are bad.

Sacrifices have always been a part of God's plan. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were required to present animal sacrifices for their sins. In a similar way, Jesus was sacrificed once and for all humanity. Sacrifice, by mere definition, is not meant to be easy. Because God allowed His Son to die for us, shows His great love for mankind.

2007-07-09 10:08:42 · answer #5 · answered by TG 4 · 0 0

It has its surges in acceptance now and then. in the time of the great melancholy as an occasion, you had dissimilar human beings duped into thinking the "end of circumstances" became close to. Having proselytizing orators on the radio (an invention in its golden age), alongside with the prohibition (and 12-step courses), helped in that regard. this is genuine inspite of the incontrovertible fact that that now, as damaging to assert 40 years in the past, we look to work out greater zealots consistent with capita among the non secular (or is it purely that the zealous ones are growing to be to be louder?). that's the alternative of what human beings envisioned lower back then. Michael Shermer makes some sturdy factors in his e book "Why We have faith". in my opinion, i think of the "born-lower back" journey has been greater powerful marketed and concentrated to human beings. All it takes is one 2nd of desperation for somebody to throw all of their self-duty directly to a projected exterior discern. It feels completely satisfied in the start, like a self-help seminar or the 1st intense from a drug, yet further it gets gruesome quickly.

2016-10-01 06:03:14 · answer #6 · answered by sykora 4 · 0 0

people cling to their religion as a safetyblanket, which they shouldn't. religion should make you a better person but you shouldn't takei t so damn seriously, it's not the most important thing on the planet.

why to they call you a demon? because there's no good answer to your questions. they 've been taught that affronts to their religion are just wrong. they *can't* be right because their religion is infalible so there must be SOME excuse to make ANYTHING else wrong, even if it's correct.

they don't want to admit that their bible was written and EDITED by men from their church. completely changed by 'infalible, holy men' that just wanted to keep their power over people by changing the scriptures to fit their own needs. so what do they say? "satan sent you to make me stray from my religion!" not admit taht "hmmmm maybe you're right and our religion *can't* be taken literally.

2007-07-09 09:48:11 · answer #7 · answered by Ian F 4 · 0 1

Watch Bruce and Evan Almighty. Morgan Freeman has the answers to your questions

2007-07-09 09:45:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When im in a mental institution and someone tells me He is Napolean Bonaparte I dont act suprised. I am afterall in a nut house and should expect people to be nuts. If I was shocked I would be nuts or stupid.
So you reaction and the fact that a nut bothers you so much to give it more than a passing thought makes YOU as nutty as them.
Why dont you try to Live and Let live. Let the nuts alone/

2007-07-09 09:48:08 · answer #9 · answered by Rich 5 · 3 1

The answers to all you ask is in the Holy Bible.
Anyone preaching against God is of the devil. God says that. you can believe it or not. We either carry with us the good spirits or evil spirits, and if you preach against God, then you are full of an evil spirit that causes you to do that. But Jesus can forgive you, break that curse and set you free if you ask. And you know what, us Christians tell you that because God says that and tells us to tell it to the world to warn them. YOu will have noone to blame but self if hell is where you end up, as Others have tried to warn you. huh?
No God didnt neeed anyone to create Him,. you think with finiate mind and dont have the spiritual mindset that gives you faith. How would you explain the big bang? Who created the gasses that exploded, and all of that/ SOme thing defy explanation and you go on faith, you look at all the evidecne and see which one makes the most sense, and study and learn. There is much evidence about God and the Holy Bible. absolutely. Many scientits write books on this, but these are not the scientist that are against God. they preach evolution and big bang The scientist that are Christians prach creation as who are with to argue with what God says.
But, He forces noone to believe Him. God is very good, but He is forced to do things He doesnt want to do to stop sin and eventually end it for good, when the evil ones go to hell, by their own choice, by refusing to go to God and accept Jesus as their saviour.
God isnt bloody , ppl are bloody. WE are told about what happens when we sin, and ppl still do it. Even when ppl had to do blood atonment for their sin, they still would sin. knowing a little animal had to die. GOd wanted it to be vile, to show us the ugliness of sin, and the hold it has on ppl.
I am a full gospel pentacostal and I believe in all of the Bible and that we must obey to be saved, as that is what God says
I love the tititles you give us, fundies and , evengelical, etc. A true Christian, will be all of those. We dont believe in compromise on Gods truths and we do want to preach this truth to the world, bein eveangelists for God.

Who gave you the number 15 mil for the ark. and you know what? IF God can create a whole universe by speaking it out, dontcha think He could figure out a way to do the ark thing, amongst all the others?? You limit God with your finite mind, cuz you dont know. But, God still loves you and will easily forgive you, if you go to Him and ask, and turn from your sins Obey God> Love God, be saved.
If you will study and pray, it will all come to you. Just try it. are you willing to take a risk on forever hell? WOW, I wouldnt be. BUt, I also wouldnt want to sin and have a helpless little animal die for me. Nor would I want to sin now and hurt other innocent ppl, including God and myself? Either you are full of SELF which is of the devil, or you are full of God. Choice is yours, as it is with all of us. The devil is here to destroy our faith and lead to destruction and hell, but its our choice to hear him or turn him off and listen only to God. When we speak the things devil wants ut to speak, we are his messangers, whether you like that or believe it or not. ITs all Biblical. S Erve God or the devil, as God says there is no inbetween. Fundies tell you this cuz its true and they care So does God. I am proud to be a fundie and a evangelical full gospel Christian that believes in all of the Bible and that to be saved, we must obey. THat what God says and thats it for me. I want no part of my selfish self. WE are to surrdenr that selfish self to God and be His. YEAH. I count it all as JOY.

2007-07-09 09:55:08 · answer #10 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 0

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