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What are your feelings about Christianity and its place in society? Specifically try to discuss the following if you can, and proof-text the scriptures in whatever way you wish to reflect your own opinion:

♥ The doctrine of "the golden rule."

♥ The raising of gay children within a church.

♥ Church in social structure : both in politics, and as citizens.

♥ Christianity in general.

All Homosexual opinions regarding all denominations are appreciated. Please, any answers allowed. This is a only a forum for understanding, and not for 'hate speech,' so please limit your answers to fantasy-based responses.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-07-09 04:13:16 · 9 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

(Referencing the following Question:
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqQP47unLR63xsWEbSY1VOfd7BR.?qid=20070709080456AAH0T3T )

2007-07-09 04:14:25 · update #1

9 answers

I was raised by "Christian" parents. As a homosexual I am not accepted within my own family or within the church. It seems the church would rather deny that gay children exist within it and when they are discovered they are condemned and if they do not conform to the church they are cast out. They are convinced by the myth of choice and will not even consider that people are born with an innate sexuality. My opinion of Christianity in general is not a good one following the condemnation and alienation they have foisted on me. Fortunately I found solace in the logic of science and mathematics and have no need for mythological gods and the hate mongers that worship them.

2007-07-09 04:32:07 · answer #1 · answered by Murazor 6 · 3 0

I feel Christianity plays a very important role in society. Having a believe such as religion teaches people at a young age to be respectful of rules and consequences.

The golden rule is endorsed by all the great world religions; Jesus, Hillel, and Confucius used it to summarize their ethical teachings. And for many centuries the idea has been influential among people of very diverse cultures. These facts suggest that the golden rule may be an important moral truth. Regardless of sexual preference.

If I had kids, I would encourage religious teachings. I do wish Christianity was more tolerant towards gays, but I feel being raised in a church would help give them a feeling of self worth. I would encourage them to take the good from the teachings and still be honest to themselves if they were indeed gay.

As a gay man that was raised by a very religious family, it was difficult to learn to accept myself and for my family to accept me. However, Christianity helped me to be respectful towards other believes and cultures and ideas. I would want the same privileges taught to my children.

As for Christianity in the social environment, it seems to hinder acceptance towards gays. It seems to be a double edge sword. But the benefits far out weigh the negatives.

2007-07-09 04:47:22 · answer #2 · answered by USN 2 · 1 0

:) This question reads like somebody's term paper in university...Christianity obviously has a place in our culture..that is why it is so prevalent--although not the most prevalent.. Whether it is true or more valid than any other I really don't know. I do not believe in organized religion--they are just money grabbing big corporations as far as I am concerned.
I do believe in the golden rule..if, for no other reason, than I believe in altruism---and have leanings toward believing in karma.
Raising gay children in a church..? If you are going to raise children in a church..what does it matter if they are blonde, brown eyed or gay or straight? I don't understand why that has such a predominance in the doctrines of christianity.
Is this answering your question? -dbd

2007-07-09 05:48:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

i cant put Scriptures in because I'm still doing searching on religion
i have a lot of questions and not a lot of answers
i think Christianity has there problems love thy neighbor, I'm sure they all don't do that, do not judge etc..........

i do believe in god, i am lesbian, i believe he made us all and loves us all
i would like to go to church with my family and have homosexual be taught not a bad thing "not we are going to hell"
we have a daughter and i cant wait to have another baby someday, are child is above average, she has pets, love, a house!
i wish the church would stay out of the gov. so we could all get married
i want to have a wedding have my family there, to show i love this person and want to grow old with them!!!!

love looks not with the eyes but with the heart!!!!

2007-07-09 04:38:05 · answer #4 · answered by laura 3 · 0 0

Hypothetical or no longer did you be attentive to that for the period of Europe and Canada Christian instructors are being arrested for asserting what the Bible says approximately homosexuality because of the fact it violates hate speech rules? you have have been given been making a comedian tale, yet whilst this vogue maintains who is conscious what greater suitable criminal regulations would be placed on Christianity interior the call of secular humanistic ideals.

2016-10-01 05:20:28 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My friend likes the Golden Rule (which came from the Ancient Egyptians).

My friend hopes to raise children within a church.

My friend would like to socialize at a church.

My friend doesn't like Christianity. My friend says that they've never treated him like a human being.

2007-07-09 04:20:33 · answer #6 · answered by S K 7 · 2 0

You might have gotten some serious answers if you hadn't put in the part about "fantasy-based" responses.

2007-07-09 04:22:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

LOL! I gave you a star because I'm a big fan of "sauce for the goose" questions.

2007-07-09 04:21:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've never based any fantasy on a homosexual experience, so I am not qualified to respond to this question.

2007-07-09 04:17:44 · answer #9 · answered by Yahoo admins are virgins 5 · 1 6

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