has anyone here experience platonic love? (pure love without sexual activity and attraction)
with the opposite or same gender?
and describe a bit about your relationship which makes it so special?
8 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
describe? platonic love is more than "jus friends".
it is affectionate. deep deep love and friendship. :)
im curious
01:46:45 ·
update #1
yea, i agree with the church group part.
i guess platonic love is quite common is church groups which are strongly bonded.
01:50:48 ·
update #2
thanks joel for sharing.
15:42:40 ·
update #3
Yes, with both males and females.
My best friend Sam and I would do ANYTHING for each other. I can truly say that she's like a sister to me. We've been friends for eleven years, almost twelve, and we have gone through a LOT together. Each of us has cried on the other's shoulder.
I have the same kind of relationship with several other female friends.
I have several guy friends that I've remained completely platonic with the whole time I've known them (some I've known as many as fifteen years, one I've known my whole life). There hasn't even been a HINT from them that they wanted anything more than friendship, but every single one of them would walk on hot coals for me, and I would do the same for them.
2007-07-09 01:47:21
answer #1
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
Well, I have to think that the love that a church family has for each other is a form of platonic love. Specifically, I'm starting to (platonically) love my new sunday school class; it's the kind of class that prays for one another and gets involved in each others' lives. To me, that makes it very special.
2007-07-09 01:49:18
answer #2
answered by Andrea 3
Iam gay and have been straight' till 7 grade.
I have platonic love with my classmates both m/f. My first love always platonic, it happen in my latency periods 6-11 yo when I am just a kids who cant driven sexsually. Funny, when I was 13, I have feeling towards guy but I still dont know what to do with him ( I never want to have sex with him, just a kiss ) And Iam soo over the heels when rejected, cuz he's straight.
I told him that I love him.
The second one when I was 17 yo, Iam completely gay but I try to overturn my affection to my friend just as a buddy not a lover, eventough I already have an attraction to him. I choose to be like that, because Im tired to having a crush on straight guy. And it success!! One day I woke up and dont have desire to do anything with my guy-friend, eventough I still love him.
The third of my unrequirted love story, when I falling in love with this preacher son. I cant do anything with him, cuz his dad gonna kill me. And I dont wanna convert this curious creature to be gay ( I know I can, he is unsure). Finding dead end, I choose to turn my relationships to be "brother in Christ" its like celibacy-thing and I erase all the sexsual arousal felling toward him and I reach success to the 2nd time. Eventough its hard.
Loving a straight guy makes me platonic all the time, I never attracted to the gay guys, thats my problem. So this will be never ending journey of unrequirted love and platonic love.
You just make me sad to write this, but thats ok... I hope you find something from my story
2007-07-09 02:03:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
yes, i have a dear friend since highschool. he's always been like a brother to me. i love him very much, and he loves me. he has just started dating my best friend, who he had a big crush on in highschool, and i couldn't be happier. we just connect on some level. it's more than friendship, it's more like kinship. i personally believe in reincarnation, an i believe that you travel each lifetime with the same core group of people. someone who was your sister one life, may be your husband then next life. he is one of my soul mates, but just in a platonic way
2007-07-09 01:51:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I actually have alot of love for my fellow man in general. But in a personal way, with my friends the love is much stronger, naturally.
2007-07-09 01:49:17
answer #5
answered by RealRachel 4
I love my friends non-sexually, so yes.
2007-07-09 01:45:36
answer #6
answered by hypno_toad1 7
of course he's gay and of course he's into you., he's just to shy/scared to bring it out. you should definitely tell him how you feel!
2016-05-17 15:12:37
answer #7
answered by ? 3
People with true friends have....
2007-07-09 01:45:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous