god?? how about chance..how about humanity is that way, life is that way,life is not fair, we all must get used to that,it's true.do you think a true god would allow that indiscriminatly,i dont,and for me that would be the proof god exists...punished for our sins,no were human with faults and inperfections...aloha
2007-07-08 15:55:54
answer #1
answered by stalkin ya 4
The devil is also loose in the world, remember. He is doing everything he can to make sure people fall away. On the other hand, if Christians were assured of never having problems in this life, no one would come to God because they loved him, it would be an insurance policy.
Also, God does not look at life the same way we do. Life on this earth is but a twinkling of the eye. In other words, no time at all, in comparison to eternity.
I had an uncle that died of a massive heart attack a couple of years ago. It was over in a flash, and he did not have to suffer. Had he lived, only God knows what his life would have been like? He was ready to go, and I am sure he is better off in heaven, even though he is missed.
Personally, I have cerebral palsy. I was born prematurally centuries ago. :-) Well, almost 50 years. My little sister was also born too early, and she went to heaven. As a child, I used to be jealous that she got a free ticket, and I had to endure surgeries and pain.
I guess it is how you look at it. I still have challenges every day. But, I have no doubt that God loves me, and there is something better waiting for me in heaven. The things I go through do not mean he doesn't care. I can choose to use them as a witness and make me a stronger person.
Heaven awaits!
2007-07-09 00:00:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
James 1:12-14 "Happy is the man that keeps on enduring trial, because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life, which Jehovah promised to those who continue loving him. 13 When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone"
'Why did God let them do that?' some might ask. 'Why did he not simply use his supreme power and enforce his will, thus preventing all the pain and suffering we now experience?' It may be tempting to think that way. But what would such a use of overwhelming power really prove? Do you admire or approve of anyone who at the first sign of dissent simply crushes all opposition because he has the power to do so? Surely not.
2007-07-08 22:51:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm truly sorry to hear about your aunt,and yes almost every one of us today has had some sort of bad occurance in their life these days more so than ever before, so yes you are right in that
GOD does permit wickedness, and millions on earth willfully make a practice of it. For instance, they declare wars, drop bombs on children, scorch the earth, and cause famines. Millions smoke and get lung cancer, practice adultery and get sexually transmitted diseases, use alcohol to excess and get cirrhosis of the liver, and so on. Such people do not truly want all wickedness stopped. They only want the penalties for it eliminated. When they reap what they have sown, they cry out, “Why me?” And they blame God, as Proverbs 19:3 says: “A man’s own folly wrecks his life, and then he bears a grudge against the LORD.” (The New English Bible) And if God stopped their evildoing, they would protest their loss of freedom to do it!
Jehovah’s main reason for permitting evil is to answer Satan’s challenge. Satan the Devil said that God could not put men on earth who would be true to Him under test. (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-10) Jehovah allows Satan to remain to have opportunity to prove his challenge. (Exodus 9:16) Satan continues to bring woes now, to turn men against God, as he tries to prove his challenge. (Revelation 12:12) However, Job kept integrity. So did Jesus. True Christians do now.-Job 27:5; 31:6; Matthew 4:1-11; 1 Peter 1:6, 7.
2007-07-08 23:02:01
answer #4
answered by I speak Truth 6
Your Aunt is at peace now. She is no longer hurting. Her heart is no longer struggling to pump blood through her body. She is in a better place. I know it sucks for you. And the words don't help. But to answer your question.
Jesus also suffered loss. As we must also. For as human as we all are we need to suffer to know that we need God to make us strong to pull through. He will again lighten you heart and fill your life with joy. We have been suffering since Adam and Eve left Eden. I guess it is the price we pay for our mortal lives.
God is good. All our days are numbered in Gods book. He has counted the hairs on our heads. It must have been time. He called her home. The hard part isn't dying. Her hard part is over. Th hard part is for us poor mortal left behind. Turn to God. Don't turn away from Him He loves you very much. For he knows when a sparrow falls and you are Worth moire than sparrows.
God Bless you and yours in this Time of Need
2007-07-08 22:54:19
answer #5
answered by Mrs Lizzard 3
In the beginning God completely sustained His creation without blemish. That’s why it was perfect. He held every atom together in a perfect state. He kept the planets in their orbits. He kept animals from tripping and breaking their necks. He did not allow people to suffer and die.
Deuteronomy 8:4 gives us a little glimpse of how things might have been in the original creation. “Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.” God is omnipotent and perfectly capable of sustaining and protecting his creation.
When Adam sinned, however, the Lord cursed the universe. In essence there was a change and along with that change God seemingly took away a little bit of his sustaining power and allowed things like suffering and death into His creation. Now He permits bad things to happen—and this is a reminder that sin has consequences and that the world needs a Savior. Romans 8:22 says, “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.”
God took pleasure in all of His creation ("http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?passage=revelation+4:11&version=NKJV"), but He loved people most of all. He allowed the created universe to deteriorate so we would see the consequences of our sin. If we did not see the consequences of our sin, we would never see that we need salvation from our sin, and we would never accept His offer of mercy for our sin. Most people easily recognize that there is a problem in the world. This can be used to show them that there is one who has overcome this problem of death and suffering—Jesus Christ.
2007-07-08 22:53:28
answer #6
answered by Freedom 7
my brother died in a car accident when he was only 18 when you deal with death in such a close way you may feel angry with "god" but i learned everything happens for a reason believe it or not dealing with hard times only makes you stronger of a person. also seeing people suffer makes other people step up and help others. i know i did, hang in there you'll get through it. life is one big game make sure you win.
2007-07-08 22:58:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Because Christ suffered for US and died in the cross for us. That sufferring is what we have to offer to help others get better. Some people suffer, but they recover and some people pass away, but they go to Heaven. God promises us that if we follow the right path, we will go to Him. You can't really doubt because you don't know where your aunt went. If according to you (because you knew her and i didn't) she deserves Heaven, then she is there and therefore God is true because He kept his promise.
2007-07-08 22:50:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm really sorry you lost your aunt
sometimes it's age related, sometimes it's genetic, sometime we don't take care of ourselves the right way, lots of reasons, but we can't blame God
I lost a grandson at the age of three when he was shot through the heart, there was a gun in the house and it was a tragic accident, but we don't blame God
2007-07-08 22:49:57
answer #9
answered by sego lily 7
One reason is so God can judge the wicked. Another reason, is our free agency. We cause some of the suffering on our own. Another reason, is so that we can experience bad and good, so that we can appreciate the good.
2007-07-08 23:00:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous