my daughter's turning seven in a few weeks and i have no idea what to get her. i refuse to buy one more barbie or polly pocket! my sister always buys her books and mom always buys her clothes. any good ideas? what about webkinz? i don't even really know what they are, but i've heard they're popular.
18 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Grade-Schooler
she got a new bike last year, and NO bratz dolls. i dont like them, they look trampish and the name says it all.
08:54:17 ·
update #1
metimoteo-i do buy my daughter books, and we have read many of the books on your list together and she reads alone as well. we're working on the bridge to terabithia right now. there's nothing wrong with books, but i don't think it would be a very fun birthday for a seven year old to get nothing but books and clothes for her birthday. thanks though!
13:18:16 ·
update #2
Webkinz are fun and safe if you don't mind letting your daughter play on the computer. My 7-year-old daughter got a Webkinz for me, too, and now we can send each other little messages and virtual gifts through their website.
We limit computer time at my house, so other things my daughter likes (besides books and board games) are craft and activity kits to make bracelets, tie-dye shirts, painted figures... Many bookstores and toy stores have the Klutz brand kits, which are great for her age. There's one for chinese jumprope, cat's cradle string games, cootie catchers, giant bubble-makers... You will probably remember these from your childhood and want to do them with her!
Another fun idea is a butterfly garden (grow your own butterflies from supplied caterpillers.) You can get them at or
2007-07-09 18:03:22
answer #1
answered by antrue1210 2
My 7 year previous is enthusiastic approximately Bratz Dolls. attempt some thing like that. additionally, you won't be able to circulate incorrect with something digital these days. The Muichiz hand held video games are vast this year for infants that age.
2016-10-01 03:49:33
answer #2
answered by joleen 4
Well, seven year olds really like dolls, if she doesn't get one barbie, bratz, or polly, she'll be really sad. I've never heard of webkinz, and I'm 11yrs old.
You could get her some dress up clothes.
You could get her an expansive collecters doll.
or just ask her what she wants.
if you have a Hello Kitty store around you, go shop in there.
2007-07-08 08:47:57
answer #3
answered by Candyace 3
Maybe a new bike or some board games that you could use to implement family time. Get Cooties, Operation, Candy Land, things like that.
2007-07-08 08:26:02
answer #4
answered by Jamie B 3
at seven, they do a lot of pretending so i would buy her dress up clothes. Another idea would be simple and quick craft items. at this age she would get a kick out of making something herself but not something that would take a long time or she would never finish it. now they even have things like crayon makers, slushsie makers or even an easy bake oven.
2007-07-08 10:54:13
answer #5
answered by PAM 3
Most 7 year olds are into princesses or Disney stuff, so like a new disney movie or something like that she might like. But other wise look at what she wants when you go through a toy aslie with her. That would propbably tell you. Good Luck!!
2007-07-08 08:32:37
answer #6
answered by Danielle 2
Dress up clothes, a stick horse my little girl loves her stick horse and loves to play dress up.
2007-07-08 19:02:07
answer #7
answered by partichic 2
Have her make a list of what she likes and pick a few things from there.
2007-07-08 08:25:05
answer #8
answered by Ryan's mom 7
Buy her one of those roadster things. You know the little cars. That run by battery power they are so cool i got one for my niece she loved it
2007-07-08 09:16:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It depends what shes into maybe get her a cheap mp3 player or a gameboy.
2007-07-08 08:27:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous