Ok when I mean myself I mean by my eating habits...I haven't been hungry at all...So I don't eat...Like I wake up and I am not hungry so I skip breakfast. Then around 2 my mom is telling me to eat lunch because she knows I haven't eaten yet...I make something small and I am not hungry for the rest of the afternoon. When dinner comes around she makes me eat. But I don't eat it all...whats going on I have been like this since Wednesday....and I have lost like 3 pounds from this...I am kinda scared...because I am only 14....and I told my mom and she is like well u haven't been eating junk food...
19 answers
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➔ Diet & Fitness
Like I just made a salad and I only took like two bites and I love salad bt I just don't want any.
06:26:29 ·
update #1
I am not in love...but my grandmother went in the hospital yesterday because she was dehydrated...
06:27:40 ·
update #2
Its summer how the hell could I have the flu! Plus I got a flu shot...and I feel fine I just don't want to eat!
06:30:30 ·
update #3
I don't want diet pills....i am just scared I have gotten a eating disorder....
06:33:28 ·
update #4
I drink one diet coke...and one diet coke caffenine free...I like to drink propel...and iced tea
06:35:43 ·
update #5
06:42:46 ·
update #6
i think it might be because your grandma going into the hospital and your friend problems i mean last year when my friends left me out i didnt eat breakfast and then slept through ddinner1i think thats what it is!
2007-07-08 07:17:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes your eating habits are directly related to a slight depression. Has a friend recently left? Have you gotten a bad grade? Has something significant happened in your life that has had a negative impact? If so, this may be effecting you. Here are some tips on what to do: 1-Finish that project that you have been putting off. 2-Clean your room. 3-Ask your parents for a project around the house. Here is what will happen: Your mind will be focused on the task at hand. This task will also give you a small feeling of accomplishment. This feeling of accomplishment will create a good feeling in your mind. You will want to get the feeling again and again, thus becoming a more powerful person. People will be drawn to your positive attitude. You will then help someone that is feeling like you are now. This concept will give you a great outlook on life and you will feel great, eat regular and accomplish things you never thought possible!
2007-07-08 13:31:31
answer #2
answered by Princess'Dad 1
As long as you are feeling ok, its perfectly natural. Your body, when you are growing goes through many changes. There will be times when it seems you are hungry all the time, and times when you won't feel like eating anything. Try to eat every day though, even if you just drink milk. Your mom is doing right by making you eat, she's worried that you won't keep healthy, and that is normal too. If it goes on too much longer though, have her get you checked out, but 3 or 4 days of not wanting to eat is fine.
Try not to skip breakfast when you can, you need to"fuel up" in the morning,lol.
2007-07-08 13:28:33
answer #3
answered by ralahinn1 7
Sometimes stress or depression will make me lose my appetite. Have you been upset lately? If that's the case, it will slowly come back.
If you notice you're not eating, just make sure you take your vitamins and make sure you try and eat something. Have a few slices of fruit for breakfast, even if you're not hungry. Don't force yourself to eat all day long, but make sure you have something at every meal. Try and keep it healthy, too, because at least then you'll be getting nutrients.
Sometimes when your body changes you just aren't hungry for awhile. It'll come back, don't worry. Just keep trying to eat, even little things.
2007-07-08 13:25:06
answer #4
answered by misscarinne 4
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.
Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.
U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
2007-07-08 13:38:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hormones! That's what it is. Sometimes when your testosterone levels is reaching its peaks, it blocks out your brain from pain, including hunger. Let your body adjust. Eat anyway to sustain some nutrients.
If it really concerns you, ask your mom to go see a physician for a routine check-up. You should get a check-up once every year anyway.
2007-07-08 14:01:42
answer #6
answered by rhallete 2
I don't know, but there have been a few times in my life when I've lost my appetite for a couple weeks and started to get worried, then everything went back to normal. I'm not saying it's nothing, just that it's possible that it's nothing serious.
2007-07-08 13:25:49
answer #7
answered by Ambivalence 6
I think everyone goes through a period where their not hungry, you could have the flu or maybe you're stressed about something. If this continues visit your doctor. Feel better.
2007-07-08 13:29:22
answer #8
answered by ? 1
Sounds like some eating disorder. Tell your mom that you are worried...she should be too. Call your doctor if she still doesn't do anything because this sounds serious!!
2007-07-08 13:24:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Are you depressed? There are many signs of depression. Eating too much, not eating, oversleeping, not sleeping....it's a difficult thing to understand.
Are you drinking too much caffeine? It stimulates you too much and depresses your appetite. Good luck. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
2007-07-08 13:34:25
answer #10
answered by P S 4