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i want to figure out life, i want to understand it completely, so i can become perfect.

i've been pondering this for 10 years now, and i've gotten absolutely no where. all this thinking has only brought me worry, stress, depression, and regret that i had to go through all this, and waste my life.

everywhere i go is another dead end, i keep struggling to finding the answer that will bring me perfection and eternal happiness. and even though i know that nothing in life is perfect, and nothing in life springs eternal happiness, i keep pushing myself to finding the answer to life that will bring it to me. why can't i do something about this endless struggle?

i'm 18 now, and i'm still at square one. what am i supposed to do? i just don't even know what do anymore, because its seems i've tried absolutely everything. i want my life to be worth something, but i just can't find out how.

is this just another stage that i have to live through, or is this an illness that i don't know?

2007-07-07 20:40:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anthony P 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I remember being 18 and at that age you feel that you have lived and experienced a lot. However, as you get older and look back, you realize that you did not know as much as you thought you knew.

Being 18 has its advantages, but being older has its advantages, too. One neat thing about being older is you have experience to draw upon. When things happen, you can recall where you have already experienced something similar and you can use that to determine how to proceed. I find it really pretty cool to have experience to draw upon.

Just saying to you, "You're too young," I know, is not very helpful, because your questions are frustating you. But please try to be patient. Wisdom comes with time and experience, as long as you learn from your mistakes.

I'm a Christian, but there is no magical answer to how to find eternal happiness in this life. Life is not always happy and you go through phases of good and bad times. They say that the mark of character is how you behave during the bad times...I find that is true. What has helped me is knowing that God is there and having Him to fall back on and pray to and talk to when I have had bad times. I would've never made it to this point without God. But we each must find our own path.

You should live and love and learn and travel and meet people and try everything you can. Listen to other kinds of music; watch other kinds of movies; listen to what older people have to teach you about life, because you can learn from their mistakes; discuss other religions; try other foods; try to conquer your fears; push yourself to do more and achieve more and get up when you fall and try again. Any time you have a chance to talk to someone or learn something new, grab it. Give back to others, even if you don't have a lot to give. Think of Saaphyri in "Flavor of Love Charm School" who gave everything to charity even though she had so little. But she gained from giving and so will you. Never give up or allow something (like drugs or alcohol) to be a crutch or someone (like a toxic love) to take over your life. Be strong and LIVE. Seize every speck of experience and opportunity and learning you can--this is how you find the things you love and how you learn what things make you happy. Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for help when you need it or share your fears with someone you trust. Keep an open mind and enjoy each moment with each person. Tell those you care about that you care about them so if something happens to them or you, there are no regrets of things left unsaid. Remember, none of us are perfect, but it is a good thing to strive for perfection. Life will be a heck of a ride, but along this route, you will find the answers you seek.

2007-07-07 21:19:27 · answer #1 · answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7 · 0 2

1) Lower the bar. You've set it unrealistically high and are setting yourself up for failure.

2) I'm serious here. Ask your folks if they know of any good psychiatrists/psychologists. You sound like you might have depression. Talking to a professional and getting on the right medication might change your outlook tremendously. While you're going through this process of self-discovery you might want to rethink how you define happiness. Best of luck in your journey.

Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

There is no happiness; there are only moments of happiness
— Spanish Proverb

Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.
— Roy M. Goodman

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
— Margaret Lee Runbeck

Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
— Hyman Judah Schachel

There are two ways of being happy: We must either diminish our wants or augment our means -- either may do -- the result is the same and it is for each man to decide for himself and to do that which happens to be easier.
— Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have.
— Woody Allen

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.
— Frederick Koenig

All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it's truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy.
— Dennis Prager

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.
— Charles Kingsley

2007-07-07 23:30:22 · answer #2 · answered by HawaiianBrian 5 · 0 0

With time comes experience and the more one lives you come to know that perfection is impossible. Not to say there isn't any need to strive to do good. When you see the wrongs committed by mankind; cruelty, greed, arrogant pride, selfishness, suffering, etc...form a loathing for those things. Be careful not to judge, even though you can see that others are doing wrong. Leave the judgment to God. You can have a measure of inner peace if you know you are helping others even if all you can give is encouragement.

Read the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling. One of the best.

2007-07-07 21:03:27 · answer #3 · answered by Marina 1 6 · 1 0

First off I did breastfeed each my sons, however need to inform you it was once difficult now not as effortless as each and every loopy breast is great enthusiast says. My peers nevertheless did not that they had instructed me that I not ever wondered them approximately now not breastfeeding and each and every one got here to me to invite why I not ever attempted to inform them to breastfeed. We all have suggestions approximately having toddlers a few are well and a few good we strive anything else. When I was once a little one bottle feeding is all I knew milk got here from the shop, there wasn't some thing else. Now that I am older I inspiration I could provide it a check out they are saying it's bigger, so I'll check out then they hated bottles would not take one, select to not consume for virtually four days as soon as, it was once terrible, so breastfeeding was once my handiest alternative. I had a moment little one and made up our minds to do it once more, however it is not for every person and strangely I did not even feel it could be for me, with the intention to each and every her possess in this area, definite there are bonuses and in the event you shouldn't have your brain made up I would inform you approximately it however I doubt that I make it sound all Rosy and candy on account that it has it is moments of now not such a lot amusing. Yep feeling unhappy and disenchanted while your youngster does not desire to nurse is a truly feeling, if they do not desire a bottle you do not take it so staff they simply are not hungry. Sometimes you get infections, definite you do not need to wash bottles however you need to watch each and every remedy that you're taking. You rather can not experience a bottle of wine, on account that it's unhealthy for youngster.

2016-09-05 19:06:58 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You are 18 you really don't have enough life experience yet.
Ponder this question at 10 year intervals and see how it changes as your life unfolds.

If you feel depressed consult a mental health professional. Chronic hopelessness can be a sign of depression.

2007-07-07 20:42:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

okay i think i can help you out look I'm 23 I don't know the meaning to life yet but I'm not far away I like to search for things like the truth you have your eyes open for once maybe for awhile don't let anyone tell you whats right or wrong because you can feel this out your self find your spiritual sence and you can find yourself not many people are like you i was in your shoes sometime's the things we need are right in front of us look i can't tell you the meaning to life because it's not the same for everyone but there is one thing that is the same you are hear to build you forever yes your forever with God as it is on earth so it will be in heaven he has made a spot for you your life in heaven forever but not the bad only your desire so have something made from with in your heart to find your self and find your being then find your reason only you can do this start by haveing what you want around you from what you see to what music you hear what you want to be is what you make your self to be because I been there to check out my 360 it got a secret to tell Jacobs ladder but warn you! you need under standing to see what it is and what it means it's just infromation not religion

2007-07-07 21:02:46 · answer #6 · answered by clarkzila 2 · 0 1

At 18 you have just started...Try approaching 70.

Find out the truth about
God and everything else will become clear.

I was 50 before I did, and if I had found HIM sooner, my life would have been smoother.

Try www.watchtower.org

2007-07-07 21:02:16 · answer #7 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 1 1

u cannot and will never become that person. in trying to hard in this you will acheive nothing but pain. You should only live as best as you can.
I do not know if you are christian...and i will not tell you to become one. But if you are..and you are trying to be perfect you will fail...because their is no such thing as perfection on earth. Everything and everyone is flawed in some way.

if you want your life to be worth something..then make it worth something..but do not get discouraged whenever you fail...just keep trying...and trying...and trying...until you succeed.

2007-07-07 20:48:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You need to just relax. You,I, or anyone else will never be perfect. Just try to be the best person you can be and stay out of as much trouble as you can and you'll be fine.

2007-07-07 20:45:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You're 18 and lost. Welcome to the human race. Don't sweat it, dude. It's just another stage so cheer up.

And don't listen to the [BLEEP] 4jesus is spewing. Think for yourself. Don't let some bible thumper rope you into accepting some twisted view on life just because you're at a vulnerable point in your life right now

2007-07-07 20:55:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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