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How is it that Jesus saved the whole human race with him being in only one part of the world? how did he save people living somewhere totally different dealing with different issues other than christianity versus jewish. Like for example how is it that he saved north and south america with him being on asia? Also who wrote the bible and how do other people know that God talked to certain people? Are the things in the bible historically true? I am so confused!!!!!

2007-07-07 20:21:39 · 23 answers · asked by Lindzzzy 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Your question is complicated, but I will try.

God gave the law to the Jews. That law came with promises and if they rebelled, curses. The promise was always there for the Hebrew people to claim if they turned from their idolitries and worshipped God. If they turned away, the curse came upon them. But the Jewish people were the only one's who could call upon a 'contract' made by God with them.
The gentiles had no such contract, or promise. Thus they could and did believe in the one true God but they had no knowledge about who He was. It is obvious that the Gentiles who wanted to learn would stand around the synagouge and listen to the scripture being read.. So in short before Jesus came all who believed in the one true and living God and lived accordingly to that belief were saved from His wrath....

The Hebrews disobeyed to the end, Jesus came and fullfilled the conditions of the law, and by doing this He nullified the first contract, the old testament. This does not mean that God changed, but that God sent His Son to put an end to the harsh and impossible law. When Jesus accomplished all that was required under the law, death could not hold Him as it did all who died before Him. Thus His rightousness allowed God to end the old law and loose those who were held in bondage to death and unite them once again with Him in heaven.
Now we have a new contract with God, one that is predicated on the promise of forgiveness through Jesus Christ...

In short, God created the world and set certain people in charge of His word, and through the care of the Hebrew people we still have a very solid and sound translation of the original text. Many historical findings have proven the accuracy of modern translation. Not all translations take care concerning the original Hebrew and Greek. The NIV or KJV does.

Jesus now is the mediator of the new covenant. Since His blood was shed on the earth He has been given all power and authority over the earth by the living and true God.

Since He died for all, all must answer to Him. It is that simple.
As far as how He saved..... It's not so complicated if you really want to understand... to put it into human terms, it like;

The earth is one being created by God. Humans are another being created by the same God. Both came under a curse due to Adams disobedience. Jesus obeyed and relieved us of that curse.
Adam=Father of all humans.
Adam=Fate of all humans in his hand.
Children=Were judged by Adam, children could eat the fruit from the forbidden tree and be judged righteously by Adam and mankind would not fall under the curse of death.
Adam=Had no such right. He was the father of all, so when he disobeyed he no longer could judge righteously. God took that right away from him.
( we know Adam and Eve had children prior to the fall because God said 'I will greatly increase your pain in conception. He would not have said 'increase' if there was no births prior to the fall. He would have said 'and now you will bear children and I will make that painful.')

Jesus=Second Adam....
Jesus=Righteous judge of all mankind, as Adam was before the fall.
Jesus=By accepting His work, mankind is able to be restored to the right standing they had with God before the disobedience of Adam.
Children=As with Adams children, the new off spring of the new birth in Jesus, we to cannot nullify what Jesus did. Only Jesus holds those keys to a right relationship with the one and only creator of all humans.

As for the how do we know God really spoke to them question;

Through the scripture we are able to understand the character of God. His ways do not change... He is love, and through love He will judge the earth. This is why He constantly sent prophets to citys and kings in the old testament. He did not want to destroy but to save. So He sent them warnings that if they did not change they would be destroyed. God always gives a second or third or fouth chance to humans.. He never does anything on earth without first revealing His plan to someone on earth so that they can go and warn others of what He is about to do. So those who have words written in the book called the bible are the ones who's words came to pass. If a man speaks and God does nothing to back up the words of that man, he was not from God. It is a fullproof system to keep His children from falling away because of false prophets. Nothing in the bible has been proven inaccurate or wrong. Many have tried to disprove the bible but most who do end up getting saved. The things that have not come to pass yet are the warnings for our generation, the generation of grace. Written warnings by men who walked in the power of God and this power was manifest through signs and wonders. Those who pervert the word of God and bring reproach to His word will be dealt with more severly than those who don't believe. They will have to answer to God for every soul that was condemned by them and their false teachings. Unfortuantly with the true word of God here, it is impossible for any to claim ignorance when they stand before Him on that day. That is why I grieve over the answers I see in this place. Many of these people who judge the bible will wish they had taken time to read it and develop their own opinion. Only on the last day will they know and understand that God did love them and that He did not want them to be punished with the devil. But it will be to late on that day and those who chose to look at the bible with a closed and defensive mind towards God will spend eternity cursing God because they will consider Him unjust for condemning them. He is not unjust though, He condemned His own Son to the worst death possible in order that all mankind could inherit the eternal life that is rightfully theirs but Adam took away through disobedience.
Their curse will not be that God was unfair, but that God should have come down in a blaze of glory and showed Himself to them so that they could believe. But God is not looking for those types of people. He wants us to find Him, and when we seek Him we do find Him. It's in the new contract. All who call upon Him will be saved. So their condemnation will not be based on what they did or didn't do, but on the simple and true fact that during their life they sought to prove Him false and never once stopped to call upon Him and find Him. They in essence don't want a living God because that would mean accountability to a higher power, and mankind is a rebellious type that doesnt like to answer to others let alone a living God. It is much easier to prove Him false and go your own way than it is to seek Him and find Him and then be under His rule. Though that rule is not hard, it's really freeing but you cant know that until you know Him... He did it this way because He doesn't want to have people serve Him like one does their boss. He wants us to come to Him on our own, because we want to.

2007-07-07 21:26:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1. The Bible is not all historically true. Some of it really happened, some of it didn't. The Bible was written by many people over many centuries - it contains history, myth, legend, philosophy, poetry, etc. Most, if not all, of the Bible was written as an allegory - even the parts that are historically true were meant to be interpreted as religious allegories, and not as actual historical narrative.

2. Jesus united human nature to the nature of God. The effects of that event extend to all human beings, both Christian and non-Christian.

3. Nobody knows if a person actually talked to God. When people decided what to include in the Bible, they looked at the lessons within the text, and kept the story for that reason. Here is an example. The prophet Jonah may have existed, or he may not have existed. His story is in the Bible because it teaches us about the providence of God and the nature of divine judgment. And for the careful reader, it also teaches esoteric doctrines regarding the immortality of the soul and the foundations of moral freedom. The story was included because of these lessons, and not because Jonah actually existed, actually talked to God, or actually survived in the belly of a whale.

2007-07-07 20:30:36 · answer #2 · answered by NONAME 7 · 2 1

Jesus saved the whole human race spiritually not physically. Because of this it wasn't required for him to be in more than one place at once because when he died God forgave current sin along with the ones yet to be. This means that by confessing and admitting that you have done wrong (lying, stealing, killing,...) God will forgive you. Jesus made it possible to be forgiven with just words instead of actions because he died in our place. This counts for everyone, christian or not. Things in the bible have been proven to be true with current day evidence. An example is the chariots found at the bottom of the body of water that Moses divided to lead his people from Egypt. Many people had a part in writing the bible, actually there are some documents missing that were written by women. They were excluded because it wasn't allowed in that time period (women writers, spiritual writers no less). The bible is basically first person accounts. Most of your questions can be cleared up by reading the bible or by asking a church.

2007-07-07 20:51:03 · answer #3 · answered by Broken_Lanterns ^_^ 1 · 0 1

I do believe in the bible, but you've got to remember that it's been translated and re-translated a LOT, so it may not be all exactly true, but I do believe it's mostly true.
Jesus Christ was able to save us all because he is the Son of God! His powers are limitless. I can't answer HOW he did it, but I know that He DID do it! It's faith that allows us to believe.
Confusion is completely normal. I'm still confused about a bunch of stuff, and I've been saved for about 11 years! I really think you should make an appointment with a pastor, priest, or someone in a church, and have a talk with him/her. It'll help to have some one-on-one discussion.

This website is all about advice.....be careful about that! Many people on here are not believers.

2007-07-07 20:27:39 · answer #4 · answered by I really hate my job... 4 · 0 1

that is a classic question. from what I've gathered from books as well as Social Studies certain things did happen like the flood. Which is also recorded in the Epic Of Gilgamesh. there are a lot of authors to the bible. the New Testament was written by the apostles like John who wrote the books of john as well as revelations. in the old testament a few books come from Davids son Solomon. Most Christians do not know that King Solomon practiced magic and conjured spirits which is wickedness in the bible. not only did Solomon write Ecclesiastes but he also wrote The Key of Solomon which has difficult instructions of conjuring spirits,performing magic and drawing sigils. The belief behind Christianity is the holy spirit. god supposedly works through peoples holy spirit to tell heathens of their sins and convert them of traditional belief systems. i think that the Christianity is a scheme. No offense to any believers, i respect your strong faith, but the churches especially the catholic church has been striving for political influence since day one. they gain money both by tithe, like the Mormons, and by brainwashed drones of doctrine giving offering to build their church greater than the other. the bible does have a lot of good promises as well as life lessons, but it is also littered with contradiction. most Christians are humble people but some end up corrupting more than they have "saved"!

2007-07-07 20:43:30 · answer #5 · answered by snaecob@yahoo.com 1 · 1 0

Jesus saved the whole world - all who believe in Him will be saved...

Many people contributed to the handwriting of the Bible but The Holy Spirit inspired it...

Yes the things in the Bible are historically true... Just need to do a bit of research to find them...

2007-07-07 20:30:47 · answer #6 · answered by Abbasangel 5 · 1 0

So you have three questions:
1) Location relevance.
2) Who wrote the Bible?
3) Historicity.

It makes more sense to deal with these in reverse order because if the Bible is not a purely accurate historical document, question 3 is most significant...

3>> A 1964 find of third-millenium-BCE tablets initially had scholars trying to point to them as proof of the existence of biblical Abraham, among others. Over the course of several decades of analysis, debate and criticism, the evidence points to some ancient characters who were used as the basis for biblical ones. Instead of proving the validity of the Bible as the "Word of God," the Ebla tablets actually PROVE that it's a PLAGARISM and a COMPILATION of still MORE ANCIENT writings. For tangible proof, see links below

If you accept the story of Adam and Eve in the garden as written and documented throughout the Bible, you have to also accept the associated chronologies that place them slightly over 6,000 years in the past. Once you prove that humans existed much earlier than that, you disprove the foundations of the Bible and the core reason for everything that happened throughout, including the need for the sacrifice of Christ to compensate for the disobedience of these people.

If you want to ignore all evidence of archaeology and paleontology, go ahead. Your choice. Meanwhile, the history of the development of written language as discovered so far corresponds to the time of the earliest history documented in the Bible. Before that, oral traditions were passed from generation to generation.

So, what were these ancient traditions? Did anyone else besides the Hebrews record the same or strikingly similar stories? (From various sources)...

Genesis, creation myth:

- Sumerian creation myth

- Assyrian creation myth, origin of the Enuma Elish

- Babylonian, Berosus account of Bel

- Egyptian, Khnoumou

- Ancient Greeks, Prometheus

- Ancient India; the Kumis, the Korkus, and the Khasis cultures

Genesis, flood:

- Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh

- Assyrian, Ea and Utnapishtim

- Babylonian/Chaldean, Berosus account of Cronus and Xisuthrus

- Ancient Greek, Zeus and Deucalion

- Ancient Egypt, Osiris and Atum

- Ancient India, the flood account of the Satapatha Brahmana

Genesis, Tower of Babel:

- Babylonian Tower of Urengor dedicated to the moon-god Sin (at Ur, birthplace of Abraham)

Exodus, Birth of Moses:
- Babylonian account of Sargon

Exodus, Ten commandments:
- Egyptian Book of the Dead

- Akhenaton's Hymns to the Sun (Egyptian), Ugaritic texts (Semitic)

- Zoroastrian myths

Book of Danie:
l - Myth of Dan'l, Ugaritic texts

Books of Joel, Isaiah:
- Vedic Hymns

Book of Job:
- Thespis of Attica, Greek tragedy

Gospel of John:
- the Orphics, the Mysteries of Isis, the Mysteries of Mithra, Krishna

- the Dionysian Mysteries, the Orphics

- Seneca, the Mysteries of Attis

2 Peter:
- the Eleusinian Mysteries

1 John:
- the Dionysian Mysteries

- the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Dionysian Mysteries, the Mysteries of Isis, Daniel, Bel and Tiamat, Dualist themes of Mithras, Zoroastrianism, Analogies to Imperial Rome

So read up. If you want your answers from this motley community, you will get an assortment that has been filtered through multiple belief systems or none. You've got a brain. Use it to process this stuff without the prejudices of the frameworks from which they are presented here.

2>> Multiple authors. "God's secretaries"? Well, if the references above and below are true, that's hardly possible. Humans with agendas. Look at the result of religious history on mankind.

1>> After you look at the answers to two and three, this one is irrelevant.

2007-07-08 05:33:42 · answer #7 · answered by Suzanne 5 · 0 0

Most of the "myths" in the bible have no place in recorded history, in fact some of them are in direct opposition to recorded history. If there is a controversy over the actual historical claims, then the entire book must be looked at as conflicting. Look at life through the eyes of reality, the myth doesn't have to be historically true, the truth is hidden in the myth. That is why religions speak in parables.

2007-07-07 22:27:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The bible it's self says that it was written by men inspired by god. They are mentioned at the beginning of most chapters. When the bible speaks of the world at the time it is the world there in Asia, Africa and so on. People populated much less of the world in those days. Jesus saves through the Holy Ghost which is Jesus after he left his robe of flesh behind at the death of his human body. The bible is historically true. Seek these answers for your self with an open honest heart. If you read the bible (King James Version) while praying with an open honest heart. Jesus will reveal himself to you. You will not have to accept it by faith. He will show himself to you through acts in your life. When you receive the Holy Ghost or pray to the point of touching him any time after receiving the Holy Ghost, you will feel his presents. There will be no need of blind faith for that. You will feel him and know he is with you. He reveals himself in many ways. Seek him and discover for your self. You don't have to ask any one else.

2007-07-07 20:36:20 · answer #9 · answered by David 3 · 0 1

You have to believe this first basic...That we all descended from Adam and Eve.
whom God created.
God did NOT create them to live and die.
He created them to live forever, along with any off spring.
Death only happened when they disobeyed...touched the 'tree'
They were told not to and what would happen if they did.
Genesis 2; 16,17 and 3; 1-7
Adam and Eve lost us life without death.
Jesus, got it back for us, with his sacrifice of his precious life,
Jesus' death has 'removed sin' from us
It will take effect when wickedness on the earth is removed...very soon.
These are the ' last days' of this wicked system.
There are some finer points, but the above are the basics.

2007-07-07 21:34:34 · answer #10 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 0 1

I feel the same way but I will tell you what other pepole might think.The bible says that god gave jesus a power to do those things to (safe the pepole from sin)But somtime in the procces somthing got in the way.Thats why there are prisons and divorce,cursing,fights,etc...................

And pepole say that God or Jesus wrote the bible. But to tell you the complete truth Im catholic and I still dont belive in all that the bible tells me.

2007-07-07 20:33:16 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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