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Christians say the at Witches are against Gods's teachings and the bible, etc. What is you have a person who calls herself a Witch, for whatever totally innocent reason, and who does nothing Christians perceive of a Witch as doing, like casting spells or doing magic or ANYTHING, she just sits in her house drinkiing Lipton tea all day and watching Oprah. She wishes no harm to anyone or anything, but she is a Witch. What logical explanation, if any, does Christianity have for condemning this Witch?

2007-07-07 17:58:06 · 18 answers · asked by Lady Morgana 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

to Todd J: I am so glad you noted in your answer what does it take to be a witch...this point was also presented by another answerer. As a Witch, this makes me very happy because often times, Christians define us differently than how we define ourselves, and how we define ourselves should be the correct definition, don't you think? Another answerer gave you some information about what we are and what we beleive in, which is peace and love and understanding.

Thank you for asking, I hope this leads to others asking us about ourselves!

2007-07-07 18:29:18 · update #1

to Sue, you say that in order to be a witch, you must follow their "code"...do you know what a Witches' code is? Please read some of the other answers, you will gain some great insight about what we are and do. We don't worship the devil or even believe he exists, we follow a code of love and peace and we love good. I am happpy that you noted this because, like with anthoer answerer's response, it gives us the opportunity to clarify some misconceptions Christians have about Witches! Blessings!

2007-07-07 18:34:09 · update #2


2007-07-07 18:54:30 · update #3

18 answers

First, I would like to address those of you who have answered or read this question that believe that witches worship Satan. We don't. We don't even believe in Satan. Kind of hard to worship something we don't believe exists. Yep. I'm a witch. A hereditary (means it's in the family) eclectic (means I'm not tied to a specific set of precepts or a specific dogma) witch (do not, like all of my other witch brothers and sisters, believe in Satan, the Devil, or the Christian concept of Hell). Once again, ya can't worship something you DO NOT believe in. That is just propaganda by those afraid/jealous/uninformed about witches.

And, to give an answer to the question, many Christians base this on their Bible's verse that says "suffer not a witch to live." Unfortunately, the witch part, according to some biblical scholars, was put in the Christian Bible during King James' time. The original word was poisoner, according to these same scholars, something a true witch would NEVER be. He's also the one that changed Phoebe's title in the Bible from Deaconess (don't know if that is the correct spelling) to servant of the church at a place I can't begin to spell (Sincerai?). Another notable difference is that the word "prevent" in the time of King James meant "to anticipate or help to bring about." Kind of gives a whole new meaning to some of the texts. :)

Seriously, enough with the scholarly lesson. I do have a bad tendency to babble. And warning! I just can't help it. More is coming. It's the teacher in me. The main point is that Christians have perpetuated a belief since the early church days that women were evil. This was to keep women from having leadership roles. The only way to do that was to have them be extremely flawed. Thus, woman caused the fall of man. Adam blamed the woman for giving him the apple. Kind of sounds like Adam didn't want to take responsibility for his own actions. He could have said no, thank you, but God said not to eat it. During the burning time and the witch hysteria in the US, many people, men and women, were put to death because they needed scapegoats. They couldn't explain what happened in their environment, so they used this as an excuse to get rid of those who were different, inconvenient, or unwanted.

Here is the truth about witches, and other witches please feel free to correct me if I am wrong because this is only my belief/opinion. We as witches live our lives as servants to the world, the Creator, and all mankind based on the "an it harm none, do as ye will" ethic. This means that I, by my actions, inactions, or ignorance may not cause harm to anyone including myself. My job, my duty as a witch is to bring harmony, peace, health, and happiness to as many as possible. I may not cast a spell or do any sort of magical working on another without their permission. I have NO right whatsoever to take another's free will. It's wrong, not to mention the consequences for my actions are tripled. We believe whatever we send out, positive or negative, comes back to us threefold. Therefore if I want someone to stub their toe, I may end up with a broken leg (or worse, lose it!). I don't want that. I don't hate anyone enough to risk that.

I'm sorry to be so preachy. I am just very weary of those that spread lies about my faith. Here is food for thought. Here is an comparison of my faith and the Christian faith (of which I used to be a part):

An it harm none, do as you will = Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

As above, so below = On earth as it is in heaven

Also remember the Christian verse that says in Galatians 3:28 of the King James Version that "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." According to the Christian Bible, "all who have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ."

For a witch there is no higher purpose and no greater duty that to help bring about the love and harmony that the great major religions, including Christianity, speak of. Our role is to help, not harm. Heal, not hurt. We work to heal the Earth as we can and others as we are asked. That is a witch.

Blessed be and good journeys. And, please don't worry. For anyone who chooses to give me a thumbs down, I hold no ill will toward you and would fight to the death to preserve your freedom to disagree with me and voice your own opinion.


2007-07-07 18:48:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God Bless you for your question...

First of all, God and the Holy Spirit condemn...a Christian who is being true to the faith should never condemn...we are saved by grace...not by anything we do, so we are nothing special apart from what we are called to be in Christ...

Secondly, if that is your definition of a "witch", you could just as easily call that person a "purple bloob" and it would make no difference to a Christian. In fact, by the way some Christians live, this definition fits them too.

What is your definition of a "witch"? What sets a "witch" apart from anyone else? Being a Christian means you believe in Christ, the Bible, and the basic tenants of the Christian faith--which entails a certain way of living. Does being a "witch" involve a certain veiw of life, or call to living that would differentiate it from any other? If not, the why call oneself a "witch"?

Of course I understand that those who call themselves "witches" have a certain point of view about the world, which in turn leads them to behave and believe certain ways. These things are very often diametrically opposed to the Christian worldview, and hence the tension between the two.

I hope this answers your question.

2007-07-07 18:10:52 · answer #2 · answered by Todd J 3 · 0 0

Logical? What's logic got to do with it?

The current definition of witch as someone who believes in a natural religion, Mother Nature or Mother Earth as her primary deity, is not really what the Bible means when they talk about "not suffering a witch to live." They mean that old-fashioned idea of a person who conjures plagues and pestilence due to consorting with demons. And they mean, most specifically, someone who does not believe in Christianity.

Face it, for many people in those days (the days when the King James Bible was being compiled), anyone who was not a Christian was either a member of a "foreign" religion such as Judaism or Islam, or a pagan who was not one whit better. If you did not confess your evil ways and be baptized, there were no limits on what they felt justified in doing to you.

Since they believed in miracles as "good magic," they believed all magic that was not based on Christianity was from the devil. But all that has nothing to do with a modern neo-pagan witch who just wants to be left alone.

2007-07-07 19:04:43 · answer #3 · answered by auntb93 7 · 0 0

Because the King James Version of the bible has "though shalt not suffer a witch to live" King James was a tightwad and hired a rank amateur to translate his version of the Bible from the Hebrew. The idiot translated "poisioner" as Sorceror or Witch and it stuck. King james got what he paid for. He didn't pay much to the translator and the translator didn't give him much either. The KJV is SO full of mistranslations that it's worthless as a TRUE Bible. But so many hold it so dear because it lets them perpetrate their hatreds against so many people.

Raji the Green Witch

2007-07-07 18:51:30 · answer #4 · answered by Raji the Green Witch 7 · 0 0

I think some people refer to religion as "brainwashing" because they personally feel they have been influenced by family and society (predominately from an early age) to believe in a religion they may no longer completely believe in. Therefore, these people are left with a sense of being wrongly influenced by the very same people they trust. The term "brainwashing" is obviously a very negative term to throw around, and might be somewhat of an over-exaggeration, but people in this case are often describing the term from a personal level.

2016-05-21 02:00:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no reason for condemning witches actually spelled out in the bible at all. It simply says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Since I've been a witch my whole life, I'm very glad to say I've not once been smitted!

And no, witches do not worship Satan. If you worship Satan, you have to be Christian, cause only Christians believe in Satan. Why would I worship someone I do not believe in? That's silly.

2007-07-07 18:02:48 · answer #6 · answered by darla 5 · 1 0

Actually it is not written anywhere in the bible that casting spells or performing magic is a sin. That is a total fabrication of the church to control the populace. Much as the whole witch persecutions started with the catholic church trying to stop women from going to mid-wives rather then church physicians to give birth. It was also the churches way of subjugating women and converting those were god/dess worshipers to the catholic church.
As a witch I live by one law "Do as you wish as long as it harms none". How many christians can honestly say that they try to live every moment of their life not hurting anyone (this includes themselves)? Because of the laws of Karma what I put out comes back to me, so why would I want to hurt others when I know it will come back to me? How many christians can say they actually live their life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Christians are under the illusion that they live in a state of grace. According to doctine God's only gives forgiveness and redemption to those persons who are truly repentant for their sin. And actually when it states that Jesus died for their sins, it does not say that he died for everyones sin from now on, just for their sins and since Jesus was jewish that probably meant that he only died for the sins of the jews and makes no mention of gentiles (all of those who are not jewish).
It is all about controlling others and feeling superior with misinterpreted doctine as the justification.

2007-07-07 18:23:23 · answer #7 · answered by muesky 2 · 1 0

What logical explanation does a witch have for a Christan not to condemn them

mikalina..you sound just like a Christan..pointing the finger but don't base anything you say with facts.

2007-07-07 18:01:23 · answer #8 · answered by splattered fecal matter 2 · 0 0

It is because it is against God... I don't think I can say anymore to what you already have listed...

I would however question why somebody would call themselves a witch and sit at home sipping lipton and watching Oprah...

I don't condemn them God does... because they are using power that doesn't come from him and puts them in direct reblellion against him.. (sin is rebellion I know but it is not usually dabbling in God's enemies power... don't worry God isn't hung up on labels like we are he can see our heart intention 1 Sam 16:17b...)

2007-07-07 18:08:45 · answer #9 · answered by Abbasangel 5 · 0 0

We are all witches in the sense you speak of.. some people just block it out. The most important part of being a 'witch' is love, peace of mind and forgiveness. This is the most important part of any religion.

2007-07-07 18:03:58 · answer #10 · answered by summer 3 · 1 0

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