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I mean I know that all the magical stuff is fake and i dont believe in it but the writing is soooo good. i read in a book called in a devine revelation of hell and a womens experience about how jesus took her to hall and toold her to right a book to warn people to change there ways. Im trying to do this but Jesus also said that your heart cant be half on the side of evil and half on good, you must fully devote your life to good{god] and i was wondering if harry potter would be on the bad side?

2007-07-07 17:18:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

No-the Harry Potter books are great but they have NOTHING to do with any religion Satanic or otherwise.

So keep reading them.

2007-07-07 17:45:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

It depends a lot on how you treat Harry Potter or any other book or movie. If you truly understand that yes, these things are fiction and certain specific things shouldn't be practiced, then yeah, I think you're all right. You can enjoy works of fiction as long as you don't let them dominate your life to the expense of other good things.

Some will say that things like Harry Potter are inherintly evil, but then you'll notice that they have selective observations on these things - they condem one thing while ignoring others that fall within the same overall paramaters. The Wizard of Oz has a girl being helped by a witch to go see a wizard, yet there's no objection here about it promoting witchcraft. The Disney movie The Little Mermaid has the title character going to see a sea witch to get changed to human, and her father ultimately turns her to human using a magical trident (still no objection over the blatant use of magic). History books teach kids about evil people like Adolph Hitler, and yet no parents object to that on the claim that studying Hitler will turn their kids into mad dictators with delusions of world domination.

2007-07-08 01:24:15 · answer #2 · answered by Rynok 7 · 2 0

You've asked a very valid question!!!

I'm a Christian and I do love the Harry Potter book series. We have all of the books, plan to attend the final Harry Potter book release party, and we watch all of the movies.

However, even though I really enjoy the books, I have to realize that anything that would come between me and my relationship with God, or would corrupt my children, would be wrong.

As a christian, I have to put God first and foremost as my Lord and Savior. If I put more time and emphasis on anything else it would be wrong. The same with being on the computer.

For me, the HP book series is fiction. I have talked with people involved or formerly involved in wiccan, paganism, and witchcraft. All have told me that the series is not real witchcraft. As long as it is not advocating or causing my children to shun God or put anything in front of God, I feel it is an enjoyable book series.

So, ultimately as a Christian, can you read the books without damaging your relationship with God? That is the first and foremost question you need to ask yourself. If it will hinder your relationship with God, then stay away from it.

2007-07-08 00:37:36 · answer #3 · answered by Searcher 7 · 3 0

That depends on what you feel the books preach. I personally think they are a tale of the ultimate evil being overcome by good... remember the reason Harry keeps winning is because he has the ability to LOVE. Isn't that what Christianity also teaches? That Love is the ultimate things all folks are suppose to do and that if we love unconditionally we will be as close to God as possible? On the other hand if you look at the trappings and not the message then you are going to feel it's satanic. There are books on both sides of the argument that have been written and are for sale at Christian Book Stores.

2007-07-08 00:26:05 · answer #4 · answered by darla 5 · 3 2

I would think as long as you just like reading them and you do not beleive all that stuff then it wouldn't be wrong but thats me and I don't know ! Only God would really know the answer but he does allow us to decide for ourself but we should also pray about it and really think about it and ask ourself if God would want us to do this or not? If you read the bible then you can get an ideal of what he may think about it. I know we are not to worship anyone or have an idol of any kind, we must not put anything before God! Just let him know in pray how you feel and that you don't beleive in the book your reading and you read them for fun only! It's reallly how you go about it when you like something so much like reading that stuff, just don't beleive in it ! You should still try living right for god and not let this stop you from that! If God don't want you reading certain books you will feel it is wrong over time , I would think! But just my opinion! Keep up the faith!

2007-07-08 00:42:51 · answer #5 · answered by monkeymomma46 5 · 3 0

unless you believe in the magic spells and other fiction (which you said you didn't) you're doing nothing wrong. the HP books / movies are filled with good triumphing over evil, the fact that no matter what our genes or perdispositions we might have, it's our choices in life that make us good or evil. standing up for those you love and respect, motherly love & devotion.... no, the HP books show how to be a true friend and a person with strong positive convictions.

2007-07-08 00:23:42 · answer #6 · answered by Marysia 7 · 4 1

Some of the ignorant, *pseudo*-Christian WEIRDOES of the RRR Cult are bent out of shape over Harry Potter. Abject stupidity! The Harry Potter books and movies are nothing but harmless and enjoyable FICTION. End of story.

2007-07-08 00:25:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

i'm religious too, but u shouldn't take it to such an extreme... go easy on yourself a bit. there's nothing bad or evil about reading a book or watching a movie, unless its pornographic.

2007-07-09 18:16:44 · answer #8 · answered by jammiecon 2 · 0 0

I would say that you can still be a Christian if you read Harry Potter books but I really don't think God would like to see you reading about Witchcraft. Nothing Christian can come out of reading Harry Potter. I think it would pollute you mind a bit not strengthen your faith.

2007-07-08 00:24:42 · answer #9 · answered by ON FIRE 4 · 1 6

A few years ago I used to be addicted to reading fiction to entertain myself.... My excuse was that i was not a " TV person' and that i preferred to read books. Well this reading went on for years and it was not that the books were "Bad" they were nice stories but as a christian i realized that i devoted so much time to reading other things and very little time reading the word.
Still i kept reading and even though the Lord would speak to me about reading so much other books i ignored Him... I saw how these books were taking me away from my time with the Lord and occupying my time so much that my heart started getting cold toward Him.
One day i was reading and the Lord spoke something to me... He said " Sandy... how many books have you read? Hundreds?.. how many words did you read? tens of thousands? more?"
In my heart i didn't know how many but i knew there were a lot
He then sweetly said.." Sandy.... Not ONE word in those books are eternal.. Not one.. but ONE word in the bible is eternal. even a comma is eternal."
This REALLY stopped me in my tracks. I can't stay that i stopped right away.. but my heart started having a turn back to the Lord.. asking Him to make a way for me to stop reading so many other things that had no spiritual benefit or would Help me to grow to love the Lord more.

So bit by bit i started allotting time to read the Word.. and gradually the Lord increased my appetite for the bible. OVer time my taste started to change and i found that i did not want to read those books all that much... and it was all the Lord's working it out in me. I panicked at first when i though of not reading so much... but the Lord calmed me as my Good Shepherd letting me know that He is always with me.. He is walking infront of me as a shepherd and looking Over me as the overseer of my soul.
Today the thought of reading novels make me exhausted hehe.. and i mean that..
The Lord can help you to redeem the time too honey.. just bring it to Him in a sincere way..
just the fact alone that you are having these kinds of considerations regarding reading and how it affects your growth in the Lord IS THE MERCY OF THE LORD:) trust me on this one..the Lord is speaking to you about how you spend your reading time.

May you choose Him:) Choose the words of Life that only He can give to you:)
His words are spirit and life and everything that we need to grow in a healthy way in our christian walk:)


2007-07-08 00:34:20 · answer #10 · answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6 · 3 4

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