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Otu of curiosity, i was just wondering, do you think it is alright to spank a child with a belt. I knwo some people who think it is ok, btu personally i think that crosses the line into abuse. What do you think. I was never hit with a belt growing up and myself and sibleings all turned out to be very descent, people. I was just wondering, do you think its alright or not? And if you do think its alright, what si the youngest age you would even consider doing it. I just could never do that to my children. But i do know a few people with kids who think its okay. so is it okay and if so youngest age?

2007-07-07 15:44:20 · 38 answers · asked by Haley 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

38 answers

I believe in disciplining a child. I have even used a belt on my toddlers but before anyone gets mad at me I don't actually hit them with it. I barely tap them with it (I swear) and it gets them to straighten up so much faster than if I were to actually give them a spanking with my hand. In fact, most of the time all I have to do is say I am going to grab a belt and the straighten up. My husband has popped it a few times to make a loud snapping noise and that got them scared enough of it without physically beating them with it. I have a friend who is a police officer who says that if his kids deserve they do get spankings. That is if they deserve it. Which rarely happens. I'm not really for the physical form of punishment, usually. However like I said there are times that I think a good spanking is in order and gets the point across much better than a simple time out or lecture. For instance, when my oldest son was 2 his older cousin took a teeter totter and lifted it up above his head (this boy was 5 or 6 at the time) and launched it into the back of my son's head. It hit him with such force that he was sent sprawling forward. And sadly, this boys parents were standing not even 20 feet away and the only thing they did was tell their son to say sorry. In my opinion that child severly deserved one good *ss wooping. My son had a huge goose-egg on his head for three days. He could have caused some serious damage and the parents didn't even bother to correct his behavior. If my son were to do that to someone else's child not only would he get a good spanking but he would loose many, many privelleges for quite some time.

2007-07-07 16:55:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Never with a prop. Theres padding on the butt for a reason and it can withstand the slight blow from a human hand. Never with force and never in anger. I was spanked as a kid, I have spanked my boys once each, they're 5 and 9. Both are well-behaved and do not fight or hit any other child. They do have empathy and compassion for other people and other kids. I had 3 little brothers groing up and hitting one of them, meant I got the paddle. Age had no matter in it. If you're old enough to talk back, you're old enough for a spanking. I see alot of parents talking calmly to their kids, having a time out and sit them in the corner. Then the brat just does it again. The parents say its wrong, because they were beaten as a kid, and they'd never do it to their child. BS. They think about it, and they probably have done it. They won't admit it, and are scared to because it's become taboo to go against the rest of society. Well, some kids/unruly brats need a spanking. The ones that don't recieve a beating are probably the ones that disrespect other people and use more brute force. One spanking is all they need to get the pooint across as to who runs the show. Now the only question is, Will it be the brat, or the parent? In my household, its the parents, and they re not brats. My boys point out the brats and always talk down to them, telling those brats" that other people can hear them and its not nice to the mommy to be so bad." It's funny hearing Nate and Derrick say things like that to other kids, but it just reenforces that I am a good mom to them and they've been taught enough to last a lifetime.

2007-07-07 22:15:49 · answer #2 · answered by Heather R♥se 6 · 2 0

It's not ok. It is abuse. I was spanked with a belt once by my uncle when I did something wrong and it was so painful. I had been spanked the usual way by my parents if I did something really bad like when I gave my sis birth control pills and told her they were candy (I was only 6.) But anyway, I don't think they were wrong to spank me when I did something really bad but I do think that using a tool like a belt to increase the pain is insane. The point of spanking isn't to cause pain really, it is for the purpose of humbling your child and having them associate that with a bad action they have done, it shouldn't hurt them more than a light pinch would. For regular spanking, I think it is ok when they are at least 2. Make sure they can associate the spanking with the wrong doing or it is pointless.

2007-07-07 16:56:43 · answer #3 · answered by Dani Marie 4 · 2 0

Some kids could do with a good old belting across the behind.

My two older children have gotten it ONCE. It was all they ever needed to know that there are rules you must obey in this house. My youngest has learned by proxy how the older ones respect and listen.

I'd rather belt their butt, than have to identify their charred bodies from a house fire. A belting hurts a lot less than a bullet wound.

Before you say "you should watch your kids more carefully" or "you should keep that stuff locked up", One day when you actually have children, you will realize, no matter what kinds of locks, or how keen you watch your children; they will find a way to get into things and you and I both know you can't watch them 24 hours a day, you have to pee or sleep sometimes!

2007-07-07 16:35:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

I don't think it is right..I got the strap as a child, and boy did it hurt! It has been in the family since my mom and uncles were little. I have the strap now and it had written on it NO MOM! I keep it around for memories and because it is really old. When I was growing up is was not uncommon to get the belt, but now you can be arrested for abuse. I don't think it is right in any case. a good swat on the butt with your hand is good enough.

2007-07-07 17:59:47 · answer #5 · answered by AzzGoodAzzItGetz 4 · 1 0

In the State of Oklahoma it is legal to spank your child with a hand, belt, or switch, as long as you do not leave a mark that lasts for longer than 2 hours. Personally, if you leave any sort of mark other than brief redness, it is to much. I can assure you that Child Welfare doesn't like that law, but it does exist and it was passed just for people that work at Child Welfare. I want my kids to behave and if I have to spank them to get their attention, believe me I will be warming up their little bottoms. Or big bottoms, like the one my 14 yr old has. I didn't spank either of my children until they were over 4 for sure. Although I have been known to slap a hand or 2. They are pretty good kids. :)

2007-07-07 16:10:01 · answer #6 · answered by Karen 4 · 7 1

No a belt is crossing the line because it will leave welts on the child's legs and back and the child will have terrible scars on it's back and legs from having a belt taken to it. A dog chain is worse then a belt and I wouldn't use anything other then my hand to discipline my children. Anyone who beats their child with a belt or dog chain or broom deserves to be strung up by their neck on Saturdays at noon from the tallest tree in public. And you should never hit a child under the age of 2 years old. They don't know any better.

2007-07-07 15:53:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Like you I wouldn't ever use a belt, or any other object to spank my girls with, that being said - I don't think it's abuse as long as they don't leave marks (bruising, welts, blisters... other then temporary redness)

I also know people who use belts to spank with, I think they do a terrific job of parenting. I wouldn't want my opinions to hamper how they do their job.

My whole issue with objects is just that it seems easier to cross the line into abuse. However I gave one example of some parents who don't cross that line, so to each their own.

Good Luck

2007-07-08 03:05:36 · answer #8 · answered by olschoolmom 7 · 2 0

i assume that's the way you seem on the placement. i in my view do no longer think of that's good for a boyfriend or female chum of a ensure to spank a newborn that's no longer theirs. it may rely on if there is bruising and laserations left via the belt could define it as newborn abuse, somewhat the type you are able to look after. Pinkeye is particularly extreme, in spite of the incontrovertible fact that an incredible form of pharmacies sell over-the-counter drugs which could in all possibility clean it up. If the youngster had it for numerous days or week earlier then confident it may be seen overlook somewhat than abuse. i might say that the mum is failing to do her section as a ensure via handling the youngster's go with for self-discipline wisely...doubtlessly they could have a newborn sooner or later greater indignant because of the alternative in self-discipline they use. additionally i might concern that they boyfriend could be getting some form of arousal via spanking the female and returned could reason lots greater harm emotionally & physcially in the youngster's destiny. So confident it probably could be seen abuse in lots of diverse varieties.

2016-10-20 05:56:17 · answer #9 · answered by contino 4 · 0 0

I got spanked with the belt lots of times by my dad. I think the first time, I was 5. The only thing I ever got spanked for was not cleaning my room... guess what... to this day, I refuse to clean (and I am 20 now). I dont know if its just because I am lazy or if its just to "get back at my dad".

I have a daughter now... and she will never be spanked by a belt.

And, yes, I will be the first to tell you - I am a very violent person now. I get depression a lot - think of suicide - all that stuff. And nothing horrible has happened in my childhood - other than my belt whoopings. Then again, maybe I would have been this way regardless.

2007-07-07 16:03:18 · answer #10 · answered by Ashley P 6 · 4 4

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