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This is an honest question, not meant to offend.

I am of basically a nature based spirituality. I love reading stories of different gods, whether Greco-Roman, Norse, Sioux, African, whatever. They have great meaning to me as metaphors. However I do not literally believe thunder gods to be sentient beings, merely a representation of the power of the universe in the sense that thunder represents many things. I use these stories to answer hard ethical questions, to learn to be empathetic, to realize I am only a very small part of things.

I understand how the stories in the Bible can help people with moral issues, personify energies that make us feel safe and protected, to give us strength to make our lives better. I have seen Christianity affect people this way.

What I don't understand is how you believe God is literally Jesus, that Christians will literally be lifted and ascended to heaven, that Jesus in flesh will return. And why are those beliefs necessary in Christianity?

2007-07-07 14:44:15 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Also, for young Earth believers, why hold so important the notion of whether the Bible is literal or not. Does it really matter?

2007-07-07 14:45:27 · update #1

Arewethereyet- the Bible isn't God.

2007-07-07 14:48:45 · update #2

42 answers


2007-07-07 14:46:03 · answer #1 · answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7 · 0 7

It is a matter of historical record that Jesus claimed to be God, was executed publically, and rose from the dead. The four gospels of the New Testament are legal documents written in the Jewish and Roman standards of that day. You need to ask yourself, "How could a man turn the entire Roman world upside down?"

As to your other questions, The early church writings that survive all agree that the six days of creation were each 1000 years long. The seventh day they also claimed was 1000 years long, was still ongoing, and had been going for nearly 6000 years back then, and some held that it would continue forever. (They held that Adam was created sometime around what we call 5900-5500 BC.) Since 1000 had symbolic meanings to them, we can't be sure that they really meant 1000 years, or that it was at least 1000 years.

This was the dominant view of conservative Christians at the Scope's Monkey Trial.

The currently popular, 24-hour-day view came from Whitcomb and Morris' 1961 book, The Genesis Flood.

The early church also held that most of the so-called second-coming passages refered to events involving the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. This was the dominant view until about 100 years ago with the publication of Scofield's Reference Bible. End-of-the-world stories and movies became popular with everyone around World War I, and this was part of the craze. Today, global warming is the current end-of-the-world fad. The view you've mentioned among Christians has run it's course and is starting to die. Hopefully, the church will again remember the importance that the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Old Testament worship system once had in Christianity.

2007-07-07 16:35:10 · answer #2 · answered by JL 2 · 0 0

Jesus (as) was/is not God. If you read the gospel, you will see that he identifies his Father as the source of Power and the Author of the Kingdom.
It was people who could not understand God, as there are no created examples that show God directly, God is not created, but He created. People made the examples God.

As far as moral issues, the bible does give a cannon to use for that. In the gospels, there is also a strong guidance for personal relationship with God.
The Qur'an is also complete, and the latest revelation that can solve moral issues.

However there are sects, or divisions in both religions, so there are some serious problems in the earth now.

Be careful about the return of Jesus. It is true that this is to come, the question is when? Jesus said "occupy until I return" so do that. If you look at examples in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, where people tried to set a date to some how force God's Hand, they fell into grievous accidents.

2007-07-07 17:04:39 · answer #3 · answered by tariyki 1 · 0 0

The Bible doesn’t make the outrageous claims that most Christians do. The choose to think Adam and Eve are literally the very first people ever on the earth and find no conflict when their son Cain moves to the City of Ur and gets married. It’s pretty darn obvious there’s less then nothing literal here.

Yet this stupid story makes them want to reduce the entire science of anthropology to an opinion and a baseless faith in competition to their creation myth.

Myth and metaphor exist to tell us things about morals and establish symbolic precedents.

I still see value in these stories and wish all these Scribes and Pharisees with their endless genealogies would simply allow people to explore the deeper meanings without being made to feel like we’re threatening national security or something….


2007-07-07 15:04:26 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Gnostic♥ 4 · 1 0

It is very good that you study the Greek and Norse mythology. The ancient peoples knew that a supreme being had to be responsible for the wonders and blessings they got. Every person has a curiosity about who made them and the universe. As you know, all those myths involved a creator of the universe and assigned gods to all the natural wonders they saw. But where are these myths today? Although there is a resurgence in paganism, these beliefs have been replaced by the person of Jesus Christ. The Bible explains the "God question" better than any ancient text, and still lives today. There is something "alive" in the bible. Even though it is ancient, it is just as valid for today's intelligent person to use as a guide for their life. When I read the Bible, I ask God to show me what He would have me learn that day. I have read the bible cover to cover many times and something will jump out at me like Ive never seen it before. God's spirit is moving in this text as in no other. The passages about the heavenly realms and the end of this sinful world give us a hope like no other. Jesus said that He was going to prepare a place for ME and I believe that. Hope this helps.

2007-07-07 14:59:35 · answer #5 · answered by Yo C 4 · 0 2

The Holy Scriptures "matter" because they are the Word of the Living God, the Father, the Creator. No, most of us do not believe we will be lifted to heaven - thats called the rapture doctrine, and only those unlearned in the Scriptures believe that nonsense.
Its clearly written that Christ is coming HERE. Of Course we expect the return of Christ - he is our King and High Priest, and the Word states he will return to us, after specific prophecies are fulfilled. The major one that had to come to pass to make this be the final generation, is the prophecy that the Tribe of Judah will return to their homeland designated by God, and they would establish a State there. That event occurred for the first and only time in History, on May 15, 1948.
We are in the final days. Your last question is really confusing to me. How can you believe in something if you say the beliefs are unnecessary? Either you believe and serve the Lord or you do not. There is no grey area here. There is no way for any person to show you that God exists, just as there is no way for someone to show that He does not exist. All I can tell you is believe it when you see it, but if you check out all those gods, why don't you get into some disiplined study (deeper study) of what the Bible really says. You know, it has alot more of a deeper message than just salvation-baptism-forgiveness-the ten commandments. These are "taught" over and over again in the Churches like giving milk to a Baby. Some who are serious students, go deeper than that and get into the meat of whats written. Therein you will find the most astonishing information that you ever thought possible. With disciplined study, God will show you more and more of the hidden truths he has in his Word. These truths are reserved for those who care enough to take the time to do it. There is no magic wand or some great church thats gonna do it for you: but if you put your heart and mind into it, one day you will jump up from that Book and some truths are gonna wake you up like never before.
Thats a promise. I'm still astounded and I started my studies in 1972; The first time I realized how much more was written than what was obvious, I could not put it down.
I was so moved to continue, that I took the following 30 years to learn all three Biblical languages so that I could read directly from the manuscripts. Then, I was floored even
more than before.
God doesn't want to just hand these hidden truths out - he only wants those who give a damn to have them, because they are obviously the only ones who will give a damn to do what he instructs us to do when the time comes.

2007-07-07 15:01:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Christianity has its long history with the Prophets who wrote about this Faith in GOD called Christianity. Thus, to start with your preaching of the Christian faith, the Prophets of old or even today can see spiritual vision. It is because in human sense, they have a third eye so to speak. This 3rd eye is actually their sense of wonder. And they see wonderful creations all around them like the light, the planets, the sun and the universe. And the micro world say men living in the billionth- billionth- billionth of a second, yet we do not perceive this time occurring:before our very eyes or a billion, billlion of years which we dont have the opportunity of experience and perceive them as well. And these are only examples of the servants of GOD seeing them with their third eye or their sense of wonder. Thus, at this point in man's history, we have a book of wonder called the Bible and the christianity that it espouses. Additionally, Christianity is a belief of life beyond the grave; a life even unto eternity or eternal life. And THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is the WORD OF GOD about these divine plan for mankind. The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the MESSIAH who have redeemed mankind from eternal death or damnation. HE is mankind's savior. For witnesses other than Christians, the Prophet Mohammad in a vision was brought by Archangel Gabriel to heaven and saw THE LORD JESUS CHRIST standing in the right hand of GOD; while Mohammad remained with the audience in a heavenly assembly among the Prophets. St John the baptist was also a witness of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST when he declared HIM as THE LAMB OF GOD who takes away the sins of mankind. And another witness is the Prophet Isaiah 9:6 that states that the one who will be born of a virgin woman will be called MIGHTY GOD, WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR (HOLY SPIRIT), EVERLASTING FATHER and PRINCE OF PEACE. These are one of the many reasons that one should believe the Bible and Christianity as well. THANKS GOD; FEAR GOD; PRAISE GOD; GLORIFY GOD; HONOR GOD; LOVE GOD AND WORSHIP GOD. Pls visit my website-THEGOODNESOFTHEKINGDOM@yahoogroups.com

2007-07-07 18:03:27 · answer #7 · answered by Prophet John of the Omega 5 · 0 0

A lot on your plate....

First answer for your last question. Reading the Bible is actually a complex matter that even entails some college level courses. It is both literal and allegorical but in different places. However...there are passages that have tiered messages. Both a literal story with a spiritual message for a bigger picture.

The other matter deals with the theology of the Holy Trinity. This is much too complicated to properly go into it in this forum.

Short answer.... if you are a Christian...if you believe God is the creator of everything and what the Gospel of John says...then how is it a stretch to believe God can do anything?
As scripture says....with God all things are possible.

Bottom line is....you have faith in the religion or you don't.

2007-07-07 14:46:42 · answer #8 · answered by Augustine 6 · 0 3

The truth is that the Bible doesn't teach that God is Jesus. At John 17:3, Jesus prayed to his father, not to himself. Many "Christians" believe this because Satan is blinding the minds of the unbelievers.(2corinthians 4:4) As far as a literal ascension, is concerned, that too is misquoted.

I am always happy to answer honest and sincere questions. :)

2007-07-07 15:02:12 · answer #9 · answered by naybert2000 3 · 1 0

I was born and raised a Christian and continue to practice Christianity. I have always had a problem with the Bible for a number of reasons. First, there are so many stories, such as David and Goliath and Jonah and the Whale. Davide and Goliath is a true story based on the fact if he were a true giant, having a disorder, his brain would not have been protected as that of an average person so the rock could have killed him. But the story of Jonah was a fable to teach a lesson. Second, I don't understand how God, who is a loving God, could promote hate and damnation to his children. I just feel that the Bible was interpreted by man who let there own opinions and prejudices guide them.

I think that we all need to believe that there is life after death. It's hard to imagine coming to an end. Through all the good we do in our lives, we have to believe there is a reward. Heaven is our reward for following His teachings and honoring Him. But I have a problem with the concept of Hell. If God is to be thought of as our Father, how are we to imagine that our Father could damn us to an eternity of misery? Isn't the punishment we face on earth by our fellow man enough? Isn't like when you were punished as a child? You knew your parents were angry with your mistakes but through it all you knew that their love for you was so much stronger than any anger.

2007-07-07 14:54:40 · answer #10 · answered by lil_hem_n_va 4 · 0 2

If it were obvious, then there would be no point. It all boils down to faith. It cannot be proven with science. I know that is a strange answer, but I believe that Jesus is God, and that he fulfilled all the prophecies of the old testament, 000s of years before him. No one else has. Jesus himself uses parables throughout the Bible, so how much is literal and how much is meant to teach, I don't believe anyone will know until we die. I do know that I believe in Him with all my heart, and am looking forward to the day when I can ask him to explain all the things that we can't understand.

I probably didn't help much, but hopefully a little glimpse into why I believe what I do.

2007-07-07 14:50:35 · answer #11 · answered by jas 2 · 1 2

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