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Here is what happened I was a witness for 10 years and then I decided it wasn't for me and faded away. Never done anything wrong! I left for a really silly reason because no one would talk to me at the hall! And before anyone on YA says I never tried I'll just say I did try and mix with people by organising social things, showing a personal interest, etc! All I got was the silent treatment or 1 word answers! Will things be different if I go to another city? It was kinda my fault going to a town (located on a isolated island) that was well know for witnesses not embracing outsiders. Should I go back to a city where people are somewhat normal? Will anyone talk to me if I go back? I am afraid of being hurt! I really got used big time by some people on the island!

2007-07-07 13:52:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

That sounds like a terrible experience and I don't blame you for not wanting to go back. But some cultures are very different. Texas is known for its hospitality and so is Oklahoma. Southern hospitality.
I went to please my wife and they welcomed me with open arms. Literally, I was hand shaked and hugged and invited to come back. My wife is new not a witness but studying and she is treated like a long lost relative she says. She loves it there. So I think that you should give them another chance.
Times and people change. Different places change.
People up North in the Dakotas are not open to outsiders.
I was told they can be very unfriendly. yet I knew some who were very friendly.
You can't stop, like one told me your life depends on knowing the truth. As a witness you should know that.

2007-07-07 14:02:39 · answer #1 · answered by Steven 6 · 6 5

You know, we are in the last days, right? Doesn't the Bible warn us about the conditions of the last days? Mabe you may not have thought it through completely, but the "seperating of the sheep and goats", the "man of lawlessness", these are not only to be found in the world, but also in our congregations. Remember when the earth was flooded, only a "remnant", 8 people, were spared. Remember, Sodom and Gomorrah, only Lot's immediate family, again a remnant, even Jehovah's specially chosen ones, the Jews, only a tiny remnant have remained in union with God. How many actual people of the 8 million witnesses worldwide will actually be found to have the right heart condition? Certainly not all of them. Sitting in the Kingdom Hall (being ignored or the most popular) is not what saves you at Armeggeddon.
When the Bible tells us not to "forsake the gathering of ourselves together", it doesn't say as long as they are all nice to you.
Let me tell you about my experience. In my whole life (37 yrs) I have never lived in a house longer than 4 years. In fact that was a long time ago, I think my average stay in a house would be 10 months over all that time. So I have some pretty limited social skills, just simply because of that. Then add on some disfunctional family issues and guess what(?) I go around not making the best impression, and being seen as aloof, when really I just don't have the foggiest idea how to "chat" and "mingle". When you add in all the moves that makes for a pretty lonely JW, and yes ignored. But that's not why I'm in it. When I move to a new city, or territory, I don't look up the local KH just to find some "friends" (LOL) I usually show up for a service meeting before any other, remember its the JOB of a JW. Not mingling.
PS - I tend to sound opinionated and cold when I'm being BLUNT. Don't be offended, just get back in the game and remember, STUDY,STUDY,STUDY- PRAY, PRAY, PRAY !!!

2007-07-08 00:00:56 · answer #2 · answered by imtori 3 · 2 3

Ask yourself are you doing so because you want to serve Jehovah God?

You need to stop using others behavior as an excuse for what you do.

"It was kinda my fault going to a town (located on a isolated island) that was well know for witnesses not embracing outsiders"

I've never had such a problem. Yes some are not as open as others but even the least open Witness still talked and gave more than one word answers.

By the way, in person, I'm of the less open type. Just my personality.

2007-07-07 22:27:29 · answer #3 · answered by NMB 5 · 5 3

You need Christ to live. You also need to realize who Christ is.... Christ is the word. "In the beggining was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was GOD." (John 1:1 New American Standard Bible)

The mistake Jehova's Witness' make is that they believe that Jesus was "a god" (John 1:1 New World Translation)

To correct this mistake, I'll submit the original Greek
" En Arche en ho Logos(in the begging was the Word), en pros ton Theon(and the Word was with God) Kai Theos en ho Logos"( and the Word was God)

Theos is the Greek word for God. The form Theos is always used as the object. Note the placing of "Theos" first in the clause... this is a liteary tool used in Greek to "Bolden" or "Underline" the word. Because it is gramaticly incorrect use of it, it brings it to the eyes attention.

If that dosen't put things in context for you, try this. The First Commandment:
"I am the Lord your God, You shall have no other god's before me. The word "before" translated means (in my presence)

If you believe that Jesus is not God, as Jehovas Witnesses do, you are breaking the First Commandment.

I would submit to you that you read the Bible in a different translation(my favorite is the New American Standard Bible, but the New English standard is very good to.I also reccomend the New International Version.) than the New World Translation, and then search for any Christian Churches in your area that line up with what are written in Bible.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me

Good luck, and God Bless You

You will be in my prayers.


2007-07-08 17:05:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You choose a religious belief on the basis of what they endorse and believe, not for the purpose of socializing. Although, the Bible did say that you could recognize God's people for the love they had amongst themselves, and on the basis of this scripture these people sound lacking as you are describing it. Witnesses are people just like everybody else and some groups of people are more welcoming to others based on locality. If you believe in your heart that they have the truth of God ..then go. Personally, I would RUN AWAY...and chose to a long time ago.

2007-07-07 21:06:25 · answer #5 · answered by tlbrown42000 6 · 4 2

Please think this over before you return! Any Church who shuns you should be avoided! Find yourself a good Bible believing/teaching Church!
Things will not change if your return, if anything things will be worse because in their eyes you will have been a part of the world, an outsider. A good Bible teaching church will embrace you with open arms and show you the love of the Lord!

2007-07-08 14:47:27 · answer #6 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 3 1

Dear Virginguy1,

Perhaps the poor reception that you remember is the LORD's way of telling you that it was NOT the place where He wants you to learn about Him.

Have you been reading the Bible from cover-to-cover and getting to know the LORD better on your own time? Then pray, asking the LORD to lead you to a church where you fit in.

Check the link for The Father's Love Letter which I think will be very helpful to you in finding a Bible-based church.


For His glory,

2007-07-08 13:59:54 · answer #7 · answered by JOYfilled - Romans 8:28 7 · 3 2

Last I checked Witnesses hate people that flipflop.

If you're afraid of being hurt, what the heck are you thinking???

You have to go through all that abuse under the presumption that the correct name of God is Jehovah and that if you don't have that "fact" right, then you're damned and so is anyone else that doesn't "know" it. Wouldn't it be better to pray that maybe God isn't so damn picky and petty?

On the other hand, if being that abusive towards others or the masochism of the expected treatment on return appeals to you, then by all means rejoin, right? They sound like they acted like bastards the first time around (and being on an island is NO excuse because their religion does not justify that behavior!).

Bah! Who am I to complain? We're ORCS!! So of course you should mistreat others and convince them they are going to hell unless they submit to abusive trials and tribulations! Of course you should act like a pompous bigot with lame excuses for your behavior! Go ahead. Work hard to make the world a more miserable place with more people unsure if they are going to hell (including yourself).

2007-07-07 21:05:11 · answer #8 · answered by urukorcs 3 · 2 5

please do reconsider returning. I'm sure you know the times we are living in. don't allow hurt feelings to stop you from missing out on Jehovah's plan for a time of peace.
If going to another congregation might help, then by all means, do what it takes to help your spirituality.
life sometimes makes things almost impossible to overcome,but keep praying and with God's help, you'll do the right thing.

2007-07-08 00:30:34 · answer #9 · answered by sugarpie 4 · 3 2

Yes, you should go back. Regardless of the behavior of others, the purpose was for you to gain an accurate knowledge of truth and maintain a certain standard of living. You need to ask yourself the reason you joined the Jehovahs witnesses in the first place. Did you join them because you wanted to meet new people or because you wanted to find God? I am not a Jehovahs witness, but I have been studying with them. It sounds to me you weren't in a very good congregation.

2007-07-07 21:01:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

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