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2007-07-07 13:47:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

I read over the answers and I just wanted to say thank you all for your answers. They are very informative and insightful. I must say to those who shared their personal experiences, you are brave and encouraging to others. You have all helped me so much!!

2007-07-08 00:28:43 · update #1

12 answers

Symptoms of Emotional Abuse

Many women assume that if they're not being physically abused by their partner, then they're not being abused. That's not necessarily true. You may be in a relationship which is draining something from you -- you might not have recognized that your partner has eroded your self-esteem and happiness.

An abusive partner will railroad discussions, so that you don't have time to think about what's right and what's wrong in their behavior.

Take a moment to consider these questions. Your partner might have behaved as though these things were okay, even though it's obvious that they aren't okay...:

Do you feel that you can't discuss with your partner what is bothering you?

Does your partner frequently criticize you, humiliate you, or undermine your self-esteem?

Does your partner ridicule you for expressing yourself?

Does your partner isolate you from friends, family or groups?

Does your partner limit your access to work, money or material resources?

Has your partner ever stolen from you? Or run up debts for you to handle?

Does your relationship swing back and forth between a lot of emotional distance and being very close?

Have you ever felt obligated to have sex, just to avoid an argument about it?

Do you sometimes feel trapped in the relationship?

Has your partner ever thrown away your belongings, destroyed objects or threatened pets?

Are you afraid of your partner?

2007-07-07 13:51:16 · answer #1 · answered by >Golden Ticket< 4 · 4 0

Since your on the outside looking in you would have watch your friend for symptoms. Such as does she constantly want to please her husband and is afraid to make decision on her own? Does she seem with drawn? Does he belittle her?
If you knew before she was married; did her style of clothing suddenly take a 360 turn, like say she was a goth and he dressed like that too and now that they are married he makes her wear Conservative Christian dress styles; even though she may not have like that before. But, don't assume that just because you may have thought you saw something going on that there really was. She and her husband might have just been playing around if you over heard them saying something to each other (some couple do that and don't mean anything by it; but as I said, if it is constant on going thing then it is abuse) Just watch how your friend reacts over the next few weeks and then you will be able to know if she was or not. And abuse does not just happen to women/ children/ or animals. Abuse can also happen to men too.
I've have known of some men who were emotionally and physically abused by their spouses. Abuse knows no age, gender, race, or species.

2007-07-07 14:18:04 · answer #2 · answered by Tarlyng 4 · 1 0

She may not talk very much when her spouse is around, she may appear unfriendly. She may let her husband answer all the questions. She might appear to have no opinion of her own, just her husbands, in front of him any way. Constant bruises is a sign of spouse abuse much of the time , unexplained ones , anyway.Extremely, or overly emotional, crying, e.t.c. .Her husband may boss her as though shes a child, and even physically threaten his wife in front of others, if he has been abusing his wife for a very long period of time and getting away with it, he may not see any reason to treat his wife even half way decently in front of others, especially if he has already destroyed his wife's relationship with her family and friends, and knows she has no were to go for help.I read walking on Sunshine's answer, and I have to agree with all the things she says about how to recognize a battered wife, I was mentally and physically battered to the extreme for 20 years, Its 2 years behind me now, but i am not over it yet, walking on sunshine seems to be much more able to articulate a battered wife than myself. I find it very, very difficult to talk about still yet. If you have some one you care about , and you suspect shes being battered , please try to help her out !! Oceanlady580 has a lot of great insight too, I am really surprised that i can,t find the words these ladies are finding for something I lived through so devastatingly for so many long hard years.

2007-07-07 14:55:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Watch how she acts while your around her and her husband together. Do you see tension in her? Does she bend over backwards to please her husband? How does he act toward her? does he give her strange looks? Does she have bruises on her that she tells you that she got them from an accident? Does she cry? Sorry to say some women don,t manifest any signs they just hold it inside until its to late. But if you notice anything out of the norm talk to this person showing love and concern. Battered spouse syndrome is no fun. I know I have dealt with it. happy to say I have 7 children, and raised them well. My abusive husband has been out of my life for 1 year and there is truely life after love. I,m very happy. He used to tell me you know you can,t make it without me, But guess what? I,m making it and better than ever. Thats what the abusive spouse does they lay a guilt trip on you and After 25 years and a knocked out front tooth along with other injuries I broke free from this kind of life. I,m so happy. A person needs lots of love and support from family and friends when they are dealing with this. Its I,m sorry to say all to common in our society today. If this is your friend help them and love them.

2007-07-07 14:06:34 · answer #4 · answered by walking on sunshine 3 · 2 0

I would say a lack of self esteem... or rather a severe decrease in self esteem. A severe dependence on a person. Even sometimes for just everyday human rights. No longer having an interest in things they once held important. Depression. I've witnessed all of these things.

2007-07-07 13:57:28 · answer #5 · answered by MelancHolly 4 · 2 0

Same as a man being emotionally abused by his wife. Usually there aren't many outward signs , we tend to hold them in

2007-07-07 13:52:10 · answer #6 · answered by xjoizey 7 · 1 0

Poor self esteem, withdrawing from social activities with friends, losing jobs do to missing work, crying a lot, depression etc....

2007-07-07 14:26:40 · answer #7 · answered by Samantha 3 · 1 0

signs of emotional abuse are:

1. your partner tells you you are no good, you aren't worth anything, not worth being on this planet
2. name calling
3. blaming them for everything that goes wrong in thier relationship
4. they tell you no one else will want you
basically the abusive partner could care less if you live or die. abusers are weak they want complete control and will go to any extreme to make you feel worthless and make you feel powerless. physical abuse scars heal ,but emotional, mental, and verbal abuse leaves long lasting scars that may take years even a life time to come to terms with. please tell your friend to get out now cause if he is not physically abusing her now, he will eventually. good luck

2007-07-07 13:58:48 · answer #8 · answered by oceanlady580 5 · 2 1

shyness, afraid to say anything . not just to husband but to others, very low self esteem, when she has to check every detail with him before doing anything.. eg.. I might go to mall I have to check with butthead first.. i think u know what i mean . good luck

2007-07-07 13:57:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

shyness,weeping,shaking,startled easy,leeriness,clock watching if out of home when hubby at work,self criticism

2007-07-07 13:51:13 · answer #10 · answered by caffsans 7 · 1 0

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