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We all have the rite to believe in what we want, just because we are not all christian it does not make us or our religion evil.

Christians say you will go to hell if you are not christian, but arn't they braking one of thier 10 commandments. "You must not give false evidence against your neighbour". number 9.

This is what the christians have done to pagan and other
religions, saying that we are all evil that we worship the devil and stuff over thousands of years. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!

2007-07-07 12:52:45 · 34 answers · asked by Matt*d 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

Christians have had to demonise other beliefs so that they can add more to their flock.
They can't do it now for more and more humans are starting to think for themselves.
You believe what ever you want to just don't expect me too.
I only believe in myself, my family, and hope in the human race.

2007-07-07 13:00:42 · answer #1 · answered by ... 3 · 2 1

Some are, some aren't. Some Christians on here are very very nice! I have been refreshed to learn that the bad feelings to which you refer don't come from them all.

The problem is that the bible tells them all sorts of silly nonsense about not permitting a Witch to live, etc, and some fundies can't get past that. Some think of all pagans and Wiccans and Witches as the same thing, some don't even know that not all WIccans are Witches and not all Witches are Wiccans! Amazing but true. And many don't know how truly innocuous our practices are.

I have found, from writing to this place for awhile, that you are wasting your time if you try to convince some of the more hard hearted fundie types to use their brains and consider that we are not evil or in league with their dang devil! But, like I said, a lot of Christians who respond here are very intelligent and kind and can find some good in our beliefs and actions, and those are the Christians who are good people. The rest, well, like they say, actions speak louder than words.

Don't be discouraged. I think there is hope!

Bright Blessings,
Lady Morgana)0(
a dedicated and proud kitchen Witch and Pagan

2007-07-07 13:11:17 · answer #2 · answered by Lady Morgana 7 · 2 0

Wiccans are the only ones who make an issue of beating their chests over "christian persecution". Wiccans bring this on themselves by the bad attitude they take as a whole, always looking for a fight where it doesn't exist. Wiccans thrive on conflict with christians. I am Pagan and I don't care for Wiccans, so I can see the christians' point. Wiccans do nothing but give Paganism a bad name. I have never in the 35 years as a Pagan had a problem from christians because of my beliefs. It's all in how you represent the banner you stand under. In fact, I've had many christians come to me for assistance of a Pagan nature, and I help them the same as I help anyone else and do not take money for it. When the Jehovahs come to my house, I invite them in and we sit and discuss religion and most of the time they don't even take their bible out. It's all about learning from each other. The christians who say you worship satan have not been taught any different. I have had many Jehovahs leave my house with a totally different opinion of Paganism.

2007-07-07 13:07:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You said it yourself... because Wiccans are devil-worshipping freaks... apparently.

The thing is with Christianity, is it stems from like royalty and stuff, and therefore it's THE way you're supposed to live. And anything else is evil and wrong!

I'm pretty much an athiest, I take different parts of religions and kinda form my own... I like the Xmas part of Christianity and the respecting people and nature part of Paganism, and the funky jewellery and stuff from Buddhism!

But yeah I think the problem is that Christians have been taught to be Christians with a narrow mind to anything that isn't Christian...

But my advice is: If you're happy being Wiccan, who gives a crap what others think? If it gets on your **** to explain all the time to people that you're not a devil worshipper, don't bother explaining. Not everyone's narrowminded. Just get to know people without mentioning religion. Any decent person wouldn't care what you are.

2007-07-07 12:59:30 · answer #4 · answered by Lola 2 · 3 1

I assume you mean Christian fundies?They hate all Pagans-not just Wiccans.

The way they see it is the Bible tells them there is only one God and everything else is the work of Satan.So they assume that the God and Goddess the Wiccans worship and the Gods and Goddesses followed by the many other Pagan faiths are really demons or Satan himself.Therefore in their minds we're evil.

Don't worry you get used to their attitude eventually.

2007-07-07 17:27:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not all of us are hateful. Ask two of my best friends, who are Wiccan.

SOME Christians believe that pagans and Wiccans are all evil. Others just believe the Christians that say that. The rest of us have made up our own minds.

I don't agree with Wicca, I haven't for some years now (almost six), but I respect Wiccans themselves so long as they respect me.

But just so you know, the Bible does say that anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him is going to hell. And Christians believe what the Bible says. So it is NOT bearing "false testimony" to tell someone so; it's simply sitting in judgement, which we have no right to do.

2007-07-07 13:05:15 · answer #6 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 2 0

You have two choices whilst on earth...you either seek the face of God as millions of Christians have done or you let satan have control. satan is prince of the earth and has dominion over everyone in it who has not given their life to 'The Living God'...so it stands to reason that if you are not Gods then you are satans! However as for the going to hell thing....When Jesus returns, he will take the Christians...the 'born again' Christians..as stated in the Bible...to Gods Mansions and will leave the rest to satan and his demons every whim and fancy...I know where I would rather be.
Christians do not hate wiccans or even despise them at all...on the contrary...Jesus told us "Love one another as I have loved you" and that is what all Christians should practice. However we do not accept sin...and following any other worship or practice of worship contrary to that of worshipping God....is sin and is frowned on.
To summarise:- We love the people but hate the sin...if you can't differentiate between the two then you have a problem with paranoia.
May God grant you the wisdom to seek His face...when Jesus returns..I know who I want to be with.
Best wishes, Mike.

2007-07-07 20:51:43 · answer #7 · answered by georgiansilver 4 · 0 1

I am a Christian but I don't judge other people on what they believe in. Everyone has the right to make their own choices.

Don't judge all Christians that way - just like any religion - there are a few people that make the whole group look bad.


2007-07-07 12:58:31 · answer #8 · answered by Window 4 · 3 0

Per your spelling you may be ignorant enough to be a Wiccan.

The problem comes from the use of the word "witch" in the Bible, which meant someone who served Satan through the use of spells, potions and magic. It has been equated with the practise of Wicca because the man who started Wicca used so many of the traditions associated with witches. Wicca is itself to blame for the confusion that exists and causes Jews and Christians to condemn Wicca. If it looks like witchcraft, talks like witchcraft and acts like witchcraft, then it must be witchcraft and that is of the Devil. Stop resembling the traditional witches and that will stop. You Wiccans are to blame for your image and only you can change it.

2007-07-07 15:24:55 · answer #9 · answered by Taganan 3 · 0 2

Why do you blame everything on Christians, every person has his her own perspective, every person is made to be different.
You can say some Christians or most, but when you say all- just Christians you make yourself to look bad.
I consider my self to be christian, I never said this one or that will go to hell, it's not my place to make that kind of judgment.

2007-07-07 13:00:48 · answer #10 · answered by inteleyes 7 · 1 0

Dude, anyone with a brain knows Pagans and Wiccans are not evil.

But is it some peoples rite to believe others are evil?

Chill out.

2007-07-07 12:55:45 · answer #11 · answered by Link , Padawan of Yoda 5 · 6 0

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