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If the universe is so complex, why the only explanation is that the Christian God created it and not Alah, aliens or any other source of supernatural powers? Obviously this question is for Christians

2007-07-07 12:43:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

That is exactly the point! People accuse Christians of trying to impose our religion on others when we speak of intelligent design and all we are speaking of is science and logic. Since cause must be greater than effect, it would take a being to cause the universe (personality must be caused by a person) and this being must be greater in power and age than the universe. Those who do not believe in God are unwilling to consider what kind of being this might be since the only proper word for this being would be God. The evidence of such a being's existence is not evidence of the truthfulness of the Christian Gospel, but it should be sufficient to cause thinking people to seek for an answer for who this being is. Has he revealed himself? What does he say to us? You fill in the blanks.

2007-07-07 12:51:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Intelligent design does not point to any particular designer. As you have noted it could be explained by advanced aliens like you might see on an episode of Star Trek or one of it's spin offs.

Intelligent design merely makes the assertion that there is enough evidence of design to consider that there was in fact a designer as opposed to random chance mutations, natural selection, and a whole lot of time being responsible for all of the highly complex life forms alive on the planet today.

2007-07-07 19:48:11 · answer #2 · answered by Martin S 7 · 2 1

One portuguese archbishop claimed that my christianity is irreversible, so maybe I am elligible to respond, though I don't feel to be a Christian.

"Leads to" means a proof or belief?

You mean "explanation" of what? Of the complexity of the universe?

In what sense one God "explain" it better than another one. And who will explain all of these undefined Gods and Allahs. Who designed them?

2007-07-07 20:18:49 · answer #3 · answered by oregfiu 7 · 0 0

I don't see it that way.

I think my belief in God is a three-part thing. First of all, I believe that something had to guide the development of life. It's either believe in random chances, some estimated to be 1 in 10^60, or believe in a creator or intelliegent designer. The chances are just too outrageous and it leads me to believe in a creator, though not necessarily God.

Second, I have looked at Christianity and the Bible. The Bible has no contradictions in it, and any ones that are believed to be in it are easily explained. Archaeology has confirmed some of the sites in the Bible. Documents have been found to support the writing in the Bible. The resurrection has evidence that might not be conclusive, but is believable. It all points to Jesus Christ and God for me.

Third, I don't see a reason to not believe now. If there is no God or creator and science is completely correct, then my belief in God means nothing. At the same time, believing in anything means nothing, since everyone will meet the same fate in the end. So, as far as I see, there is no reason for me to not believe in God, because I lose nothing if I'm wrong.

2007-07-07 19:46:08 · answer #4 · answered by Jason P 4 · 0 5

allah is not a god..but a man.
aliens are demons that are not spirit..and can't breathe our air(YET)
the true supernatural had to LOVE US..to create all that there is.
for we are the only speaking beings of the entire solar system..
GOD didn't create eearth for demons..or aliens..or just creatures anymore.
HE created this earth..with a time limit..just for US.
(to capture satan..by faith anointed words(born again CAN DO THIS).
NOW..i like to say of this..science proves this..
they prove explosion. of species..because when GOD's WORDS we release by LOVE and FAITH..things happen.
and we see an evolution.
but, we humans are made like GOD.
who is LIGHT, LOVE..truth..GOOD..PEADCE..JOY..wise..reasonling ablity..on and on.
there is NO mammals of such thing.
so to me..evolution only saw things..after GOD's spoke.
the bible tell you..we have a time limit.
tell you about the power of sin..destroy us.
and that why GOD hate sin.
sin was created by agreemnet of words of what the devil said.
and that separated man..from GOD..by their an our agreement.
thank GOD..for sending a savior.

2007-07-07 19:54:03 · answer #5 · answered by blessedrobert 5 · 0 2

you make an excellent point. Why indeed? It seems that all through history, man has invented myths and stories to explain what he cannot explain with logic or science. I am not so naive to think that only logic and science can explain something, but they do seem to be concepts that we are quite content as humans, to use to manage our everyday lives. Why then, can't we simply be comfortable not yet knowing, the answers to all of our questions? Why do we feel the need to invent gods, to explain what we simply cannot yet explain?

2007-07-07 19:48:46 · answer #6 · answered by John M 7 · 1 1

Allah can not create, only destroy. That is why his followers are for the most part, still living in the stone ages. Christianity teaches self control, Islam teaches enforcement upon others.

2007-07-07 19:49:00 · answer #7 · answered by Raalnan5 2 · 1 2

You have it backward--the christian God lead to the intelligence design theory. Allah is the same God background as Elohim

2007-07-07 19:51:19 · answer #8 · answered by j.wisdom 6 · 0 3

well, i think that we just really believe in our religion. i'm christian but i think id be able to accept that allah made everything. thats because there is only one god, just different forms. so allah and god are the same being. also, god could've caused the big bang thingy himself. why is that so hard to believe. if there was lots of scientific evidence, id believe other theories.

2007-07-07 19:48:06 · answer #9 · answered by Kia 2 · 0 2

I didn't know Christians are the only ones to 'claim' intelligent design. Allah, YHVH, Gut, Elohim. What ever you want to call "Him"

2007-07-07 19:50:07 · answer #10 · answered by Blank 4 · 1 1

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