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I think the Catholic church should be obolished for its terrible sins against the children. Why do ppl still go to Mass after the priests raped the kids? True, not all priests are guilty, but why would one take the risk? The fact that one priest is guilty is enough to forever destroy the so called image of moral authority in my view. These alleged representatives of god, and there have way more than one, hundreds in fact, who hide behind god, and f*ck our kids, sully the entire image of the church.

2007-07-07 12:32:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

It is true that the sick and/or evil actions of a very few have sullied the reputation of the entire Church. But I think your suggestion goes too far.

Remember that scandals in nations, even up to and including the highest leaders, like President Nixon and the Watergate scandal, do not make the nation as a whole wrong, immoral, or worthless.

Although the Church has always been full of sinners, is full of sinners, and will always be full of sinners that fact does not cancel out her mission to proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God begun by Jesus Christ among all peoples.

With love in Christ.

2007-07-07 15:13:14 · answer #1 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 1 0

I'm not one for religion, even though I don't have a problem with those who believe it, but I think you're overreacting about this.

Just because SOME priests and preachers raped young children does not mean it is the churches fault, or the religions. Compare the number of priests/preachers worldwide next to the number of them that have abused the children- I'm sure it doesn't even exceed the one-digit percents.

And people go to Mass because THEIR priest didn't rape kids. I'm sure that they didn't KEEP the rapists in their church- therefore they wouldn't be listening to a criminal.

Also- what about fathers that rape their children? Should we say that Father's Day should be abolished because a lot of fathers have abused their families? I think that destroys the image of moral authority view as well.

2007-07-07 12:47:00 · answer #2 · answered by msxcheshirexcat 4 · 2 0

"True, not all priests are guilty" -- that's why it's okay to still go to Mass.

Think of it this way. The population who commits more sexual crimes against children is actually stepfather/fathers. Are you suggesting that stepfathers/fathers should be abolished because they have the highest percentage rate of committing sexual abuse against children?

No, you're not. Because you know that it's wrong to hold the crimes of a few against the entire population of fathers and stepfathers.

So you are worng to say that one guilty priest is enough to "forever destroy the so-called image of moral authority" unless you also believe that one guilty stepfather and one guilty dad are enough to destroy a father's ability to be a moral authority to his own kids.

I'm Catholic, but I'm not stupid. I don't put my children in situations where they are likely to be abused, that is, alone, one-on-one with an adult who might abuse them. I have a relative who is a pedophile. He is married and the father of four kids (he abused two of his own daughters). I don't allow my kids to be alone with this guy, EVER. I can't help the fact that he shows up at some family events -- it's a free country and he's a free man, and I can't have him locked away unless he commits another crime. My job as mother to my kids is to make sure that when and if they are at an event with this relative, they are always away from him and never alone with him.

The same applies to how I allow my children to interact with Catholic priests as well as other "trusted" members of society where pedophiles have been known to lurk: teachers, scout leaders, coaches, etc. I am confident that my children are in no more danger in Church than they are at school, at scout camp, etc., because I take steps to ensure their safety at every turn.

2007-07-10 03:07:42 · answer #3 · answered by sparki777 7 · 0 0

The incidence of such crimes among priests is no more common than among any other group of men. The only thing that is greater in cases involving priests is the vast amount of publicity they receive. When a scout leader or a guidance counselor or a coach in California commits such a crime, people in Arizona don't even hear about it. But when a priest anywhere in the country commits such a crime, it makes the front page of every newspaper in the country. Why would I stop worshipping God because a few men commited grave sins? That doesn't make a bit of sense. If you won a million dollars, but the man who delivered it was a sinner, would you refuse the money? What we receive at Mass is worth far more than a million dollars. It is in fact of infinite value.

2007-07-07 12:42:54 · answer #4 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 2 0

Two of the disciples of Jesus out of the 12 betrayed Jesus. One was once sorry, the opposite dedicated suicide. Does this imply that the opposite 10 have been simply as mistaken? Jesus works via folks with folks errors and sins. The Vatican has spiken strongly in opposition to any priest who has damaged any legislation above all in opposition to youngsters. These monks are eliminated instantly from their function as an lively priest. Many had been arrested and feature performed time. The Church is holy on account that Jesus is holy and lives in and via the church. We also are a church of sinners who depend on the affection and forgiveness of God. The church has performed a lot to aid the sufferers and households of the ones suffering from the sin and errors of its monks. The church is doing all is can to insure that gift and long term monks are cautiously screened and brought out of lively ministry who've damaged the legislation of society and in their vows.

2016-09-05 18:34:35 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yes the 1.2 billion member Catholic Church should be abolished for the transgressions of a few men... No not really the sins of these so called "men of God" are horrendous, but like Jesus stated "let those without sin throw the first stone" virtually all religions and belief systems in general have their scandals.

2007-07-07 12:37:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If I would go around saying we need to get rid of all African Americans because of a few who molested children, I would be called a hateful, bigoted racist. However, people say we need to get rid of the Church because a few sinful priests who did not get help and/or live their faith molested children and no one gets miffed. How hateful is that?

2007-07-08 10:53:10 · answer #7 · answered by Danny H 6 · 1 0

what about the protestant pastors/ministers guilty of the same crimes. these crimes are sad whether the person is a priest,pastor,christian lay person or non religious. the stain extends to all walks of life.

for proper catholic understanding try
this is a problem in the catholic church that we strive to rectify, but lets not be so blind as to limit the crisis to the catholic church when it is so wide spread of a problem.

2007-07-07 23:30:56 · answer #8 · answered by fenian1916 5 · 1 0

Because those people are not the Church - we are. Because there are sinful, sickening people in it, as there are in ALL organizations and ALL religions, doesn't make the religion itself bad.

Your child has a better chance of being molested by a family member than by a priest.

2007-07-07 12:41:02 · answer #9 · answered by SpiritRoaming 7 · 4 0

I think I understand. You want to victimize all Catholics by abolishing the Church because of the misguided actions of a relative few clergy?

You cannot justify evil by pointing to other evil.

2007-07-11 02:35:55 · answer #10 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

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