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I have found a mathematical proof of Creationism that puts the evolution/creationism debate to an end!!!

Let a=b
Then a^2=ab We can then subtract b^2 from both sides:
a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2 We can reduce this to:
(a+b)*(a-b) = b(a-b) We can divide both sides by (a-b) to get:
a+b = b And since a = b, we can substitute to get
b+b = b so:
2b=b we divide both sides by b again to get
We can now subtract 1 from both sides to get 1 = 0. If we add 0 to both sides, we get 1+0 = 0+0. Since 1+0 is the same as 1, we can reduce this to:
0+0 = 1. Thus, God can create something from nothing. So evolution is false.

2007-07-07 12:17:58 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

e^(i*pi)+1 = 0, therefore God Exists.

2007-07-07 12:31:34 · update #1

26 answers

This is a joke, right?

Anyway, this is an old mathematical brain teaser. The flaw is in the step where you divide both sides by (a-b). Since a=b as it's defined, this means you're dividing by zero. You can't divide by zero in mathematics, otherwise you get contradictions like this.

Furthermore, there have been mathematicians in the past who believe there were calculations that "proved" the existence of deity (such as the argument that the infinite sequence 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1... can be rewritten as (1-1) + (1-1) ... = 0 or 1 + (-1+1) + (-1+1) ... = 1).

In any case, even if a contradiction like this was found in mathematics, it still wouldn't prove the existence of deity one bit. And even if we do include the argument that "something can come from nothing", that still doesn't disprove evolution.

2007-07-07 12:22:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

erm if you can subsititute a for b then they are the same value to begin with so how can 2 of the same value be equal to just one of the same value

if you say the value is one (where you say 2b=b) so 1=b then 2b =2 therefore you are saying that 2=1 or that 2 is the same as 1 mmmm forgive me but i think not your formula falls flat on its face right there

and if a=b they are mathmatically identical, so so from the outset they have a value or don't

you are ignoring the fact that = means equal to or the same as so you are saying that 2 is the same as 1 and 1 is the same as nothing

so your saying that if i hold 2 mints in my left hand and 1 in my right, i have the same amount of mintyness in both hands

and that 0 has a value when it is discribed to mean nothing, how can nothing be something?

and 0=0 0+0=0 no matter how you distort it, think about it, i have no sweets in my cats food dish i then add it to the number of sweets in my ceral packet where their are also no sweets, so how many sweets do i have

your trying to make a translation between 2=1 and 1=0 their is an obvious problem with this in that yes you have taken 1 from either side but you've started with someting and reduced it from to nothing, your saying god is creating something from nothing, this doesn't work there was nothing to begin with so nothing to bein with so you can't play with the numbers beforehand anyway they are not relevant, looks like to me you don't even understand what it is saying yet your hoping to impress others by pretending that you do and asuming we will not question it

maybe you need to go back to school for some maths lessons

in fact quick lesson in binary, computer speak, its all ones and zeros lovley

1 means there is an electrical impulse thus a value, if 0 there is no impulse meaning nothing, so your are saying that in this case that 2 parts of a microproccessor with no electrical current could equal 1 electrical current thus in binary a value, man if that where true your computer wouldn't work it would be mathmatically impossable therefore by typing that quesion you have proved your own point false.

thus that also means that the universe could come out of nothing with no need for god, if that formula where not flawed i could point it at anything, like my tic tac box could just refill itself any moment now, mmmm

2007-07-07 12:27:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You come to 2b=b. This means that only 0 works for b. 0 introduces a lot of problems sometimes...

So, your math is flawed, and your terms are undefined and meaningless anyway. You made no argument for God or creationism. You fail.

Edit: Um, your additional details prove nothing. You can't use numbers and letters to prove the existence of anything, let alone God. You're making random statements that have no metaphysical meaning.

Also, your first conclusion - that God can create something from nothing, therefore evolution is false - is not shown through your math, nor is it a logical connection. We don't need to be told that an omnipotent being could do it if it existed. We just have no proof of God. Furthermore, who says evolution wasn't God's method?

2007-07-07 12:28:31 · answer #3 · answered by Skye 5 · 4 2

Good question, it got some original answers.

The two points I use are -
1) Evolution is false because it says humans and dinosaurs lived millions of years apart. But there are places around the world with human and dinosaur footprints in them.
2) One of the testes to see if the Bible is real - it promises that God would give people His Spirit and power. Go to several Pentecostal or Apostolic churches in your area and ask if there is any one there who has the gift of healing or prophecy, and then have them pray for you. (Also ask them to pray to God that He will reveal Him self to you).

2007-07-07 12:41:56 · answer #4 · answered by tim 6 · 2 2

That's cool - yeah - something from nothing is impossible outside of God. So what's the question??? He is the sign for infinity - which is not even included on my keypad here! Of course, God is way more than that - but he is infinite in every sense of the word. Infinity is the source of every mathematical truth and nothing we know is not contained within it. Yet our finite brain capacity cannot contain infinity so it's truly beyond our comprehension - yeah - that's how BIG my God is! If you really want to think brain wrenching thoughts - ok - you cannot comprehend what nothing is - so the air - ok - there are atoms in the air and there is free space - but what is that free space? It's enough to give you an axiety attack just trying to comprehend what is NON-matter? It is something - but it's nothing - so what IS it? We can't even comprehend our own reality what could make us think we could understand how the world came to be apart from a creator? There is an infinite amount of measurable space inbetween each consitutent of an atom. We keep breaking the atom down into sub atomic parts and so on - but we can't get it down to the smallest possible bit of matter - just like we can't measure outer space! Math is the same way. We have to work within the constraints of our brain and what we can know and understand. How could we possibly believe that the world and life itself started all from random chance processes - when we're so obviously limited even in thought and reason in comparison to what we know to be true?

2007-07-07 12:22:49 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 2 4

Aaaaggghh! There's so much wrong with that I don't know where to start!

First problem: Your proof breaks when you divide by a-b because a-b=0.

Second problem: Even if God can create something from nothing, that doesn't in the slightest bit disprove the theory of evolution. Evolution doesn't require that God have limited power.

2007-07-07 12:20:12 · answer #6 · answered by Brent L 5 · 9 3

Pathetic. That was old back in jr. high school. All that proves is that you (and god?) can't even grasp first semester algebra.

Is it any wonder that "creation science" is such a joke?

"I wish I could...but math isn't one of my better subjects."

Nor is it for the OP, evidently.

2007-07-07 15:48:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

lol this is so pathetic it makes me laugh
so you've just multiplied by 0(2-2=0)
which means that it doesn't matter
multiply by 0 it's undefined
you must really suck at math

2007-07-07 12:51:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

erm. honey.

if a=b, then a-b=0

so you cannot divide by (a-b) because it's mathematically impossible to divide by 0.

and what the hell is with your additional details? yes, that equals zero, but so does 10-10. does 10-10 also prove god exists?

2007-07-07 12:25:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3


A prime reason for non-belief in the non-event of evolution is because D Towers, over his recent 9 year research, in his work, ‘TWO BIRDS ... ONE STONE!!', discovered, unequivocally, that Man and the snake are precise opposites of one another! ... in ALL aspects - both anatomically and behaviorally!
That is eerie!!!

But once we have recovered from the shock of such a discovery, we immediately realize that only a Master mind could have engineered such, and that random mutation certainly wasn't 'random", if at all!!

The other gravital realization that strikes is that it overwhelmingly supports the Biblical Adam and Eve, wherein it was the snake [serpent] who tempted Eve to oppose God, and set up "opposition in all things' in the first place!

Those who religiously 'hail' 'Biological Evolution of the Species' as some genuine, realistic, form of life source explanation:

Two Birds ... One Stone!!
by Denis Towers
via Xulonpress.com

2007-07-07 12:25:23 · answer #10 · answered by dr c 4 · 1 6

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