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Hey. Im recently becoming a christian and I was wondering a few things about christians. Do you really believe that people who dont know Jesus will go to hell? I love my boyfriend very much but he is not very religious and I am terrified to death that he will go to hell when he dies. I believe that Jesus loves me but I want to know what christians think I should do. I dont want to have to break up with my boyfriend. Also, why did you become christian? What made you want to be one? I would love to hear your story. Thanks!

2007-07-07 12:02:09 · 27 answers · asked by Jen 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers


He will eventually realize or not.

Your first job is to become comfortable with the gift that God has given you. Then you will see clearly enough to start to help others. In the meantime, the best help to him would be by you leading by example. Not by impulse.. but by example.

My story is a long gradual one. Such is Faith. If you ever need a friend, I would be glad to help. That is why the Church is valuable. Good company in Christ that you can help, and who can help you.

God Bless you.

2007-07-07 12:06:19 · answer #1 · answered by John W 6 · 8 1

It's not what I believe is so much important to you, but what the Bible, which is God's inspired Word to us, says about it.
God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice, and He hates sin, but loves the sinner.

I am so pleased that you have become a Chrisitan, this is the best decision of your life. I became a Christian many many years ago, and as I look back over my life, I see the hand that has guided and planned. There have been difficult times, and we are not exempt from these just because we are Christians, in fact, being a Christian can make life more difficult for some, however, we have Jesus with us to help us, and that is what makes all the difference.

I was brought up in a Christian home, but there came a time when I had to decide for myself whether I would be a Christian. I lost two people very close to me when I was aged 11 and 12, one was a Christian and the other was not (as far as I know), and this made me think a lot about eternal life, and the kind of life a Christian leads as opposed to a non-christian. Even at this young age, I weighed all these things up, and I made my decision to ask the Lord to save me when I was 13.

As far as you boyfriend is concerned, why not pray for him, and ask the Lord to help you come to the right decision.
The Bible speaks about being unequally yoked with unbelievers, but as you grow in your Christian walk, the Lord will reveal to you personally, what is right. Speak to the Lord about this, and it may be that your boyfriend will also see the change in you, and decide to become a Christian too.

May the Lord bless you!

2007-07-07 19:14:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The greatest single control in your life is made possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. When you come to know Christ as your personal Saviour, God gives you His Holy Spirit, and your body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit. Although you still have your old nature, you now have an additional nature - a new nature. God says in His Word: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Cor 5:17.
As you call upon the Holy Spirit to help you, He will do just that. This new nature is nurtured and fed by daily reading God's Word, by praying and becoming involved in the service of the Lord. When you do this, you will have the mind and thoughts of Christ and you will not want to do things which are wrong. So this is the first and most important step in having self-control. Trust Christ as your Saviour, live each hour completely in Him, and shun those things which would tempt you.
As you go through life, you will find that there are many decisions which you will have to make. Some must be made on the spot. In others words, some decisions cannot be premeditated. They must be settled suddenly. However, there are some choices which can be made in advance. You don't have to wait until you are put on the spot before deciding what to do. Rather, you can make up your mind long before temptations. Such is the pledge of purity. You know God wants you to be clean and pure. You know, too, that a life of purity is the only kind that will bring you happiness. So early in life you can make this great decision. One of this great decision, is your situation today? as what you have said: "I love my boyfriend very much but he is not very religious and I am terrified to death that he will go to hell when he dies."

First of all, pray for him daily by name. So many times we say we want to see someone saved "sure of heaven", but we rarely, if ever, speak his name to God in prayer. If we really believe that we have a God who hears and answers prayer, then why don't we pray? "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matt 21:22. And lead that person to Christ, bring or invite him to your church. Don't be afraid!, if you don't know how to share the simple plan of Salvation, Just invite him to your church and let him hear about the simple plan of Salvation.
Don't give up! OK, we have a GREAT AND TRUE GOD.

"And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life." 1 John 5:20

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;" Titus 2:13

Don't forget that your life is committed to Christ. He is Lord and Saviour. If it is His will for yout to marry, He will lead you to the RIGHT ONE. If you are to stay single, He will give grace for that, too. God's purposes are of supreme importance in your life.

2007-07-08 00:48:15 · answer #3 · answered by itsme_565 4 · 0 0

I'm a natural born Christian, the texts help but I knew God was there, the religion confirmed it. If people turn to the Father and the Son, they can be forgiven, to help his faith show him this, I'm almost positive he will listen to this "PROOF" of God:

Here are some of the famed Bible Codes that exist;

A) In the Bible all of the names in the old testament when translated back to their original Hebrew meanings literally spell out the story of Christ, from God's point of view, starting with, " I will appoint a man, a man of sorrow...",

B) All throughout the Bible there is a constant numerical code derived from translating the text back into Old Hebrew, in which letters represent numbers as well. The numbers in each row add up to 7,11,7,11,etc... This was thought to be possible to have occurred naturally, until they actually calculated the odds of this and they were 7 billion, and the odds of this occurring naturally were 11 trillion. This proves that ALTHOUGH the text was written by many different people in many different time periods, the code is constant showing God's influence on men's words from beyond time!

C) In the book of Revelations where the verse occurs,
"Let him who has an ear hear, Calculate the number of the beast, for the number of the beast is the number of a man, that number is 666."

Every 666th translated letter spells out:

Satan the Accuser.

These codes weren't even discovered by man, but by a computer encryption program, He should listen to the evidence. I've done all I could, contact me back if you wish.

2007-07-07 19:26:34 · answer #4 · answered by Charles E 3 · 0 0

Jen I will answer your question with a question. What fellowship does darkness have with light? Do you think that you can save your boyfriend? I am really not trying to sound mean but I want you to realize whats more important. Do you want the approval of man and when I say man( I mean mankind that includes women) or do you want the approval of God? You are about to go through a difficult trial. I highly recommend that you pray and ask God what he wants you to do. I would also recommend that you talk to your pastor. Now to answer your other question why I became a Christian, When I was 17 I had a friend of mine commit suicide. I was using drugs and drinking a lot. My mom during this time was praying for me. I came home one day and she was watching an Evangelist on T.V. Long story short I listened to what the preacher was saying and I gave my life to Christ. I have never been the same since. I was instantly delivered of drugs and alcohol. I am eternally grateful for what Jesus did for me. It was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I gave up a lot for my faith but I gained more then what I lost. I will pray for you. God bless you.

2007-07-07 19:30:57 · answer #5 · answered by Dalton 2 · 2 0

I do believe in hell, but I believe it is just eternal separation from God, and that the flames are symbolic. But it will be a place of darkness and anguish.
From past experience, I think it is best to marry only another Christian(or date)...it makes your relationship stronger and is easier if you agree about it and have someone to share your walk of faith with. And when children come along, they will be influenced in their choice about God by both parents points of view, and a lot of times go for the more lenient way. Not always, but it could bring you much worry and pain in the future.
I was born and raised as a Christian, but I left at 18 to become a Jehovah's Witness until 3 years ago. I left the JW's and went back to the Christian faith. God has helped me through so much, and I am so grateful for everything and will always try my best to live for Him.
Congratulations on becoming a Christian! : )

2007-07-07 19:11:39 · answer #6 · answered by hodgiegirl2000 4 · 4 0

First of all Congratulations! . If you truly love your boyfriend then it is natural that you would not want to see him go to hell. Now he will hopefully see Jesus in you and be drawn to a relationship with him also. Patience is the key and standing on God's Word is a must.
I became a Christian because I was searching for something real. I was sick of the numerous lies and wanted to know truth. I simply prayed and said " Jesus, if you are real then help me know it". He showed up powerfully and changed my life radically. He is my reason for life. That was on Halloween night of 1990. Not one regret. Hope all works at well for you.

2007-07-07 19:15:42 · answer #7 · answered by A Voice 5 · 3 0

I think it's time you took a deep breath and relax.
Geez girls today put way too much emphasis on some relationship with a boyfriend. ... what am I saying - it's been like that since Eve....

OK so you've given your heart to Jesus. Does that now mean that you should be concentrating on your boyfriend or your growing relationship with Jesus?
You need to PRAY sister. Let the boy go for awhile while you develop your new found faith. If you are meant to be together, he will likely convert and you will be together. If not, then you've let him go at the right time.
Stop stressing about it.

blessings :)

2007-07-07 19:12:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I was brought up in a Chriatian home and have therefore been a Christian my entire life. I don't remember when I personally got my faith; but I have at some point decided for myself that I truly was a Christian. I couldn't imagine life without Jesus in it. It's so good to know that you're never alone. Even when times are bad, I feel his presence. He's my best friend:-)

2007-07-07 19:59:38 · answer #9 · answered by Joan79 3 · 1 0

Hell is a conditon. Look around you. The bible speaks of the Lake of fire, which all those that do not belive and refuse to hear will go to.

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Everyone is responsible for there own salvation. As long as your boyfriend has breath in him he has a chance to get into the Kingdom of God. There is none that is religious . Religion made up by man is evil and contrary to the word of God. Do you know anyone that is undspotted from the world other than Jesus

Jam 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world.

If you think that Jesus loves everyone, think again. He does not love everyone. If you do not obey the Gospel he does not know you.

Jhn 17:8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received [them], and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

Jhn 17:9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

notice where it says i never know you

New christian, Christians means to be Christ like do what christ did when he walked this eartth.

Luk 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.

If you are going to church on sunday the first day of the week. This is contrary to the word of God and the bible does not in anyform support it. His commandment was to remenber the sabbath and to keep it holy. Believe it or not this is done every sabbath day. 7th day of the week. Sundown friday to sundwon saturday.

2007-07-07 19:22:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm in the process of becoming Catholic, because I feel called to it, to be honest. Started praying the rosary and kept feeling this calling to the church. I knew the first time I went to Mass that I wanted to join. I just feel the power of it every time I pray, every time I attend Mass.

But no, I do not believe that anybody who isn't a Christian will go to hell. I feel very strongly that God loves all of his children, whether they believe or not, whether they go to church or not. I believe that only those who commit harm against others and don't feel regret for it (murderers, for example) go to hell.

Peace be with you.

2007-07-07 19:11:39 · answer #11 · answered by I'm just me 7 · 0 0

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