I support freedom, and were equality an obtainable goal I would support it as well.
2007-07-07 12:03:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What do you want freedom from, restraint, from law? Why does anyone cry freedom? When one has 'freedom,' they want more. More, More, More. There is never enough. Freedom for freedom's sake is an endless empty yearning. It is too nebulous.
Equality with whom, with animals? With man? He doesn't have many 'freedoms.' He has to go to work, make it safe for the family if he has one. He has no choice, and if he did, he would be out on his own, with all the freedom he wants. Is that freedom? He may then be enslaved to sloth, or booze or drugs or an endless empty life. Equality with women? Why, they don't have it so good either. Freedom for men to have babies? To stay home and take care of them? Freedom from the nagging hunger or emptiness. To have tasteless food? Freedom to enjoy your emptiness? Freedom to be a hypocrite? Freedom to be jealous or angry for no reason or to violate another?
Need to specify what you are asking, maybe that would help me understand.
If you are asking whether Christians want for every man what he wants for himself. It says it in the Golden Rule that we should.
Unfortunately, we don't all know how to love as we ought to. There are empties and hypocrites walking among us, (as well as anywhere else.) If it were not so, there wouldn't be as many anti-thesis walking around, justifying themselves.
FYI hypocrites get it worse than Sodom and Gomorrah ever did. It says so in the same Golden Rule Book.
2007-07-07 12:40:51
answer #2
answered by Blank 4
Christians only oppose homosexuality for no further reason than the Bible condemns it. If we say we believe in the word of God, should we not live by it and teach what it has to say? "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves...For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient" Rom 1:24, 26-28.
2007-07-07 12:12:13
answer #3
answered by michaelsseed14 2
duh...why does it matter if you are a christian or not...have you studied the teaching of Christ?? it is all about freedom and equality..i think people forget that Jesus represented the deprivation of humanity...he led a blameless life and then was killed for no reason.....true christians keep to themselves and help those who cannot help themselves...
2007-07-07 12:06:29
answer #4
answered by amecake83 3
only a relationship with Jesus can bring both of these ideas. we can have freedom from sin and a equal relationship with God.
2007-07-07 12:04:47
answer #5
answered by rap1361 6
theres too much sining now due to freedom and equality!! this needs to stop and we need to return to traditional moral values!!
2007-07-07 12:11:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Most claim they do, until you bring up homosexuality.
Note: I'm not saying that all Christians are homophobes, but it is true that a lot of them oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
2007-07-07 12:02:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I do. Truly. Even those who do not believe, athiests.
2007-07-07 12:13:16
answer #8
answered by I'm just me 7
Why wouldn't we?
2007-07-07 12:04:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i do
2007-07-07 12:09:19
answer #10
answered by booellis 5