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Are there any Atheist Creationists? No, because atheists are closed-minded. But there are Christian evolutionists because Christians are open-minded.
Since Christians are open minded and atheists aren't, the theories they believe are likely to be right. (because they're willing to change their minds when they encounter a better theory)
Conversely, atheist theories are likely to be wrong. Since evolution is an atheist theory it is likely to be wrong.
Therefore creationism is better than evolution.

Let's see if anybody can argue against that logic.

2007-07-07 11:32:17 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Even if my "logic" is bad, it doesn't matter because I have faith and faith is more important than logic, because to use logic you need faith that your logic is correct.

2007-07-07 11:44:21 · update #1

25 answers

There are no atheist creationists, but there are atheists who do not believe in evolution. There was one on YA an hour ago.

Atheists are open minded because they look at the world objectively and can therefore change their viewpoint. Religion on the other hand is a doctrine. It doesn't change. Religion IS closed-minded. Open-minded religious folks who do not take it literally are not adhering to the doctrine.

I suspect that when all answers are in, however, you'll completely ignore this and go "See? Nobody's argued properly with my viewpoint and therefore creationism IS better than evolution! HA HA! Silly evolutionist atheists!" like all the other morons who've posed questions in the same idiotic terms as your good self.

2007-07-07 11:41:30 · answer #1 · answered by Citizen Justin 7 · 2 1

Well, the main reason that there are no atheist creationists is that that sort of position would be contradictory. If you're an atheist, you do not believe that there is a god. If you're a creationist, then you believe there's an omnipotent, omniscient providence- which we can be fairly sure means a God. Atheists, then, don't believe in creationism for the same reason that those who don't believe in God don't believe in God!

Besides, not wishing to make 'intelligent design' sound like a stopgap or a way of evading contradictory evidence, but...there is a lot of evidence that species have changed over time. That makes it harder, simply, not to believe that some sort of evolution has not occured- it's being forced and coerced into concession, rather than wilfully choosing an idea because it is better, some might say.

You claim that atheists don't adapt to new theories. I assume by atheism we mean specifically 'scientific humanism' -atheism on it's own is maybe too broad a term. I think that's not an unfair way of making the debate more specific- I'm not trying to single out straw men etc., if you see what I mean.

Now, surely the notion of empirical research actually insists on recognising new approaches to data and considering their worth. After all, the idea is that knowledge is gained htrough repeated trials, knowledge becoming more perfect each time. Isn't that akin to the sort of adaptation, or 'open-mindedness', if you like, that you write of?

It's true enough that there are some arrogant and stubborn atheists. I have met similar Christians, though, and Buddhists, and Hindus...likewise I have met Christians who are open-minded, and open minded atheists too. It is not that certain groups are more stubborn than others. It is that some people are arrogant, 'closed-minded' and that some other people are not.

I recognise your logic- it is sometimes referred to as 'dialectic idealism', I believe, and it's not without some validity. But I think you are mistaken in believing that a creed that insists upon specifically *faith* will have trouble being any less close-minded than another creed that insists upon the trial of existing knowledge.

Edit- while I take the opportunity to correct my spelling, I think I need to note that I'm not trying to get into a fight, nor am I trying to be nearly as aggressive as some others on Y.A. are - but I really must take you up on certain points. I've tried to write this in a calm, clear way, to avoid that sort of confrontation. You may disagree with us, but I think we aren't nearly so arbitrary and unresponsive as you claim.

2007-07-07 11:48:32 · answer #2 · answered by Jim 5 · 1 0

First off, this is stupid because you don't understand what atheism is.
But I'm just going to continue in hopes of better educating you.
Atheism is the rejection of religion and the acceptance of a scientifically created universe. This is the definition of atheism. Therefore is you believe in creationism you are not an atheist.

2014-12-06 17:24:58 · answer #3 · answered by Cassia 1 · 1 0

Logic? Oh, you're so cute!

Evolution is NOT an Atheist theory. Evolution is a scientific theory. While Atheists often use science for proof of a given view, we don't own it and freely admit that there is the possibility for error.

We have millions of years' worth of fossil records backing up the theory of evolution. You have a single book (and one that's proven wrong all the time, to boot) backing up the concept of creationism.

The reason why there are no Atheist creationists is because such a thing is redundant: How can we deny the existence of God, yet somehow think that He created everything? Sounds pretty goofy to me. What's even more crazy is that, to you, that's proof of close-mindedness! Learn word definitions. Seriously. If you've got enough bandwidth on your computer to type this tripe, you've got plenty to access an online dictionary. Call it a favor to me.

2007-07-07 11:43:50 · answer #4 · answered by writersblock73 6 · 2 2

Evolution is not an "atheist theory" it is a scientific theory, and many scientist believe in God, and as your post points out, one does not HAVE to be an atheist to be an evolutionist.

However, since atheists don't believe in the genesis story of creation, an atheist can no more be a creationist than a Christian could be an atheist.

2007-07-07 11:39:45 · answer #5 · answered by queenthesbian 5 · 4 1

There are Christian evolutionists? Ha! Ha! Big joke.

A Christian is a follower of the teachings of Christ. Christ believed in, and taught, Special Creation. Anyone who does not believe and teach Special Creation cannot be a Christian. Can you argue against this logic?

2007-07-07 11:44:47 · answer #6 · answered by flandargo 5 · 1 2


* The only reasons to reject science is not understanding it and being afraid of it. Atheists have no reason to reject science - especially evolution, since there are NO ALTERNATIVE SCIENTIFIC THEORIES.

* Not only atheists accept evolution; it's not an "atheist theory".

* If you could prove evolution wrong, your religion or lack thereof wouldn't matter. Religion does not factor into science.

* Theists (especially christians) refuse to accept facts; atheists are, for the most part, always ready to accept new evidence (and scientists always are).

You must really be scared of honestly thinking about your beliefs to resort to such a collection of logical fallacies.

You show such limited understanding of logic and science that you must be an american.

2007-07-07 11:40:26 · answer #7 · answered by Dreamstuff Entity 6 · 3 1

You just said that christians can believe in evolution! So how, in the same breath, can you say that creationism is better than evolution?
There is more proof for evolution so it only makes sense that more people would believe in it anyway.

2007-07-07 12:00:58 · answer #8 · answered by galapagos6 5 · 0 0

Logic is against Faith, which is against Christianity.

Would you be pompous enough to think you were able to go up against God Almighty in a battle of wits?

Hebrews 11
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.....

There will be no concrete evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt in everyones head that God does exist. (Until it it is too late)

Absolute Proof of the Bible would totally kill Faith.

Faith is one of the most important things in all of creation.

There have been countless martyrs blood shed in the name of Faith... And God will surely never send us this proof thereby making the saints sacrifices in vain.

As far as Gods Kingdom, it has come! It Simply hasn't yet been completed. Have you missed it?

If you see a Church being built on the Water all supported by the Word of God, then you already know that The Kingdom of God is within you.

You can walk in and of the Spirit (on water), yet be in the world.

Just as surely as you can walk in and of the world with snakes.

Believe the Truth, and God Bless you!

2007-07-07 11:41:39 · answer #9 · answered by John W 6 · 0 3

I'm an agnostic and since agnostics get lumped with atheists, I'm going to answer this question:

I have a lot of atheist friends who believe in both. The only difference is they don't believe that a God or Gods created things so your assumption that no atheist believe in creation is just that...an assumption and it makes it highly doubtful you even have the "logic" to comprehend what you just wrote.

2007-07-07 11:40:49 · answer #10 · answered by jdhs 4 · 2 1

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