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had sex? Explain that? and, why did god kill so many people, when it's wrong to do that. In my opinion, god does NOT exist! and who's adam and eve? is that where everyone in the world was born, from them? why is everything so confusing about religion these days!

2007-07-07 10:41:36 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

if we're the offspring of adam and eve, isn't that incest? yuck!

2007-07-07 10:58:32 · update #1

43 answers

First we have to have unconditional faith on God Almighty.
God Almighty has created universes, and every living and nonliving things in/on universes.

To know how and when God born or how

God created first human being Prophet Adam from dust, without parents.

Religion given by The God Almighty provides guidance to spend life (given by God Almighty) in this earth of God .
Birth of Prophet Jesus(pbuh) is like Adam, for God Almighty it is very easy.

Prophet Jesus born from virgin Marry (pbu her), without any intervention of male.

2007-07-07 11:06:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What do you mean it's confusing these days. People have been finding it confusing for 2000 years.

The imaculate conception is the first question. If you believe in an all powerful creator, then you can accept that something powerful and wise enough to create all that is etc then that is a fairly small leap of faith to make.

Adam and Eve I tend to agree is a difficult case to accept. Any population of less than 250 has very large problems developing due to inbreeding. The available gene pool is simply too shallow. At best you might accept the Adam and Eve to be a symbolic representation to explain how mankind came in to being. I personally find the evolution theory easier to accept.

To be fair to any diety, does God kill so many people, or is it mankind that kills so many. We have the ability on this planet to feed every man woman and child, yet mankind chooses not to distribute aid where needed, or to abuse aid by stealing, diverting or hoarding food for either personal or political gain. Lets be realistic nothing should take the blame for those deaths but mankind. Natural disasters can in fairness be a debateable issue dependant upon ones individual perspective.

Things take another downward step when the Monarch to the throne of England has the title defender of the faith. A title adopted by Henry 8th as a matter of hereditary convenience to obtain a divorce. Looking at the next in line to the throne, I can think of many reasons why I object to his right to claim this title. With such a title I would expect a person of exlemporary character and a pillar of modern society. Prince Charles fails to meet the high standards I would expect for such a revered title.

If you want to pick holes in the bible there are a great number of things as a sceptic that you will find to disagree with.

I hold the one maxim to be fair>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

If someone chooses to believe in an omnipresent all power deity so be it. If they choose not to so be it. But nobody has the right to kill, injure or convert any other person other than by means of debate.

2007-07-07 11:16:53 · answer #2 · answered by Vogon Poet 4 · 0 0

The word that was translated as 'virgin' could also have been translated as pure, young woman. Mary and Joseph had many children. It doesn't mean that she didn't have sex, just that she was pure.

If you had an ant farm and most of the ants started destroying the farm and each other. If you moved most of the ants to another place to save the farm and the innocent ants, that wouldn't be wrong.

Adam's first wife was called Lilith. She wouldn't do what Adam told her so she turned into a demon and flew away. Eve was genetically engineered from Adam's rib. The cosmic serpent helped them by giving them the fruit of knowledge. When we return to the garden we will have freewill, knowledge, and other things we didn't have before we left. God wanted his children to choose him rather than blindly follow so we had to go down to the physical plane to learn.

Much of the Bible is allegorical so it can seem confusing. You don't need to wreck your head with questions. Sing and pray to the divine eternal father and you'll be better than okay.

2007-07-09 22:52:16 · answer #3 · answered by Holistic Mystic 5 · 0 0

These stories are myths and are not meant to be taken literally (waiting now for thumbs down from the fundamentalists!). Mary had had sex - the story of the virgin birth was intended to indicate Jesus's special relationship with God - the gospels of Mark and John do not mention it, by the way, which is significant. Stories of virgin births and resurrections were quite common in Israel 2000 years ago - that was the way they expressed themselves. There were no specific people called Adam and Eve - they are an allegory for the human race, and its inherent sinfulness. God has never killed anyone - we humans do that sort of thing very well, thank you.

2007-07-07 11:12:22 · answer #4 · answered by Martin 5 · 0 0

Quite simply, Mary (if she even existed) can't have been virgin if she had a baby. God didn't kill lots of people, as he doesnt exist, and the people who made up the bible and put that in are a bit silly really! Adam and Eve didnt exist either and i read that apparantly the start of the bible is only about 4000 years anf so the world is only 4000 years old!! What a load of bollocks!!

2007-07-07 10:49:18 · answer #5 · answered by Darlingthatsfabulous 1 · 0 0

Genesis 1:27 -God created man, male and female on the 5th day. Genesis 2:7 -God created man from dust on the 8th day. Genesis 2:22 - God created woman from the man's rib sometime later.

The 5th day people were created at the same time as the animals, they are the Goyim, the Gentiles. It was these people Cain feared and he found a wife among them and for whom he built a city, Enoch. They are supposed to be our ancestors. The 8th day man was Adam and the woman made from him was Eve and they are the ancestors of the Hebrew people. If Noah's Flood was true we'd all be Hebrews, but it was only 22.5 feet deep [15 cubits].

God did not directly kill people who had not sinned, disobeyed or deserved death. The Hebrews themselves did the killing, just as many of them were killed by others. It was not a nice time to live.

It is possible to be pregnant and still be a virgin, unpenetrated, but that is nearly unheard of. God had something to do with it in this case. If God can make man from dust and woman from man, God can make a man from a woman's egg. However I suspect that to make the prophecies true and the genealogy, God may have used Joseph as a donor in creating God's son in human form.

God exists despite your opinion, which you cannot prove. People make religion confusing by trying to interpret their Holy Books as word-for-word literally true when they should use common sense and logic and see that the Books are teaching us how to behave not a bunch of hard and fast facts.

2007-07-07 17:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by Taganan 3 · 0 0

Mary conceived by God's Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:26-35)

Killed so many people when?

Adam and Eve were the first human pair created by God, and yes, we are their offspring.

Man is the one that makes the Bible confusing. Satan is the one to blame.

2007-07-07 10:46:30 · answer #7 · answered by ?~GotLove~? 5 · 0 0

Mary, the mother Of God, also of Jesus Christ, bore her son, immaculately. She didn't have sex before hand but she was chosen as His mother, because she had done no wrong, no evil thoughts etc. You don't believe in God!!!, well that's your problem, how can 85% of human beings believe in some form of God....are that 85 % wrong?

I don't think so!

Things are so confusing about religion these days is because you DO NOT want to believe.

I think this is worth the top answer and a star because I have spoken my mind..although its not what you want to hear.

God Bless!!

2007-07-07 10:54:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What we need to remember is that all things are possible for God, and God is never wrong, and cannot lie, and there is no evil in Him.

God is not bound by our human frailties or limitations. If God can create the Universe, He surely has the power to create life in the womb of a woman He made..without her ever being with a man.

People will always rationalize ways to believe they are more loving and right than God because we often times do not understand God's plan, or His nature.

If God created all people, He is their Creator, and as God is according to the Bible, absolute goodness and never wrong, with no evil in Him, His judgment of any human beings is purely right and true...and this means they are deserving of the punishment they receive whatever it may be. If God condemns a people, civilization, etc. It is righteous judgment and not without reason, and He can use any instrument He sees fit to carry out justice upon them, whether that is a plague or storm, or another nation. The nations or societies in Old Testament biblical times that were destroyed practiced the most barbarous atrocities...they sacrificed their babies on alters to man made gods or demons...they practiced perverted sexual rituals and evil rites to man made idols. They lived to lie, they cheated, stole, raped and murdered and glorified their deceitfulness and went out of their way to create new ways to practice evil. They were judged guilty by God and in their place, He put a chosen people to be an example to all the other nations, through which Jesus Christ, the Messiah would later be born into the world...to save the whole world.

Adam and Eve were the first 2 people created by God.

Those who choose not to believe the Bible are considering it from a purely human idea of who God is. Any human being could never do what God did. NO human scientist can create anything as God did it. They must use what he created, elements, genes, organic-biological material, etc. in order to facilitate any creative experiment.

God creates without the need for any starting point or materials...this concept is too difficult for those who are so wrapped up thinking the material world is the end all be all, because they cannot believe the miraculous is possible because they cannot see a physical incarnation of God.

Adam and Eve, by any human scientific standards, is an idea that simply cannot be because we humans can't recreate it through our limited understanding. God can work miracles and does have the power we humans lack.

It's why He is super-natural...not bound by nature...not of this world...not bound by human perception. Nothing is impossible for God and scientists cannot accept that there is anything beyond their ability to explain by using the extremely limited human intellect.

If one begins with the premise that God is all powerful and all knowing...it is not impossible to believe in any of the miracles of God. Love being the most amazing miracle given to us.

Science cannot explain why people love...it is the most irrational/illogical thing we do...animals don't love, they instictively protect their young to a point...and then they abandon them to their fate...they don't hang out afterwards or have reunions. Animals will not make sure the weaker offspring has an equal share of food...the weak just die. It is love that we, as beings created in God's image have the ability to practice if we so choose. Of course human love is far different than the purest love of God, but we are blessed to have even the shadow of true love that we do.

2007-07-07 11:22:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dear Rubbie ,the Virgin Mary concieved by an immaculate conception ,brought on by the Good Lord .God does not kill people ,people kill people.A father does not interfere with what his son does.Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden when Eve ate the forbidden fruit.which
God forbade.People make the Good book confusing.If you dont believe in God then thats your right

2007-07-07 10:50:37 · answer #10 · answered by paul t 4 · 0 0

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