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i have really thought about it, for a while, and no one understands me. i've been on all types of anti depressants (ssri's) and none work. and my moms always rude to me one way or another. i was at blockbuster and i rented "the i inside", and my mom said oh why are you so obsessed with ryan philippe, you got a movie that he was in a week ago too. i replied im not obssed, i just think hes a great actor.

my brother was a drug seller/addict the last 5 years,

and my friend killed herself last month.

i don't know what to do. im just so caught up.

maybe everyone is right im just a mistake. i just want to end my life. i am no longer happy.

Additional Details
21 minutes ago
& my mom always runs my life. she won't but out of it.

i just cant live a life on my own.

additional things--------------------------
oh and dont say ask god to help you.

also i have been to 8 therapists and specialists.

nothing works.

i am 14, and im going to be a freshman in high school.

2007-07-07 10:32:11 · 11 answers · asked by mike 3 in Health Mental Health

11 answers

Sweetheart, you've really been through the wringer, haven't you.

Moms tend to run the lives of their teenage sons, so, though that's bothersome, it is within the realm of normalcy.

Have you tried any drugs other than SSRI's? Have you been to a physical check up to rule out other reasons for the depression?

I see that you have tried lots of stuff and asked lots of people to help you. It saddens me that a smart young man with such promise is so unhappy and grieved that he'd rather end it than live.

Okay, I'm going to make some suggestions. First off, the Eastern world developed ways to treat medical problems long before caucasians even existed. In China, you would have had a comparable surivival rate for brain surgery. We think they were backward, but they weren't. It's just that we were raised with Western medicine.

1. Acupuncture (very little pain, good results, definitely worth a try. Licensed in US).
2. Chinese herbs (a Chinese herbalist (licensed in US) would give you different kinds of meds, only this kind might actually work. Based on plant extracts and naturally occurring substances).
3. Glenn King Institute. I know of this healing practice personally, since my sister practices the art of healing by unclogging energy pathways in the body (the source of all pain and illness). Once the energy can get through, it will do what it needs to do to heal you. It's similar to acupuncture, using fingertips lightly placed instead of needles. Google them for more information. The only problem I have with this group is that it's a wellness program, so once you experience positive results, you may have to practice on yourself regularly to continue the wellfullness.

You're in pain and want to end it because there seems no end in sight. It's hard, but we have to keep trying meds, keep seeing new drs., changing how we eat and exercise until something finally works. It will happen, if you have the patience to wait it out. Don't let the illness win. There is a whole life full of splendor, love and success waiting just on the other side.


2007-07-07 10:56:10 · answer #1 · answered by TX Mom 7 · 4 0

Ending your life is never the answer. There are way to many things wrong with the idea. Part of what your going through actually sounds abit like maybe you and your mother need some counseling. To help each other understand the other and what they are going through. I know you said "don't say ask GOD" but, it's not a bad idea. As long as you go about it the right way and with the right support. The following is something I've stated before, believe in and have experienced first hand myself.

"Talk to GOD. Find a church with a good youth group. Killing your self isn't an option, you will only be damned to a worse hell than you think your going through now. Believe me I've been there. Finding peace in the Lord is the only thing that truly can help. It wont be easy, but with the right Church family and support group you will survive. You have a purpose in life. You just have to find out what it is. It may take awhile but its worth it in the end when God calls upon you to be with him when he determines its your time, not you. trust in the Lord and he will deliver you."

Listen to what some of the people in here are saying. Killing your self will only hurt everyone around you that loves you and that you love.

2007-07-07 11:42:17 · answer #2 · answered by formerly confusedmale 2 · 0 0

Seriously kid... Honestly... that sounds like the life of an average teenager.
I was there 23 years ago and my son who is 14 is going thru the same thing, he hates life, school, his sisters, me and his mom, pretty much everything!!! it's just a phase and it will pass as you get older.
Hang in there, as a 14 yr old your body chemistry is changing, your mind is maturing and it's a rough ride for any kid, and we all know high school sucks especially as a freshman but in 4 years you will look back and you'll see yourself in the faces incoming freshmen.
And in ten years you'll only remember the good times.
Your time to be free Individual will come with time, but you have to pay the dues of growin up just like all the rest of us.

2007-07-07 10:59:03 · answer #3 · answered by kcwayne2000 2 · 1 0

I'm 15 and i totally know how you feel i feel excactly the same, You've had alot to deal with in your life by the sounds of it and you dnt have any means of coping and your desperate to find away but suicide isnt it believe me, I know it's hard to fight the thoughts and the feelings but you got to, you'll get through this and well i really dont think your mate would want you to take your life. Your still young and well you got your whole life ahead of you even if it dont seem so bright not things do get better i know thats hard to believe but you'll just have to wait and see and i promise they will, your probably thinking how can u promise me that well i cant but i'm like 99.9% sure that they will. Hold in there if you need to talk email me. x x x

2007-07-07 11:09:24 · answer #4 · answered by unloved_devil_child 2 · 1 0

hey dude,
I'm 15 and I'm gonna be a sophomore next year.
i cant say that i know how you feel because no one really does except for you, but i can tell you that I'm going through a lot of similar stuff as you.
people are probably telling you stuff like "buck up, other people have it worse" and that's true and all but it probably just makes you feel even worse, it does to me.
i doubt that i could live a life on my own as well, one reason is because my parents are really strict about religion and in our religion your not allowed to move out until your married or something like that, plus i don't think i would even be strong enough to do it.
I'm going through lots of help from psychiatrists and stuff and my diagnosis is severe depression.
suicide thoughts are always in my mind, but just think man, theres so many possibilities for you.
you have no idea whats going to happen 2 minutes from now, it might even be amazing.

i don't really know how to help you, but i truly wish i could.
i know how you feel about the whole parents running your life thing, trust me.

if you need anything you could just ask me a question or email me or something right?
I'm new to this program so i still dk how it works, but ill try my best to help if you'd like.

2007-07-07 10:42:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

you sound badly depressed you need to change doctors? and get another opinion possibly,if your pills are not working maybe you need to be tested for certain disorders that can make you the way you are.
you are not a mistake and ending your life wont help anyone you have your whole life ahead of you,
when you have stared death in the face like i have then you realise life is precious,i had a heart operation this year and nearly died,i was so grateful to the doctors for saving my life,when i had no chance of survival ,my family were told,please get help else where your a young boy with your whole life ahead of you take care

2007-07-07 10:42:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sweetie i was in your shoes two years ago but, killing yourself isn't the answer. Sh** you have been through top more theripst than me. Im very sorry to hear about your friends death. I've had 9 friends kill them self but when i saw the hurt they caused i couldn't do it. Just remeber somone out there cares for you and if you need a friend i can try to be one. so just find me and i'll talk as i can.

2007-07-07 12:28:38 · answer #7 · answered by insanevampnympho 2 · 0 0

Your mother needs to read about depression, she does not sound very supportive, maybe she is depressed herslf. Find a support group and see a therapist, maybe this one will help you, but do not give up.

2007-07-07 11:25:42 · answer #8 · answered by fran j 4 · 1 0

Dude, thats just one of the many rough roads of life. There will be more

2007-07-07 10:41:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are in a difficult situation....Do you have a good friend or relative that you feel safe with....Talk to them, or if things get really bad, and you think of harming yourself, Please, go to your nearest hospital for help......I wish you luck, and hope thing will turn out well for you...

2007-07-07 10:44:06 · answer #10 · answered by lorac 3 · 1 0

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