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My sister refuses to listen to me or my mother. I am the one usually taking care of her during the day and she just doesnt listen. Ive tried reward, yelling, punishment, everything you name it. She is three years old. I have spanked her before, but I dont do it that often. Please help me with this. I dont know how much longer I can deal with this.

2007-07-07 10:26:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

8 answers

I hear you ! When I was in my teens I used to help out and watch my little brother.. He was a complete hellion, horrible you name it... Since, I wasn't getting paid or anything for my duties I put my foot down and stopped watching him.. I felt that if he was not going to listen and I had no recourse with him.. Meaning I could not punish him that I would rather spend the summer with my friends and doing the things that I wanted to do... I was 16 yrs. So, my parents hired a babysitter and he listened to her, because she wasn't familiar and he didn't know what he could get "away" with and he was watched at someone else's home.. For me he was awful, he once broke two windows in his bedroom during a time out/nap... He hit me multiple times with a plastic golf club- and tried to set the house on fire.... He was about 6 or 7 yrs. old... He grew up to be an absolute zero ! At three I'm not sure what you can do, other than time out's. Or have a friend come over or go to someone else's house to help you maybe that might help... If they don't know the surroundings.. Good luck

2007-07-07 10:38:25 · answer #1 · answered by pebblespro 7 · 0 0

Have you heard the phrase "terrible twos"? Well, I for one would take all the two year olds in replace for one three year old. Three year olds are discovering their self. They want power, they want control, but they aren't sure where the limits are yet.

Your sister isn't trying to be "bad", she's just finding her place in the world. I strongly suggest to not spank her. You are her sister, and through life you should be there for her, and not taking the place of the parent. And, you will find that the spanking will work against you. She will grow to see you as (more or less) an equal within the family. And if you can hit her (whether your intention is disciplin or not), she will feel that she can hit you.

With my own kids, I found the best defence against the three year old tantrums was ignoring. It's hard to ignore a three year old who is screaming and yelling and tantruming 2" away from my face, but the best thing to do is to turn your head and pretend that you can't see or hear her. It takes a long time, and a lot of patience, but trust me - she will eventually get the point.

Good luck in making it through this stage!

2007-07-07 11:11:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please don't hit her! I assume you don't like it when she hits you.

You sound young. Taking care of a child is difficult for an adult, let alone a younger person. Doing it well will stretch your maturity past what should be expected of you. You can do it, though! You have shown great initiative by asking for help.

I suggest that you look into reading some parenting books, or even taking a class in parenting. I know, you're not her parent, but you've taken the responsibility of one. If you can't afford to take a college class in parenting (many are offered at night) you can call social services and explain your situation to them. Ask them if there are any classes they can get you into for free.

If you are eighteen or close to it, you can see if you can get a job at a day care center that your sister could go to. They might let her attend for free or a big discount, and you'd get paid as well. This is also a great place to learn how to work with children.

At the very least, watch 'Super Nanny' and 'Nanny 911'. They have excellent skills and advice. The two things they stress most are respect and consistency. Respect each other and your sister - she will learn respect. Consistently respond to her in the same way - she will know what to expect from you and how far is too far.

You should discuss this with your mother as well. She may not be there all day, but she needs to know what's going on with her family and give you both her support.

2007-07-07 10:52:44 · answer #3 · answered by Meghan H 3 · 0 0

Okay rule number one you are the guardian so you are in control. Rule two, The idea is to let them have their way but in a controlled environment that is safe and secure. Find a space for her to do everything she wants. Run, play, fall out, have a tantrum, eat, whatever. It should be a space that is not her bedroom but an area the size of 10x10 square feet .... Put some of her stuff that she plays with there that way you can change it up if you think she's bored with the other toys. Rule three, everything resorts to he room. Consequences result in being put in the room with no toys...time out for about 3 minutes at a time. Rewards result in new things in the room (that of course she wants). Simple choices make it easy to communicate. It also limits feisty behavior because she already knows what the deal is. Behavior modifying room arrangements can shape how the child acts and responds. It worked wonders for my daughter. I learned that technique in my Methods and Materials class for my Early Childhood Education Degree.

2007-07-11 08:37:36 · answer #4 · answered by mississippidiamond 2 · 0 0

How old are you? You shouldn't have the responsibility of disciplining a sibling. Talk to your mother about this. You can help out with her care if/when it is needed; but it should be on a limited basis and your mother should be the one setting down the rules for you to follow with her care and tell your sister what these rules are that she is setting down. When you spank her, it means you have lost control and that's not a good situation for you or her. You should have the opportunity to bond with your little sister and not have to be her disciplinarian.
I wish your family all the best.

2007-07-11 08:11:58 · answer #5 · answered by prius2005toy 4 · 0 0

Get a twig bottle and spray her interior the face and tell her she's performing like an animal. Make her so each and every little thing her self if she isn't grateful to the only that raised her. Take a a million$ or quarter each time she's impolite. do not permit her pass to her acquaintances floor her. If this would not artwork id pass to therapy

2016-11-08 10:18:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a 3 year old son...and at that age they don't listen very well...as they are exploring their boundries (what they can get away with). Spanking almost never works...and with my son...he tries to spank me back.

What I do...is just tell him that he has to listen to me if he doesn't want to get hurt. If he is good...he gets a treat.

Why are you watching her most of the day?

2007-07-11 05:52:21 · answer #7 · answered by poopsiemom031904 3 · 0 0

Spray bottle. Every time she does something wrong, spray water into her face. Just like training a puppy.

2007-07-07 10:34:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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