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Why are the sky and the water both blue?
The theory of evolution says that things are the way they are because they evolved that way from earlier things. Are we really to believe that the sky and water evolved to be the same color from different colored skies and waters?
Of course not! What possible evolutionary advantage could this have?

But if there was an intelligent designer who had a lot of the color blue left over from his earlier projects like heaven, he could have used that blue in a lot of different things, like the sky and water.

This proves that the theory of evolution is a sham and a fraud.
I'd like to see a scientific response to that!

2007-07-07 10:22:01 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

If that dosen't convert people I don't know what will!

2007-07-07 10:27:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I've seen the sky and water as many different colors. Sometimes the sky, or the ocean, are both black, like at night. Sometimes the sky is gray, when it is cloudy. The water is often green, due to algae, and the sky is often all different colors at sunrise and sunset. If I pour a glass of water, it is clear.

If you find a coincidence, it isn't necessarily evidence of the existence of a designer. In fact, if you lived your whole life and never came across a coincidence, that would be pretty unusual.

Also, the theory of evolution says nothing about the colors of the sky or of water, or the origin of life, for that matter. It simply explains how populations of living things change over many generations.

2007-07-07 17:31:20 · answer #2 · answered by Gary 6 · 2 0

Evolution is a farce imagined up by a man who made some poor judgment based on his own "scientific" thinking. He then began to doubt God as all doubtful people do. It cannot be proved and has remained a theory (assumption) as it has and will be from its inception. 0 + 0 + 0 doesn't equal anything. But since "logical" people couldn't come up with anything better, they'll proclaim it does for the time being. And win a Nobel prize for this nonsense.

Intelligence should never interfere with wisdom or common sense. It clouds perception. Worse. They're teaching this silly whim to our children in hopes that they too will become stupid. There is alot science can't understand. And instead of admitting they don't understand. These arrogant people come up with "THEORIES" that challenge logic.

Everything within evolution is assumption. In other words..."since we don't know we'll satisfy ourselves with this for now". Then when these people have made a mess of the world we live in they try to place blame on the faithful. And sometimes even the God they deny. Stupid. But that's the way of the world.

God bless

2007-07-07 17:40:47 · answer #3 · answered by F'sho 4 · 0 0

Oh for crying out loud! Did you even bother to go to science class in school?

The water and sky are "blue" because of their chemical properties when reflecting sunlight.

Only LIVING things evolve. Water and sky are not alive; therefore, they don't have an "evolutionary advantage."

So, now the "intelligent designer" is just a guy looking for uses for leftover blue?

I would love to see you go to school and get an education.

2007-07-07 17:33:16 · answer #4 · answered by atheist 6 · 3 0

Here;'s a scientific response - from a Christian....

The sky is blue beacuse of Rayleigh scattering (check Wikipedia). Since our atmosphere is primarily nitrogen the scattered color is blue - other atmospheres will scatter slightly different colors.

Water is actually colorless - look at a glass of water and that's clear (no pun intended). But rivers and lakes often look blue because they reflect the color fo the sky (unless they are very muddy). On overcast the water looks gray or darker.
Here's another seperate point that has to do with water. Wter absorbs low-frequency electromagnetic waves (light): radio waves and infrared. Water also absorbs very high-frequency light (X-rays from nuclear reactors, and microwaves like in your oven). But there is a thin range of light that passes right through water. We call it visible light.

Isn't it remarkable that almost all life on earth with eyes have eyes that are designed to see in thie single thin band of light? If we saw in any other light band it would not be very useful since 70% of the earth is covered with water.

Is this'coincidence' design or evolution?

Could be either. ;-)

2007-07-07 17:30:57 · answer #5 · answered by Richard of Fort Bend 5 · 3 0

Love the sarcasm, almost thought it was a real question.

Anywho, I was going to give you the scientific explanation for why the sky is blue, etc, but instead, I'll give you a star.

Also, what about when the sky is red? Does that means god is angry with us because we thought of evolution, which is responsible for all the evils of society?

2007-07-07 17:28:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Neither the sky nor the water are blue. It's an optical illusion, sky based upon light refraction, water based upon reflection. If the sky or the water were, in fact, blue...they would also be blue at night.

Have you ever drank blue water or breathed blue air?

2007-07-07 17:30:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the sky did not evolve because it is not living
only living things evolve
also the sky is blue from the reflection of the water

2007-07-07 17:37:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evolution is a biological process, the color of the sea and sky have nothing to do with is. Besides that I live on the ocean and am looking at it right now and it is green.

2007-07-07 17:26:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Oh my!
Are you on a trip of proving that all religion believers are stupid?
I mean, how on earth can a person be so uninformed as to equivocate the physics of light refraction with the theology of evolution?
I must take the fall back position that you are a troll trying to make the believer in creation look as the idiotic fool rather than a truthful God believer.

2007-07-07 17:25:45 · answer #10 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 9 0

Whenever creationists try to think logically, they really only succeed in becoming stand-up comics. I got a laugh out of you!

Evolution is the theory of how living things adapted to ever-changing environments. Water and air ARE environmental... but they are not life forms. Ergo, your logic is fatally flawed.

2007-07-07 17:32:26 · answer #11 · answered by writersblock73 6 · 2 0

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