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last time i went to church was in 2002 for brother wedding. i know that god is looking down at me disappointed. i do try everyday to become a good person, thought. i dont expect god to be pleased with me when he sees me.

2007-07-07 09:48:40 · 21 answers · asked by just hanging around 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

You are "working on being a better person" ? Your effort is a bit lacking - don't you think? Most of your yahoo answers are rude, critical and snobby.

I say you need more work!

2007-07-08 16:59:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you are getting a wake up call.
As long as you are alive, you have time.
Find a good Catholic Church that teaches what the Church officially teaches and join a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) class. It will help you get answers in a better way than asking on the internet.
Catholics were the first Christians by the way.

Once you have some information, go to confession (reconcilliation) so your soul will be worthy to partake in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Do not receive Holy communion in a state of mortal sin, I believe you are since you have not been to Holy Mass in a while, that is a sin against the 3rd commandment (keeping the Sabbath day holy).

I think you will do fine if you keep away from the watered -down modernist Catholics who believe that you don't need the Sacraments to be saved. Philippians 2:12, "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling."

Matthew 7: 13-14
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Your humility of admitting your "lousiness" is a sign that you have started your journey on the "narrow road".

God bless.

2007-07-07 17:52:20 · answer #2 · answered by mr_mister1983 3 · 0 0

You have time till the hour of death. And one does not know when that hour will come. It looks like you already have the stirrings of grace within your heart. Harken to God's call while there is time. Maybe you wont hear it again. Start with saying the Holy Rosary. If you find it difficult, begin with a single Hail Mary prayer a day and work up to saying at least five decades of the Rosary daily. Slowly you will be given the grace to pray more and focus more on eternity rather than the short life we all have on earth. Go for a confession and begin attending Mass and fulfill your obligations to God. You already have the humility to admit your weaknesses and God is pleased with the humble.

' If today you hear His Voice harden not your heart'

God bless!

2007-07-07 19:29:47 · answer #3 · answered by Pat 3 · 0 0

The biggest mistake you can make - right now - is to assume it's too late. So long as you are still alive on earth, it's not too late.

It's not too late to start going to weekly mass.

It's not too late to go to Confession and be rid of whatever weight of sin.

I think you've come to appreciate how much you need God in order to get by in this life. That is a great revelation! God wants to be pleased with you. He wants you to come back to the Church.

There is no better way of rejuvenating your spiritual life than attending weekly mass. Tell your priest that you've come back from a long absence. When you see how happy he is about this, you will know you've made the right choice.

2007-07-09 13:50:19 · answer #4 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

No one is a good person, you could never be good enough for God..but He loves you anyway!! Thats why Jesus died, so you could have a real relationship with Him and so you could spend eternity with Him.
And yes you do have time to be saved....but don't put it of, you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. So, if you really do want God to be pleased with you, ask Him into your heart and give your life to Him. Then He'll be more than pleased with you, God promised there will be a party in heaven for every person who accepts Him..how amazing is that??
If you have any questions or whatever please email me.
God bless you

2007-07-07 17:08:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

#1 - Our own goodness is no match for the holiness of God. This is why Jesus died and rose again - to bridge that gap between us and God. If it were up to our own goodness or good works, Jesus would have done all that in vain. As it is, we cannot match up to the Holy One.

#2 - God is never disappointed. If this were the case, Jesus would have worn out His tongue, tisking all the unfaithful. No, He looks at each of us as His children, whether we have wandered off or embrace the free gift of Salvation. Just like the father of the Prodigal Son, He waits.

#3 - Time? No man knows the number of his days. Sudden heart attacks, lightning striking, traffic accidents, stray bullets, mugging, cancer, terrorist attacks - all quite real and any one of us could be in there path at our appointed time. It says in scripture, "Today is the day of salvation".

You see, it is not about going to church, doing good works or being a good person. It is about saying "Yes" to God. It is about believing that Jesus died and rose again and that He made the final sacrifice for all man's sin. It is about accepting that He died for you (John 3:16) and acknowledging your own life of sin, then receiving His love and forgiveness and devoting a life with and for Him. He lives, waiting for His children to come home and live a new life in Him.

2007-07-07 17:04:48 · answer #6 · answered by TroothBTold 5 · 1 0

We all disappoint God at one time or another. Don't be hard on yourself; God is a forgiven God.
just start all over again from where you are; he will understand. all this is part of being a human been.
I struggle as much as you do, many times i think i do not deserved to have God in my life, but he is and I'm grateful to know he is always there for me.I'm sure he is always there for you also.
have a blessed day!

2007-07-07 17:02:15 · answer #7 · answered by COCO 4 · 0 0

Your concept of God being pleased or not pleased was designed by Humans as a form of control. Being a Christian is not as complicated as most religions want you to think it to be. You are not required to give money attend services or any of that other crap. Remember God is not petty. Put yourself in God's place and ask yourself, would you be as much of an A$$ as religions make Him out to be or would you be compassionate and understanding? Oh, like Jesus was. Religions are full of it. Read the bible, be good to others, be honest. It's not that hard and God did not want it to be.

It is people who are petty no God.

Peace Brother.

2007-07-07 16:55:54 · answer #8 · answered by AQ4U 1 · 0 1

Oh, yeah the Time Limit. You'd better hurry up and pray to the celibate Hanged God for the world to end. You wouldn't want to be tortured forever for not being Good Enough, right? Death, pain, and limitation; isn't Middle Eastern theology fun?

2007-07-07 16:54:54 · answer #9 · answered by MichaelJesusJacksonChrist 5 · 0 0

The need to be a good person, or whether or not you go to church is beside the point. The question is are you saved and doing God's will?

2007-07-07 16:52:52 · answer #10 · answered by Chris 5 · 2 0

Don't worry brother. Your salvation is not dependent on your works -- whether you attend church or not, do "good things" or be a "good person." We can't be good -- it is impossible not to sin. That is why Jesus Christ came into the world to save us.

All you need to do is give your life to Christ - in this lies your salvation. To think you can earn going to heaven by your works is the opposite of what Christ preached. Once you know Him, and love Him, you WANT to do good things because you love to be in relationship with your Father, so your desire is to please Him.

My advice is to ask Jesus into your heart right now -- He will direct your steps and lead you to Himself - which is the path to life. Yes, you have time.

2007-07-07 16:53:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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