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hi people me and my boyfriend live together under his dads roof his dad is always out so we have the house to our selves most days me and my boyfriend were talking and decided we want a baby but theres a problem were only 15 he is 16 next month we have money and both spend alot of time together i no he would make a great dad but i don't no weather or not i should go along with it can any1 out there help me please

2007-07-07 09:28:39 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

30 answers

that's great ya'll really love each other but you are TOO young...Live your lives enjoy being young and free of crying babies, restless night/days, diapers, bottles, not being able to go out when you want. Children are a blessing but you two are still children. Get out there and travel enjoy being young and together. If you both still feel that way after a few years with a stable income and financialy ready to support your child then GREAT FOR YA'LL

2007-07-07 09:41:15 · answer #1 · answered by jen 2 · 0 0

The answer is obvious. Wait. Don't have a baby until you both are legal adults and are still together but living on your own and at least one of you makes enough of a living for all three of you to live on. Raising a baby is expensive, life-changing, and will keep you from the life experiences you gain during these years as a normal teen and young adult.

It's not whether you "have money," is whether you have income over the long term. I would suspect that you are severely underestimating how much money you will need every year, and that you two are far too young to be parents emotionally and do not comprehend what being a parent is all about.

Your relationship may seem solid now, but there's no way at this young age that you can be sure that your feelings won't change, or his. Wait! Wait! Wait!

2007-07-07 16:38:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

His dad is always gone because he works. When you are older, work and have to take care of your own responsibilities/finances, you will understand. I just had a child and it's not something you want to handle at your age. If you really care about each other, and really care about your potential baby, then wait. Focus on your future first so that you can support the baby. Working 9$ an hour in retail or fast food is not going to move you out of his dad's house and pay your own way through life. When you are bother over 18 and financially stable >>>>Without relying on other people<<<<< then you can consider having a child.

Also, I don't think his dad will be very happy about you two having a child. I know my father, as much as he loved and supported me, would not have helped me with a child. It's was one of his only two rules when I was young.

I don't know why you are even considering this at your age. You're still just a child yourself but you probably won't understand any of this until it's too late.

2007-07-07 16:38:30 · answer #3 · answered by That Guy 1 · 0 0

You and your boyfriend need to concentrate on getting your education before you worry about a baby. You will need to have your education as you will have to support your child through out life. You will miss out on all of the fun of high school if you have a child this young. You two do not even have a home of your own nor could you get one being underage and probably not working. Your education is most important to make it through life and to be able to help your child with his/her homework. Please have fun while you are young, do the high school thing, enjoy your proms and the fun things that teenagers do before getting saddled down with parenting issues at your age. Having a baby is a tremendous amount or work, even more money and though they are sweet they are not like a pet that you can just leave when you want to go have fun. After your education you will have your entire life to have a child or two. If you really want to have a child try borrowing one for the day and one night and see what you think about getting up every two hours in the night, not being able to calm it when it is screaming for no reason, fighting diaper rash, unable to go anywhere because you have the baby, being sure you have a minimum of 100 dollars for week for formula and pampers alone, what to do if baby is sick, feverish, and so many other hundreds of things that go with a child. Please just think about it very hard before you give up your youth and independence with a child! And where are your parents? Why are you living with your boyfriend at 15?

2007-07-07 16:40:34 · answer #4 · answered by phxmilitarymom 5 · 0 0

I'm not going to tell you to not have one, but I am going to say, that if you REALLY care about the welfare of your future child, honestly care about the BABY, not about cementing any relationship with your boyfriend or getting some company in a dull life to have a "happy family", honestly and truly care about THE BABY, I am telling you to wait.

Not because your young, but because you are no where near finacially stable enough. If you really want to be a good mom to the proposed child, you will wait.

Prenatal care alone is in the thousands. You say both you and your boyfriend stay at home most days, which implies neither of you work. That money you saved up will be sucked down the drain by pregnancy costs alone.

If you care about the child you will want it to have a good home, good food, good education, a good life, correct?

Well, if you're still living at home, at your boyfriends father's place, with no job, do you find that to be the best environment for your child?

You at least would have to put school on hold for a year or two, on average college undergrads make at least $20,000 more than someone with a GED, and graduates $20,000 more than that. You won't even HAVE your GED, which will honestly put you into only qualifying for working minimum wage jobs.

On average a middle class child takes about a million dollars to raise into adulthood.

If, you and your boyfriend both find stable jobs with good pay- are able to find your OWN place to live, build up some savings,then do whatever you want, may that be in a year or ten. But UNTIL then, get out of your fantasy world. Raising a child is hard work-emotionally, physically, and finically.

Would either of you be able to support your child if-God forbid-something were to happen to one of you? Would you guys keep the child if it turns out it has a birth defect or mental problem? Are you ready to deal with that?

Think about realities like that- not your fantasy happy with boyfriend and baby life- because those are the things that can, and possibly will, happen.

2007-07-07 17:07:58 · answer #5 · answered by mirrorinthesky 3 · 0 0


NO NO NO. o_o

You are only 15, you are not even physically capable of properly carrying a baby in your body yet; youll be lucky if pregnancy doesnt hurt you irreparably, and if giving birth doesnt kill you. Im sorry to be that blunt, but it's true.

I also very much doubt that his dad will go along with it. A father of a 15 year old boy will NOT stand for him to have a baby with a 15 year old girl under his roof.

And you may have money now, but believe me, that money wont be there soon. Some people holding two jobs cant even support a baby; they are HARD WORK. Wait until you are married, you are still in school! You cant afford to drop out because of a silly decision like that, you have SO MUCH of your life ahead of you!

2007-07-07 16:38:53 · answer #6 · answered by Jeremy 2 · 0 0

I thought you were living with your parents who never want to do anything and you were ready to explode? Which is it? You live with them or with your bf? I don't think you're old enough or mature enough to have a child. Where do you get your money? How would you finish school? What do your parents think of their underage daughter becoming pregnant? You are a fool to think of having a child so young. Grow up first, finish school, get a job, find a good man with a job, get married, buy a house, then start your family.

Babies cost thousands of dollars to raise to age 18. Then there's college and hopefully you'll put them through college so they can have a better life than you. A baby does strange things to a woman's body. You're only 15, want to have stretch marks and sagging boobs and swollen ankles and feet grow a shoe size?After the baby comes you get no sleep for the first year because the baby is cranky or colicky, because the baby has a fever, because the baby is teething for four months at a time. Your life would become that baby's, say good-bye to hanging with friends, going to the movies and the mall, having any extra money for yourself. You have fun with that.

2007-07-07 16:36:44 · answer #7 · answered by gma 7 · 0 0

100 Years Ago It Would Be Ok For The Time Period But For Now Space Age And Time Is Your Enemy! So Look In To The Future For Answers? Are You Stable AreYou Wise Are You Strong? Just Do What Feels Right To You After All Questions Are Answered For You Not For Anyone Else Not Even For Him Just Your Common Sense! Master Of All Able Paul!

2007-07-07 17:21:28 · answer #8 · answered by Able P 2 · 0 0

I have a sister who has two kids. One thing I've realized after seeing her. Are you prepared to lose your independence to raising your baby? It's a decision you have to make before you decide to do that. There is no turning back once you make that decision. People have babies every day. But how of many of the those people actually end up staying together to raise the babies? Not many. If things don't work out with your bf, you'll be a young single mother. You have to first try and live independently. Be able to fend for yourself. It's not that easy. Once you learn to do that then you can think about raising a family. Don't be another statistic.

2007-07-07 16:37:48 · answer #9 · answered by DragonHeart18 4 · 0 0

you are way too young to be thinking of starting a family. Having a baby is a huge responsibility, its not something to take lightly. you should wait till your older, married and have a house and a career, why would you want to have a baby now, that means your fun stops!! everything that you do is for that little person that you created, it would be a very selfish move on your part to bring a baby into this world that you might possibly resent because he or she is the reason that you cant do anything anymore. just live your life and enjoy your teenage years, theyll be over before you know it, then when you grow up and you find that special someone to get married to, youll be much happier to have a baby then.

2007-07-07 16:40:29 · answer #10 · answered by Blondie 1 · 0 0

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