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Why do you spend so much time fighting something you do not believe in? I find it ironic you usually throw two bits in a conversation concerning your unbelief in God which, of course, you say does not exist. So why toss vain to the wind in a religious question because you have no hope in eternity?

2007-07-07 09:15:02 · 28 answers · asked by n9wff 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Just stating the truth. You care about the truth, don't you?

2007-07-07 09:21:04 · answer #1 · answered by A 6 · 4 3

Everyone Is Entitled To Their Own Opinions And Faith. I'd Prefer You Wouldn't Make Sweeping Generalisations About Atheists Too, I Don't Pigeonhole All Christians Because I Respect Their Personal Beliefs Even Though They Are Opposite To My Own. Personally, I Have No Religious Faith Because There Is Absoloutly No Evidence Which Is Indicative Of The Existance Of God. Scientists Have Developed The Big Bang Theory And Evolution. Other Than Revelation What Proof Can Christians Offer That God Is The Creator And Designer Of The Universe? It Isn't Atheists Who Are The Problem, It's Narrow Minded Theists Who Are Ignorant Of Other Religions And Beliefs. Have A Word With Yourself.

2007-07-07 16:28:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

We are not fighting something that we believe doesn't exist, we are fighting for the right to not believe and to thus not get made fun of, stereotyped right way as having no morals. As for throwing two bits of religious topics in a conversation I just have to say this, we are just trying to understand why people believe what they do, it's what you may call a search for knowledge.

2007-07-07 17:42:26 · answer #3 · answered by crl_hein 5 · 0 0

Actually atheists don't fight over anything, and for sure nothing religious...

Most are extremely intelligent, highly educated people. Have never met a stupid atheist, nor one without a good education... cannot say that about most christians, who repeatedly cling to the supernatural and make leaps of faith over and over and over in the face of solid science..... Never knew one who felt murder of a physician was something he/she ought to participate in...

Do believe that the greatest thing they all have in common is their ability to reason well, and logically. The ideas of sky daddies,holy books, fairy tales of santa, the easter bunny, the big bad wolf and other such silliness they usually gave up by 12 or so. Or they were raised by parents who did not brain wash them and instead taught them HOW to think not WHAT to think.

2007-07-07 16:25:17 · answer #4 · answered by April 6 · 2 0

It's not the imaginary "God" that I'm fighting. It's the people that USE that God to try to control other people's lives. I don't care if someone wants to personally believe in a God and worship that God. But I *DO* care when they think they have the right to judge *me* based on those beliefs. I care when they try to force me to LIVE by their beliefs. I care when I have to fight to keep someone else's religious dogma out of the laws *I* have to live by, and the science classrooms that my children are learning in. I care when I have a cookout on a Sunday, and we can't run out and buy beer if we need to because my state doesn't sell liquor on Sundays because of someone else's religious beliefs. I care when they hold up scientific breakthroughs that can save millions of lives because of their religious beliefs. I care when I see religious whack jobs protesting at people's funerals and tormenting the already grieving families. I care because my cousin tried to commit suicide because she couldn't come to terms with her homosexuality because of her own religious beliefs, and the harsh judgements she was so afraid she'd receive from others. I care when a presidential candidate says "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." and not only is it considered OK that he said that, but he still gets elected.
That's what I'm fighting.

2007-07-07 16:33:28 · answer #5 · answered by Jess H 7 · 2 1

We see this question a lot, so forgive the references to drinking games.

He's a good link that totally explains why I'm here. It's a short clip that explains why Atheists should care about religion.


I hope this helps for you to understand why we're here. If our presence troubles you, the video also should give you an understanding of how to make us leave. We want the freedoms we're entitled to under our Constitution as any American citizen would. Give them to us, and we'll go in peace. Fight us, and we'll fight back savagely.

2007-07-07 16:20:52 · answer #6 · answered by writersblock73 6 · 2 0

I think most of them are here to annoy us. You can see a few have at least been truthful saying that is the reason they are here. I have also seen many say they are here to convince people there is no God (almost as if to convert to atheism) yet they condemn Christians and say we all want to convert. They also do a lot of judging of religious people yet have the audacity to accuse us of doing the judging. Isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. They erroneously tend to blame all Christians for decisions made in our govt. that most of us had nothing to do with, just as many religious people erroneously judge them all to be evil. I have seen very few serious questions by any atheists on this site as most of the questions are moronic and only meant to ridicule. The best you can do is to ignore those people and only pay heed to atheist that actually appear to have a brain and use it.

2007-07-07 16:37:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

"Why do you spend so much time fighting something you do not believe in?"

We don't.

Are you completely incapable of accepting the obvious fact that we're fighting against very real religious fanatics? I don't know how you could honestly fail to notice that fact - I find it essentially impossible not to conclude that you're deliberately lying.

Here, try thinking about it this way. Imagine that there were no believers on the entire planet - that every single person who believes in God simply never existed. Do you honestly believe that the rest of us would be "fighting against God"? Really?

2007-07-07 16:19:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

"Because, my fellow believer, atheists love conflict. They are so full of blind anger and hate"

Well chicken dick isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? On the contrary. WE are not the blind ones. WE actually use our minds and intellect as our brains were designed,to learn and continue learning with an open mind. YOU are the blind sheeple,mindlessly and ignorantly following a fairy tale because YOU can't deal with real life on your own and YOU can't take responsibility for your own retarded logic. YOU with your simpleton and arrogant thought processes is what is wrong with this world. Its people like you that have ZERO business running ANY form of government or judical system.

2007-07-07 16:42:21 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 1 1

Because, my fellow believer, atheists love conflict. They are so full of blind anger and hate. All they live for is to make fun of other people who don't believe as they do. The most ironic thing is that though they hate to admit it, they follow a religion also. They have not one shread of proof in the non-existance of a creator yet they BELIEVE with FAITH that they are right. They often ask for positive proof of a creator. So in effect they are saying "God, creator of all that is come down here to little ol' me and prove to me you exist, otherwise I don't believe in you." Yes, they are a self-centered lot aren't they? Rest assured that the Bible says, "One day every knee will bend and confess you are God"

2007-07-07 16:30:16 · answer #10 · answered by Deslok of Gammalon 4 · 1 2

Here you go are you ready....

Nothing bad torward you at all in you belief in god or any belief...

It feeds the subconcious. That is why people do it......

Why don't you check out the planet "saturn" and tell me how "satan " got his name........ Then talk to me about burning in eternity......

I have no fight to give ........

Everyone is Right..............

1st Point -------- Nothing is true...............

2nd Point---------My method's are BEFORE belief systems..

3rd Point----------Time/Space Matter/Energy

What language do you speak?

What memories do you have?

What Decisions have you made?

How Many Religions are there?

Why are Old Greek Gods Myths?

Why is there a New Testiment

Where Did the Old One Go?


Then We Have Value's & Beliefs & Someone's

And your Attitude SO IMPORTANT Must Be Great...

No matter what religion race creed animal...... We have a freedom of choice and that is what makes us human or animals..... As far as religion .............. that is a belief ............ If you have good values and no religion does that make you a bad person? Answer.....No

Answer To All The Questions Above IS..............................


Think about it ........................... Taught

If you where taught to go to church and this is way it is or your going to hell wouldn't you be scared as hell into believing in something........ emotion is the also TAUGHT......

Teaching is everything in Our so called "reality"

Before we are taught is where you should really look........
Subconsious " check it out "

Thanks for letting me post !!!!
Have a very happy positive day!!!

2007-07-07 16:41:06 · answer #11 · answered by thinkpositivedave 2 · 0 2

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