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Christ has promised He will return, some believe there is a secret rapture, that Christ will call the righteous from this earth secretly, some believe as I do, that it will be an awsome sight, an explosion of sound and light, mountains will shake and every eye shall see it together with audible shouts from Christ himself to raise the dead who are sleeping to join the living who, are changed instantly into glorious beings and join Him in the air (1Thess.5v9). I know there are various thoughts on the ressurection morning, but Id like to know, if the dead in Christ are to be ressurected when he calls on that day, why do most Christians believe the dead are already in heaven and how can they be ressurected if they are already with Jesus?

2007-07-07 09:07:41 · 16 answers · asked by Fiona M 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

I totally agree with you. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 that the dead in Christ will be raised incorruptible at Christ's second coming. The Bible also teaches that the dead are asleep in the ground, not in heaven or hell. Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 says that the dead do not know anything, and there is also a verse in Psalms that says that the dead do not praise the Lord.
I also agree with your views on the second coming, for this is what the Bible teaches. Every eye shall see Him, it will be a great event. Hallelujah!!!
I am curious, what denomination are you? I am a Seventh-day Adventist, and your views sound exactly like what we believe.
God bless!

2007-07-07 09:17:15 · answer #1 · answered by musicalchik 4 · 0 0

I think you are a little confused.
Christ will come for His church
& the dead in Christ first.
The non believers won't know this until they realize people are missing .(That is Christians) I Believe the first appearance is secret to non-believers.
The dead in Christ spirits are in Heaven. The bodies of the dead will reunite with their spirits,then God will change all of us together in a twinkling of an eye with new glorious bodies like Jesus Christ.
Then the 7 year tribulation begins. ("Hell on Earth.")

The 2nd time, Christ will come back with the angels & the church to rule for 1000 years. Everyone will see & hear Him. All the signs are here. Read the last chapter In Matthew.
No one knows the day or hour but the Father. But all the signs point the time is near. Read Revelation again.

2007-07-07 09:44:18 · answer #2 · answered by bastaspasta 4 · 0 1

I would say its not just man that erase their history as i do it too but not because im going on bad sites its just i don't let on how much shopping i buy or how long i actually spend on the internet plus in a way it saves any arguments starting and keeps everyone happy. Ive been with my fiance 4 years and he doesn't erases his history but at the end of the day everyone has there own little secrets that what makes us human so what he goes on doesn't bother me, plus if he was up to anything i would know always one step ahead. I would say the history gets checked and maybe erased if needed every couple of hours plus when your due to come off

2016-04-01 02:09:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is necessary to understand a couple of things.

Jesus said some what: "In a short time I will go and the world will not see me anymore." (It is also said he will come back, it is also said that he did not have war against man, and that all eyes will see him, even those who kill him, I guess the bad angels.)

It is also said at the end of Revelation that he is in the Temple of God and with God, and that the New Jerusalem needs no light because God and the Lamb are light to it.

So there is still a possibility that his coming could be in spirit,
and that the clouds are the confusions and tribulations. And that the New Jerusalem, (The new earth) will be the replacement of the bad angels at the end of times, in a clean world. And that all Christian will see him because him, and God and his Holy spirit will be in our hearts.

So I don't know exactly how he will come but for sure one thing is clear and that is that even if he comes as man, even in power, it will be for us a great salvation.

2007-07-07 09:41:10 · answer #4 · answered by Davinci22 3 · 0 1

The Bible says there are the LIVING and the "dead". The Living don't "die" or separate themselves from Gods Love. The "dead" are still alive, but exist in other realities, and are not aware of their potential as spiritual beings. Those are the ones that will be raised up to a higher consciousness by the
Power of our Creator. And if you read Revelation yourself. You will see there are a number of these "resurrections".

2007-07-07 09:14:30 · answer #5 · answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5 · 0 1

You are asking so many questions it would take pages and pages to answer all of them.
First, I teach from the manuscripts. There will be no rapture of anyone. Mark 13 is Christ giving you a chronological order of events that lead up to his return. Nowhere in the list will you find any portion of the population missing or raptured. Its not written. Rapture doctrine is only some verses taken out of context, thats all. When paul wrote "in the cloud", thats a hebrew idiom that simply means "in a very large group", like you might say "a cloud of locusts". And, the "air" you read is Ruach, it is the spirit; what the verse says is that we will meet Christ in a very large group and will be instantly changed back into our spiritual bodies. Nobody is going anywhere.
If people would bother to read the SECOND LETTER to the Thessalonians, you would understand better. You see, the Massorah, which is the footnotes of the New Testament writings, says that Paul had delivered the first letter, and then he tried to catch the messenger, but failed to do so.
So he quickly sat down at once and wrote the second letter to them, which states clearly not to be deceived by man, or even by a letter from him, but that Christ will NOT GATHER BACK TO US UNTIL ANTICHRIST SITS IN JERUSALEM AND PROFESSES HIMSELF TO BE GOD.

Now that means that you will still be here at the very end, because when Antichrist takes his seat in Jerusalem, he kills the two witnesses there; when they are killed, you can set your watch, because in 3 and a half days the two witnesses come to life, and Christ appears to all of us with a shout as his feet touch the Mt. -
Christ tells us In Mark 13 that if he had not shortened the time (from 7 years to 5 months in Rev.9) no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the Elect, the time was shortened. Who are the Elect? They are the true church of Jesus Christ, which has no building. If Antichrists reign on Earth was shortened for the sake of Gods firstfruits,
why would he need to do that if they are out raptured onto a cloud somewhere?
Come on, now, you need to study. Stop listening to man, and start listening to the simplicity in which Christ taught.

As for resurrection of the dead: Read
1thessalonians 4:14;
"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so then also which sleep in Jesus will GOD BRING WITH HIM".
Why? Because they are already there.
If you go on to read the 15 th verse, you will see it says we shall not prevent them which are alseep: actually the word "prevent" is "preceed" in the manuscripts, so that it reads: "we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not PRECEED them which are asleep". The usage of "alseep" or "sleeping" is only an idiom that means passed on, died from the flesh, that all. So put it all together and what you get is basically this:
The Lord decends from Heaven with a shout with those who have died but are in Christ showing themselves first to us in their spiritual bodies, and then all of us who will be gathered in a large crowd, also will be turned into our spiritual bodies so that we can face Christ.
It is also written that some will "awaken" to eternal life and others will "awaken" to the fact that although they are in the spiritual body, they still possess a soul that is mortal (liable to die). Since that word "awaken" is used, people think folks are dead in a hole in the ground; they aren't. "awaken" just means "become conscious of the fact that..."; I might awaken to the fact that my husband is cheating on me. I may awaken to the awareness of God in my life. Its just a saying.
You would do well to get a Companion Bible, which is a King James, but has each and every verse with a side-note of what is actually written in the manuscripts, and also a complete appendix section to teach you about all the idioms (sayings) that are utilized in the Scriptures. It is published by Kregel. It also works hand-in-hand with the Strongs Exhaustive concordance, which gives you the complete translation back to the original language for each and every word in the Bible. These two books will take your studies to a level you never thought was possible, I guarantee it.
You would not believe how much more information there is actually written, but that does not come thru in the English when translated. It will not only shock you, but it
will literally stop you in your tracks to see what you are missing. I insist that every student of mine have both Books.

2007-07-07 09:42:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

He will return only when Superman, Batman, Bat Woman, The Hulk, Captain America and the A-Team can no longer protect the world from Evil.

2007-07-07 10:29:25 · answer #7 · answered by davidifyouknowme 5 · 0 1

Jesus will arrive like a thief in the night. he will take us all by surprise and His appearance will be very sudden. We will see Him just as He said we will, appearing in the clouds with all of His Holy Ones.

2007-07-07 09:16:46 · answer #8 · answered by lix 6 · 1 0

Revelation 19:11-21 in the KJV preferably , will tell you all about it.

2007-07-07 09:13:52 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

The Guy really true 101 is right on the money,. take some time and understand what is being stated,...the truth will set us free! Godspeed

2007-07-07 10:39:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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