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2007-07-07 08:37:57 · 24 answers · asked by jusme 2 in Pets Dogs

stupid people tend to poison dogs so they can rob ur place. generaly they put some food with poison. so would love to know how people train dogs not to eat from a stranger.

2007-07-07 08:44:57 · update #1

24 answers

Have friends (preferably people your dog doesn't know well or at all) help you with this, if you can talk them into it. Have your dog on a leash, then have your friend offer treats or a bit of raw hamburger (commonly used to put poison in) to your dog. When the dog tries to take it, loudly and firmly say "NO!" Pull back and down on his leash so he can't get the food. He's going to look at you with big confused puppy eyes, as if asking what the problem is. As long as he is sitting and looking at you, not going after the food again, that is when you reward him with a small treat and praise. Vary your friends, times, treats and location of the training session, so your dog doesn't associate it with one person, place, treat or time. Once he understands he is not to take food from a stranger under any circumstances, have the people throw the food into the yard, and repeat the lesson. This should go quicker now that he understands the basic concept of what you want him to do. Walk right by the food until he no more than sniffs at it, then goes on. Repeat the exercise in the house, especially near doors and windows where an intruder might be able to toss in a bit of poisoned food. Wear disposable gloves when putting out the bait, so he doesn't pick up your scent on the "found" food. The dog will likely sniff at it, that's what dogs do. You have to keep repeating the "NO!" command until he understands that is unacceptable behavior. It takes time, hours of repitition, and loads of patience, but it can be done. The ultimate goal is to make your dog understand he can eat what's in his bowl, or take treats from family members, but is not to take food from strangers, or eat anything he finds lying around. This is hard to teach, because food is practically irresistable to dogs. If yours is particularly stubborn or dense, put a bit of cayenne pepper in the hamburger, and let it help you teach him food from strangers is bad. This is an extreme measure for particularly stubborn dogs. It won't really hurt him, but he sure isn't going to like it!
I had a dog who was drugged in just this way the night our truck was robbed. They got our riding mower, Dad's rifle, tools, they even took the cap off of it! Fortunately my dog wasn't killed, just tranquilized. I've been training my dogs ever since not to accept anything from strangers. It isn't easy, but it is possible. Just keep at it, and after the behavior is learned, practice it regularly so they don't forget. Good luck!

2007-07-07 09:20:44 · answer #1 · answered by baymast13 7 · 2 2

Hi there, It can depend on how old she is as to how well she will take up this new technique that i'm about to tell you. We started with our border collie right from the day we got her but i also know of other people that have started teaching it to a dog later in life. They key is to EVERY time that you feed her or give her any food you have to make them sit and not eat it untill you say a certain term. For our dog it's eat in german. If you do thes EVERY time you feed her anything at all they'll soon learn that they aren't allowed to eat untill they are told. The main reason we did this was because in my home town there was a case where people were dropping poisened food over fences to dogs. With a bit of commitment this can be trained in easily, we can put a juicy bone down and walk away for 15 mins and she'll be sitting there drooling but not have touched it. Just remember for this to work it has to be EVERY time and then you have to get other people, family, friends and strangers to do it with them as well so they know they have to do it for everyone. I hope this helps you out............... Cheers, ToNy!

2016-03-15 00:23:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is not going to be easy if it can even be done! Many dogs think more with their tummy than with their heads!

However, I can understand your concern. Let me tell you a story of how it cost one company I worked for about $5000 to have a highly trained German bred German Shepherd retrained. I worked for a pest control company at the time. One of or techs had to go out to a house where the German Shepherd was on "guard". Well, the tech had to get into the back yard. So, every time he was there, he would give the dog a few treats. After the fourth or fifth visit, the dog was waiting for him, and would let him come into the yard and feed him the treats. This blew the owner's training out the window! It cost the company I worked for at the time a big hunk of change to try and retrain the dog.

So, I don't know if a dog can even be trained not to accept food from strangers and if it can, if the training will stick. Good luck to you though!

2007-07-07 08:50:39 · answer #3 · answered by Katslookup - a Fostering Fool! 6 · 1 1

If any dog owner wants to work their dog in Working Trials (UK anyway) they will have to teach food refusal. When you reach the dizzy heights and get to PD and PDex; that is included. You have to send the dog out to find a hidden 'criminal' and when the dog starts barking at him to tell the handler that he has found the person, the 'criminal' throws bits of sausage at the feet of the dog. If the dog stops barking and eats the food they are severely marked down.
This stood me in good stead when I found a lot of chicken bones in my back garden. Two well-meaning old ladies thought that my dog might like them and tossed them over the fence for my dog. They were very quickly 'educated' I can assure you but I was very pleased that the dog had not touched them.
As for hurting a dog with HOT WIRES , I have been a Police Dog Handler for 30 years and have never even heard of such a method!

Edit...just been on the Leerberg site. I came across a method for some sort of training. A dog was actually hanged over the branch of a tree. Part of the instruction was "lower the dog as he begins to pass out" from strangulation!! What on earth goes on in the States?

2007-07-07 17:11:30 · answer #4 · answered by Collie 6 · 2 0

You can train your dog to only eat food from you. I trained my first dog to eat only when given a special command word. (I did this because someone was throwing food into people's gardens and poisoning dogs.) I used a word that was not going to be used by anyone. (I chose a Swahili word....not common in the UK!!) When feeding your dog, before you put the bowl down, give the special word. Continue to do this. Then put the food down, hold the dog into a sit, and then give the word. Do this every time you feed your dog. Also, sit with a treat in your hand, and if your dog attempts to take it, close your hand. Give the word, and allow the treat. It takes some time, but it can be done. I don't do it now, because in my obedience training, I need to have my dogs eat their treats fast. Remember if you train this, that if you should have behaviour problems that need to be sorted with treats, it can't be done. So think carefully about training this.

2007-07-07 08:52:45 · answer #5 · answered by nellana 4 · 2 1

I dont know how to train it, but I just wanted to go on the record as saying that most of the answers you got were idiotic. They must not know, that strangers giving dogs food is one of the main ways "bad guys" try to get in good with the dog or to get them comfortable, so they can do whatever. My husband talks about that alot too, so if you ever do get some sound advice on that question, let us know

2007-07-07 08:47:31 · answer #6 · answered by june-bug54 2 · 3 0

When and if your walking your dog or go to someones house and they try to feed your dog food that you dont think is appropiate...
You can carry some kind of small treat or small dog food and when their about to give your dog food, say no to your dog and give it the other food.
Mabye the person will understand you dont want others feeding your dog, or they might feel offended or what not, but your dogs more important right!

Good luck!

2007-07-07 09:02:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

OK, first of all, that first answer is an idiot! LOL

Anyway, to get the dog to ignore food takes practice.

Teach "leave it"
Start in your house and yard.
Put yummy treats on the floor/ground, and walk the dog passed on a leash. When he goes to snatch up the treat, sharply pull up with the leash, say "Leave it", and walk quickly passed.
Repeat twice, then pick up the treat. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THE DOG!!! Reward him with something else.

Practice this one a lot. Short lessons a few times a day is best.

After he gets "leave it" really well, you can use the same command with people.

2007-07-07 08:48:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

teach a leave it command and never let him have any food from any other person, but family. instead of yanking the dog away from it, let him make the choice - you won't always be there to yank the dog.

to do this, hold a low power cookie in your hand or on the floor, when the dog goes for it tell him leave it and cover the treat. when he VOLUNTARILY leaves the treat, praise and treat with the other hand with a higher value treat. progress with this until you can leave random things on the floor or drop goods yummies and practice your leave it. you could booby trap items, but it only takes one successful eating to ruin everything - with the voluntary your dog is practicing self control as well and you don't have to force anything.

2007-07-07 08:54:08 · answer #9 · answered by crzycat3 2 · 1 0

Just keep your dog inside where it can't be poisoned. And get an alarm system instead. I don't recommend this "trick" for one good reason--are you going to be there for the rest of the dogs life--24/7--to feed it? What if you need a pet sitter or a kennel or she has to spend a few days at the vets? If she won't eat from anyone except you, you have a problem.

2007-07-07 08:53:32 · answer #10 · answered by KimbeeJ 7 · 2 1

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