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Recent calls by Hamas leader Esmail Haniya to bring an amicable end to the continuing captivity of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit were ignored by the Israeli government. Instead, the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) invaded an area east of Gaza in a futile attempt to find and release Shalit from confinement. In so doing, the IDF succeeded in killing at least 11 Palestinians and injuring many more, including seriously wounding a journalist, who later needed amputation of both legs.

Haniya's offer to Israel, subsequently so crudely rebuffed, was for the release of Corporal Shalit, captured a year ago, in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.
The Palestinian leader was looking for an "honourable deal" which would allow neither side to lose face in any barter deal, but would allow for the long overdue release of the thousands of Palestinians, for it is not the first time Israel has agreed to such an "unequal" exchange. Instead, Israel's response came the next day - death and destruction.

2007-07-07 08:12:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East Israel

15 answers

The simple answer is that it suits Israel to maintain this aggressive approach because of internal politics . The rantings of Mr Y above are all the proof you need to see WHY they do it ....to keep this destructive fire alight !

Isn't it strange that since their onslaught against Lebanon fizzled out last year we have heard NOTHING from the Israelis about the 2 soldiers who were supposedly the motivating reason behind last years outrage in Lebanon!

2007-07-07 11:26:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

Israel released 4000 Palestinian prisoners in the late 70S for 2 soldier.

2007-07-11 20:29:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hannityeh and all the other Arab terrorists know how important Israel regards its citizens. They therefore try horse trading--one Israeli in exchange for thousands of Arab terrorists.

Israel realizes that 90 percent of the terrorists it releases go back to killing Israeli citizens.

It is therefore very careful about making such deals.


2007-07-12 10:31:11 · answer #3 · answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6 · 0 1

Its real simple - it was a bad deal for the security of Israel - something I am not suprised that Hamas members and their sypathizers would not agree on. The reasons for Israel's decision not to take the deal is public knowledge - I think this just shows a lack of objectivity in the manner in which you phrase your question and give details. I am gathering you are just looking to stir up interest on the issues involve and I like that. However, it would be nice of you demonstrated some objectivity and truth in your questions.

Good Luck!!!

2007-07-08 09:58:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Haniya wants the release of thousands of murderers, fanatics, terrorists in return for releasing ONE Israeli soldier.

How this can be considered fair in any way or form is beyond me.

2007-07-09 08:29:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Dear ,
peace for the israeli means their own destruction , because Palestinians will increase in number and will eventually outnumber them.
never forget that israel is that country that has not abided to united nation resolutions at most.
best of luck

2007-07-08 20:58:50 · answer #6 · answered by abdelhamidelsayed 3 · 1 2

Where do you live? In the Moon? Or maybe 10000 miles away from the middle east?
Feeding on palestinian propaganda ain't gonna make you understand what's happenning in this conflict. Here are some questions you might wanna contemplate:

- Would you sign an agreement with someone who declares that its only goal is to kill, destroy, terrorize you untill you're gone? (This is what Hamas proclaimed)

- Let's say you were stupid enough to do so ( as Israel did sign a "cease fire- hudna" 3 years ago), What do you think will happen when you sign deals with the devil? (The devil only uses the time-off to fortify for the next round).
- Does it seems fair to you to sign a deal in which you release hundreds of prisoners (terrorists - not just civilians) in exchange for only one kidnapped soldier? Why not release one for one? (Maybe because hamas doesn't appreciate cost of life as much as Israel?)
- Do you honestly believe Israel is not trying to bring Shalit home? They are simply not doin' it through the media and that's why you don't know it. And certainly they are not thinking of making a military operation for that, 'cause they know it would be futile. Come on - finding a needle in a haystack, and even if they found him, he is probably wrapped in demolition like they did to Johnston.
Israel's operations are to prevent those bloody terrorists to shoot missiles over Israel's towns and villages which are done on daily basis and aimed to kill as many innocent civilians as possible.
- Why is it that people like you choose to ignore the truth, supporting any homocidal terror action that the palestinians do every day, and never complain about the horrific crimes the pallys are doing against their own people and against Israel? Are you all that hipocrite that you can't admit that the pallys (at least those who supprot terror) have no moral or ethics when they choose to kill Jews imdiscriminatly in the name of Jihad?

Aussie - If I rant it's just because I live in this reality since I was born. Trust me I prefer a quiete life such as you have in your distant tranquil island. I would do a lot to get peace instead of alarms every day that heralds the falling of qassam straight from Gazza. I wouldn't mind that my top news would be about some kangooru or on someones else troubles in the other side of the world. It is so easy to judge others when you sit far away on your ivory tower, and certainly feeding on Arab propaganda ( I'm sure that being Lebanese you are biased towards the Arabs).
I just wanna ask you how would you feel if your childrens and grandchildrens were under a daily threat of rockets and suicide bombers, who has no distinction between a man, woman,, child or soldier, and are aimed to kill civilians( that's what terror is all about). Do you think things are that simple here? Do you honestly think Israel has any interest to keep the flames?
Check some genuine histroy and see that Israel always tried to mind her own buisness and to build a state from scratch, unlike the "palestinians" who managed all their efforts to destroy Israel, and that's why they have reached their misserable situation that their in.

2007-07-07 16:05:50 · answer #7 · answered by Mr Y 2 · 6 6


I think from my reading, that the answer is that they do not want peace.

The goal of israel has been stated to take over the whole of Palestine. If israel accepts peace, then they will not reach their goal.

Israel is also very strong in the propaganda war. So it will do what it wants and then blame Palestinians. It always says that they are trying to protect themselves but in reality they are attacking only.

2007-07-07 22:06:13 · answer #8 · answered by James A 2 · 6 4

The issue is not only about the number of men that would be traded but what kind.

How logical would it be to trade individuals who have been convicted of plotting attacks and building explosives that have been used against Israel?

That would be irresponsible. The release of Shalit is important, but not if it will endanger other lives.

2007-07-07 23:59:11 · answer #9 · answered by Gamla Joe 7 · 4 5


I think you answered your own question. Haniya offered an honorable deal. What is the saying, pearls before swine? How would a zionists recognize or appreciate honor.

Now what is going to be the Palestine's response? I would put this "soldier" on a pike, and barbeque him like a calf.

2007-07-07 18:58:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

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