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Why are people so down on these groups of believers that they would go out of their way to say hurtful things and even get a question about them delete? More and more my interest in them grows because of things like this. I have read both materials from both groups I find nothing really wrong. Both of them see them as the bible says that we may live here but we are citizens of the kingdom and they dont get involved with politic that much. So Tell me in full explaining why you are scared of them,think of them as a occult, and why are you so against the Mormon who is now running for president? I really do not get this hate thing at all. please explain it to me.

2007-07-07 07:30:41 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Once again, so many answers from people who know nothing of what Mormons believe.

People are scared of the Mormons because they know that we just MIGHT be right.

2007-07-07 10:17:48 · answer #1 · answered by mormon_4_jesus 7 · 3 5

I am not afraid of them, nor do I hate them, nor am I against Romney for president BECAUSE he is a Mormon. Furthermore, the term is "cult" and not "occult."

However, there are HUGE distinctions between the Christian faith and Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses. I know that Y-Answers is not a fan of copy/paste, but the website "gotquestions.org" has very good, COMPLETE answers to your questions and concerns.

The first of the sites below help to define what a cult is. The second is defining the Jehovahs Witnesses, and the third, the Mormons. Please... I know it may be a lot of reading... BUT IF YOU ARE SERIOUS about learning the Christian point of view, I strongly recommend you read these. Please note, they are NOT "hate-filled" rants, either... they are logical, and straightforward, from a Christian perspective. They lay things out in plain, understandable language.... they do not condemn and are not hateful.

I hope this helps you understand. Have a blessed day.

2007-07-07 08:32:02 · answer #2 · answered by wyomugs 7 · 1 2

My sister nearly got sucked into the JWs once. This is how I really got to know them and what they are all about. Nothing against JWs because I love them as people and wish the best for them. They basically behave like a cult, learning everything in unison. They always require “extra” literature to help them understand Gods word. They have to use their own “knock-off” of the Bible. Their biblical teachings are blatantly false and nearly always contradictory. They deny the existence of the Holy Spirit and that Jesus is God. They also believe that it is somehow impossible that Christ were crucified on a cross despite the fact that millions of people were. Their infamous rag the “Watch Tower” has been making incorrect predictions for over a hundred years now.

I find it provocative that even the most learned and senior JW will not sit down with a KJV Bible and debate anyone who is remotely knowledgeable about what the book actually says.

2007-07-07 07:51:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Not scared--but I think Mormonism is a cult.

They teach salvation by their own good works. They believe in Jesus-but only insomuch that they believe He guarantees their physical resurrection from the dead only. Where they spend eternity depends on if they did enough good works and repented enough. **That is NOT Biblical teaching.**

They teach the "Heavenly Mormon Father is a god-man and our biological father who, with one of many heavenly mothers, conceived us as a spirit-baby in a pre-Earth life. That everyone preexisted with a flesh-and-bone heavenly father and mother before our parents on earth chose us and brought us down to earth and gave us a physical body.
**Neither is this a Biblical teaching.**

Their "scriptures" are also called "standard works", and include the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and the Bible.
**The Bible is the final word of God, and is not to be added to or taken away from.**

I could go on, there is plenty more. But basically, they do not adhere to Biblical Christian teaching. Yet they want the world to think they do.

2007-07-07 08:03:32 · answer #4 · answered by beano™ 6 · 4 1

Personally I have nothing against JW's or Mormons. However I have a great deal against their theology. They both claim to be Christians but the beliefs they hold aren't Christian. Mormons, for example teach that God is just one of many, He has a body, the three persons of the Trinity are actually three separate Gods, Jesus was not born of a virgin, and the Bible is not inerrant. These beliefs are contrary to Christianity.

2007-07-07 08:08:12 · answer #5 · answered by arikinder 6 · 4 2

I don't know of anyone who is frightened by members of either odd , semi-christian sects.

They are not scary. They are annoying, to say the least.

I have never gone, either uninvited or invited, to the home of a Jehovah Witness nor a Mormon, rang their doorbell and then proceeded to tell them why what they believe in is wrong, why their chosen way of life is wrong and that unless they immediately change and follow what I am telling them, they will suffer damnation for all eternity! Both the Jehovahs Witnesses and the Mormons do just that.

Secondly, parading one's ignorance has never or rarely been popular.

The man who founded the Jehovahs Witnesses could not even accurately translate Hebrew. (There is no "J" in Hebrew, their name for god is YHWH.)
They have predicted that the world would end on three different occasions (can you say "Oops!" ?).
They now have more members than they say will be allowed into heave. What happens to the others who prayed and paid but will miss the boat?
Their interpretations of the Old and New Testament are questionable at best and in almost total disagreement with all well reputed bibical scholars and theologians.
They debase women and make them subserviant to men as a church doctrine.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is missing something, i.e., the Golden Tablets and the glasses that John Smith wore that allowed him to translate them.
Their theology is a mix and match version of Judaism, Christianity (minus the divinity of Jesus) and Islam,and as such is untrue to them all.
There is no historical eveidence to support their claims regarding the "lost tribes of Israel" coming to North America.
The founder of their religion (I use the term loosely) was an alcoholic who was hanged by a mob for trying to get another man's wife to run away with him (now there is a fine moral and upstanding figure of a man! I can well see why so many persons would want to folow him!)

If either of these groups and their beliefs appeal to you, you are more than welcomed to follow them. If you eventually decide to become a full member of either group, I will support your right to do so (but please do not come to my house to try to convert me).

However, I would recommend that you do a complete and thurough historical background check , using unbiassed sources for your information and then think long and hard before you do join up.

If there is a god, hie/she/it gave you your intellect and reasoning abilities. He/she/it probably expects you to make good use of and to develop the same. Please, do not let he/she /it down. THINK!!!!!

I am against Mitt for president because I live in Massachusetts, where he was "govenator" for a while. Just like that bad robot in that bad movie, he caused a lot of problems ( can you say, "Big Dig", horrible healhtcare reform, underfunding of schools and public services such as police and fire departments, never being in Boston to take care of business because he was always too busy running for the presidency, letting our roads and highways , bridges etc, fall apart, loosing more jobs than any other govenor...etc., etc., etc.,.) for a lot of people and it will take this state a long, long time to get over them. Thankfully, he will "NOT" be back. The only people who think he is a good candidate don't and never did live in Massachusetts.

May it be well with you.

2007-07-07 08:04:25 · answer #6 · answered by Big Bill 7 · 3 4

How many people do you know personally-that are afraid of either Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons? I dont know anyone.
I'm 70 and have met a lot of people in my lifetime. Never met one who expressed fear of either of those groups. Maybe I just havent met the right people-yet. Romney seems like a very viable candiddate. I still have to decide who I'll end up voting for-but being a Mormon isnt one of the criteria

2007-07-07 07:37:13 · answer #7 · answered by phlada64 6 · 6 3

I can't speak to the Mormon issue, because I don't really know much about them. But the Jehovah's Witnesses scare me because they have the markings of a cult (while they redefine that word themselves to mean "doctrines of men"). They wish to piggyback on mainstream Christianity and give themselves the label while preaching a completely different "gospel." They have a disdain for "the world," seeing themselves as martyrs and placing themselves into Matthew 10:14 when they're not entertained; they regard themselves as having the complete and only truth (i.e. no dialogue with mainstream Christianity); they use innocuous statements that can be taken to agree with Christianity in order to get into your door; they use apologetics that twist the original Greek into what they have decided it means (you wouldn't know this if you don't thoroughly know Greek); they shun seminaries; they engage in logical fallacies that the inexperienced person does not easily see. and they ostracize members who have "fallen away" from their religion.

Yes, they scare me. They are Jude 4 personified as far as I'm concerned. See the posting above, that's what gets them in the door, but do you see how her response heads off in a direction that sounds close but not quite what you may have understood the scriptures to mean? This is how it starts...

2007-07-07 08:08:03 · answer #8 · answered by ccrider 7 · 5 3

I thought xians have issues with them because many of them don't consider JW and Morman's to be xian -- they actually think they are a cult.

I just get nervous that they'll take up a lot of my time when they ring my door (time that I would rather be wasting here, apparently).

2007-07-07 07:57:54 · answer #9 · answered by Tim Elliot 4 · 5 0

You didn't say who these people are who are so afraid of Witnesses or Mormons .What is there about Mormons or Witnesses that you believe scares people ?
Whenever either one comes to my door, whatever it is that comes to my mind is not fear.
I believe that you're on the wrong track.

2007-07-07 07:38:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Jehovah's Witlesses (OOPS I mean Witnesses!) and Mormons have clear, cult-like beginnings that were documented in writing. Jehovah's Witnesses had to pervert the translation of a Bible, in court the leader was handed a Greek-language Bible and had to admit he didn't even know the Greek alphabet, much less being a scholar of ancient Greek as he had claimed. You will confound a JW who comes to your door by insisting he read the verse before and then the verse after the one he is quoting; their founder had no theological training and so they don't really have it either.

The Mormons sincerely believe that in the "Battle in Heaven" where 1/3 of the angels were cast out, the victorious angels were divided into those who fought well (who are reincarnated into babies with White skin) and those who did not fight so well (who are reincarnated into babies with Black skin). Also that heaven consists of living on the surface of the Sun and various other suns in the galaxy, walking around in your bare spiritual feet. I'm sure that doesn't come up often in Mormon literature but it's somewhere in the advanced class, once you're in too deep and the social ostracism and threats would mount if you tried to back out.

I knew a professor who did a sabbatical in Utah. He woke up one day and all the trees in his backyard were covered in toilet-paper. He went to the cops but the police just said, "Oh, the local boys do that to everyone who's not a Mormon..."

It is part of a natural problem with religion: People do NOT like to sit in pews and hear about amazing miracles and nonsense that happened MANY CENTURIES AGO. They want to be at the center of the action, re-write history, reset the clock to the Year Zero. THEY want the miracles and amazing rapport with God that appears to be commemorated in a church but denied to them. So they naturally start off-shoot groups and schisms. And there are enough brain-cells in the brain with the ability to hallucinate, if only in near-death, that they start seeing what they want to see, so new religions are built on the mouldy foundations of the old.

But it's all false. This God never speaks. So you'd better live your life according to what's real. Atheism is not an active belief-system, it's just where things naturally settle for people who still have rational thought, like the bottom of a hill when you're skiing.

And I scare off these door-to-door types instantly by giving them a big smile and saying, "Hey! Wanna join our Dungeons & Dragons game? We still have spots for a 5th-level multi-classed fighter-mage and a 4th-level cleric of Yevrakh the Many-Tongued..." Then I sweep up the dust they made from their hasty exit off my stoop and go back to rolling the d20's...

As for Debbie2243 below, there is a line in Eminem's "Without Me" that refers to a Debbie and that is how I feel about you...

2007-07-07 07:54:27 · answer #11 · answered by PIERRE S 4 · 5 5

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