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All religions speak of angels. We all have a guardian angel who watches over us to protect and guide. Some people have seen their angel. Anyone ever see their angel, if so, how did your angel protect you?

2007-07-07 07:25:07 · 16 answers · asked by ZORRO 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

When I was 4 years old I was put in the hospital and wasn't expected to live. I was getting sicker and they didn't know why. My Father who was raised an atheist prayed that night.

I was sleeping and woke up to see someone who I thought was the doctor standing by my bed. He was in a white doctors coat and light surrounded him and me. He smiled and touched my head. I felt great and started jumping up and down on the bed, and the night nurse came in and ask what I was doing. I said the doctor fixed me and turned to look at him and he was gone. The nurse said the doctor was at home and I needed to lay down and go to sleep.

The next morning my Dad came in before work and I jumped up and asked if I could go home. The look on my Dads face was beyond happy. I told him about the doctor fixing me and the nurse told him that I had said that in the middle of the night.
But I couldn't go home until the real doctor checked me.

So yes I've seen an angel.

2007-07-07 07:28:23 · answer #1 · answered by 1Netzari 4 · 1 0

My husband has heard his "angel" twice. In an authoritative voice he could not ignore he was told "STEP BACK" which he did just in time to avoid getting onto a gangway that let go and smashed on the side of the ship he was working on at the time. It was a close one. By the way it was very Windy and stormy which is why the gangway let go. When he was a young boy he was in danger in water (I won't go into the details) and he was told "LOOK UP" and he did and was able to grab something protruding from a wooden structure he was being pulled under and then rescued by a fisherman.
When he told me this, he said it was the same voice, very clear, concise and strong. I really think we all have a guardian a\Angel, else why do we survive so many near fatal incidents.

2007-07-07 07:37:42 · answer #2 · answered by Lean on Me 4 · 2 0

Every day. My guides are angels. I've only seen one once--I woke up one night, middle of the night, just in time to see a very large collum of bright white light (had a bit of gold in center, where the heart would be) move down the hallway past my bedroom door. I'm pretty sure that was archangel Michael. Most days, I don't see them, but I do feel their presences around me, hear their thoughts (you'll rarely hear an angel's voice--mostly what you'll hear is them sending you their thoughts). They protect me from harm all the time, but mine do it a bit differently--they keep the darker side of the spirit realm from entering my home.

But a long time friend of mine was walking down the street once, pushing her daughter in a stroller, was about to cross the street, when she felt a strong arm grab hold of her arm and yank her off the street corner, pulling her until she was well away from the corner. She'd been alone on that corner. There was no one else there with her. Seconds later, a car sped through the light and crashed into the lightpole she'd been standing by. Her and her daughter would've been killed.

2007-07-07 07:33:26 · answer #3 · answered by I'm just me 7 · 3 0

I have never seen my Angel but I know I have been protected. I had my neice sleep over and the next day I drove her home in the morning going the usual way I travel. On the way I noticed that the traffic for on the way back to my house was built up and decided that I would travel a different direction. But as you do, I was on auto pilot and drove back the same way I went. The traffic was coming to a complete stand still so I put my foot on the brake only to discover that I had none!! I swear to God my three toughts were:
1. I'm going to hurt myself very badly
2. I'll end up in a coma
3. I'm dead.
Never before in my life did I ever think these things when I'd been driving.
I then yanked up my handbrake and spun my car 180 degrees and as I spun I thought I was going to hit the barrier in the middle of the road.
I did not hit it.
Being in shock, I didn't realise what I was doing and just drove back into the traffic as if nothing had happed - my brakes worked until I got home.
Usually I have a lead foot and have been known to drive at least 10kms per hr over the speed limit. That day I was doing 10kms per hr under the speed limit - technically I was driving 20kms per hr less than what I'd usually be doing.
I stopped off at my uncle's house and told him what happened and went outside his backyard to give my sister's dog (my uncle was looking after it) a big hug. I was always scared of the dog - a rottweiller but that day the dog and I became best friends. I honestly believe I was protected that day as when I called a friend of mine to look at my car, I had no brake fluid in the car even though I filled it up a week or so before.

2007-07-07 07:43:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, I've felt all my life that I was "watched over." I've had too many close calls with death and walked away relatively unscathed. I've been shot at, stuck on the side of a cliff 80 feet above very jagged rocks, and had two serious car accidents. Yes, I have a few aches and pains, but, hey, I'm alive, mostly healthy, and reasonably sane. Luck isn't that good, so something/someone has to be looking out for me.

I hope I'm living a life that makes all of their efforts worthwhile.


2007-07-07 07:30:52 · answer #5 · answered by Asha 3 · 2 0

I have never seen my angel but I have felt it physically. Not too long ago I was in a horrendous car accident. An SUV came up over a hill at about 45 mph or more. The posted speed is 25 because you can't see over the hill for oncoming traffic. I was turning when he came over the hill and literally ran over my Subaru. I saw coming straight for me and I felt a physical push and pull to move me out of the way of where the SUV carved a swath in my car.

2007-07-07 07:29:30 · answer #6 · answered by triskalon 3 · 2 0

I've had angels I could see play with me as a very young child. I've had angels I could feel, all around me since. They could not protect me, but they could help heal me. As a child, I was abused, molested, and had no one to turn to. I think I would have died if not for the very young appearing angels who came an played with me every time I was locked in a room alone. Or if I were asleep, they would wake me. They would let me ride them horsey back while they flew. I loved them so very very much. The love they gave to me was ever so much more than I could give to them. I thought they were children just like me, except with wings.
As far as stories I will tell you one, and try to give you a very short version. I ran away from home at the age of 15. A man who seemed nice said I could stay with him and his gf. I went, he raped me so badly the doc said I would never have kids. He would choke me until I passed out and then let me come to repeatedly. I kept hearing whispering in my ear, stay calm, stay calm, you need to be able to think. After, he asked me how I wanted to die. At that moment it felt like a hand reached into the top of my head and gently sat me on the side-lines. I watched them talk for a long time. Next thing I knew I was back in my body. I didn't really know what had passed between him and whoever took control of my body, but we were on our knees, and he was crying. He took me to his friends house with instructions to keep me for two weeks. It's been 30 years or so ago. There you have it, and every single word is true.

Blessed Be

2007-07-07 07:40:48 · answer #7 · answered by Linda B 6 · 2 0

Psalms 34:7 says I have angels encamped round abut me and delivering me. I believe that although I have never seen one.
The bible also says in Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. [It cites a reference to Abraham's encounter in Genesis 18:1-8. In this case the Lord himself! see vs. 22.] I believe that too.

2007-07-07 07:38:38 · answer #8 · answered by amazingly intelligent 7 · 2 0

Maybe, I think it was God. I was working on steel 2 stories up. I needed more welding lead, so pulled hard. The lead disconnected and I was falling backwards off the building. I was gone! I'm talking almost horizontal with the roof. All of a sudden something caught me, like a hand or something and stood me straight up. I was scared to death. Looked around to see if anyone saw me. A man on the ground looked up at me and said, Thats impossible, you were gone. God was looking out for you today. They talked more at lunch. Turned out 2 people saw me. And both swore their was no way, I could have stood up from that.

2007-07-07 07:37:16 · answer #9 · answered by Ham Shank 2 · 3 0

Maybe we all have but don't know it. I've been driving 80 miles a day going to and returning from work every day and have never been in an accident. Maybe my angels were protecting me.
Who knows?

2007-07-07 07:30:46 · answer #10 · answered by batgirl2good 7 · 1 0

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