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I can't believe these idiots who get a ticket or commit a crime of some type and write lie's about the Police just because they have a need to blame someone other than themselves. A neighbors son stole a motorcyle out of a garage in our neighborhood a few years back....the kids parent wern't angry and embarrassed about their son the "theif" they were mad as hell at the Police & the people for leaving their garage door up. I'd like to see these people survive only one day without the Police who protect our country 24/7.

When trouble comes to YOU

WHO are you going to call...the ACLU???:?

2007-07-07 06:49:25 · 16 answers · asked by Interesting 1 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

faulty...I would like to see you do that against 40 gang members busting into your home at 2 am....WHO you going to call?

2007-07-07 06:53:40 · update #1

16 answers

Yes - I am sick of it, but as long as Yahoo allows it, we have to rely on nice people like yourself to set the record straight.
Thank you!

2007-07-07 10:30:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Many of the people that don't like police do so because they believe that the police are acting in general as the person would act if they had the authority of a police officer. Then, when a bad report does show up on the relatively rare event where an officer did abuse their authority, it confirms their inner beliefs that all police are like that. Add to those the number of people that don't like certain laws and then take out their frustrations and anger on their local police. I wouldn't last a week with a gun and the authority and opportunity to see what many of them see every day. It takes a special kind of personality to do the job and do it well. Occasionally, a good cop will make a mistake, just like we all do in our jobs. The difference is normally our mistakes aren't picked up on the news and circulated around without any context of the events leading up to the mistake. Last, and even more rare I would suspect, a person that should not be in that position makes it through. They are the exception and are like a walking time-bomb. They are going to make a mess and someone is going to get hurt. They do all they can to screen those out, but some will always make it through.

2016-03-15 00:21:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wish I had the hefty paychecks people say I get. With a family of four, I live below the State's poverty level. Plus, I love it when people tell me they pay my salary (and by the way it is a salary-on call 24/7 get paid for 40 hours) because according to the large chunk that comes out of my "millionaire" paycheck, I pay taxes too. I knew the job was dangerous, that's why the cops are needed. Because we are willing to take the dangerous job. As for ACLU, I do believe we need them so people can be protected from the cops (and every other criminal justice person) that have gone wrong. But don't tell me that I'm to blame for every crime that has ever been committed by a cop. Want to talk about news articles, why is it when non- law enforcement person do something bad its : so and so, male etc... But when a cop does bad, its THE COP named so and so...

2007-07-07 13:33:35 · answer #3 · answered by txlawdogg76 3 · 0 1

I actually enjoy reading some of the bashing. I have to laugh at the stupidity, and lack of intelligence that comes with some of the statements. None of these people have the courage to do what a Police Officer does every single day. It's just amazing how someone can become such an extrovert while hiding in a room behind a keyboard.

2007-07-07 07:27:13 · answer #4 · answered by CGIV76 7 · 4 3

there are lots of good people in law enforcement. unfortunately there are also bad cops. police have a "cover ur ***" mentality that makes it hard for them to root out the bad ones. so until that changes, in my opinion, they deserve more scrutiny than other professions because they have such power over ppl's lives. {{sure, courts are there to determine guilt --- but its the regular street cops who recommend charges, d.a.'s usually go along with the charges. no big deal, unless you cant afford adequate legal representation. {{court appointed's are usually lacking motivation to fight for ur rights the way a paid attorney will}} lots of our prisons would empty out if poorer defendants had adequate representation.}}

2007-07-07 08:46:40 · answer #5 · answered by tex 3 · 2 1

I sure am! Especially these idiots on this site who make up questions just to bash police (especially Police "taking advantage" of the TOS by promoting themselves on here), and especially using the "additional information" section there to rant about the evils of police officers, and using news articles about police exploits as backup "evidence." I don't know about anyone else, but I sure ain't buying it!

Police put their lives on the line every day to help our citizens and make our streets and homes safer from burglaries, car theives, gang members and what have you, and they deserve more respect than they're getting. And here some of these people are badmouthing all cops as racist, treacherous, hypocritical when they know damn well these vices don't apply to ALL of them! (Frankly, I'm embarrassed for those officers that DO match these stereotypes, and I can't believe THEY'RE still out there.) But really, don't judge an entire profession by the small group who are corrupt, and deter away from the policies to serve and protect.

The people who have issues are just jealous and angry because their perfect driving record have been tainted by speeding tickets, or they were arrested and assaulted themselves by cops. Well, don't break the law, and these things won't happen to you. Please get over yourselves!

2007-07-07 07:05:58 · answer #6 · answered by Sharon Newman (YR) Must Die 7 · 5 4

Only about as sick as I am of cops that try to find support on here by asking these questions.
A cop is paid better than average people, have more rights than average and know the job is dangerous BEFORE they choose to take it. I do not have to worship you just because you do a job. What group of workers can a society completely get rid of and survive without? Just do you job and take your check we provide. I will worship the first public "servant" that does his job and doesn't take the money.
Want to sign up?

2007-07-07 08:23:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Right on, Paul G! It sure is hurtful to take home the hefty pay they're granted when they sign up!

Oh boy... cops DO HATE the ACLU! And each time someone recommends that website they're infuriated!

Let it be proof that if there is anything that will stop a cop from violating our civil rights IS the information and service that the ACLU gives. If there was no crime commited by them, there'd be no ACLU.

So, they only have themselves to blame for the service that the American Civil Liberties Union provides to citizens.

So, Who are citizens going to call in emergencies? Not the ACLU, of course! Unfortunately, all we have is the cops. But that is still no blank check for them to abuse citizen's rights. Cops are paid by the residents to do their duty, they aren't there out of the kindness of their hearts. Provide the service we pay for, without abusing our rights.

And stop calling people names when they share negative experiences about cops! Be more mature and responsible about it. We, who believe the force needs some major restructuring and diversity training are not crooks angry at cops!

2007-07-07 08:38:38 · answer #8 · answered by TURANDOT 6 · 1 6

Hey if you don't like the police then don't call them, handle you're problems you're self! Oh yeah F^kk the ACLU !!!

2007-07-07 17:56:46 · answer #9 · answered by jay L 2 · 0 1

no words are truer!!!!!!!!!! very few in this country give law enforcement the credit they deserve. it is a dangerous, thankless job. it's hard on the body, mind, and soul. it wrecks marriages because of the long, and constantly changing hours. officers miss kids birthday's, anniversaries and countless other personally important events because they are protecting you and me from thugs, thieves, rapists, etc. so yes, i wish that all police bashers could walk a day in the officer's shoes. it would be an eyeopening, life and attutude changing experience.

2007-07-07 07:07:08 · answer #10 · answered by laurie 3 · 4 3

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