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I'm not an old man or anything lmao... I'm just a 19 year old boy, and I kinda had some marijuana recently so now I get to thinkin...

Anyways, back in my day 12 year olds, including me... we way more childlike.. cell phones were just stuff our parents were successful enough to afford and very strange technology lol. And we were playing pokemon and stuff. Now I know this 12 year old girl, she's the daughter of one of my mom's friends. But this girl dresses like a stripper in public, you know like a teenage hoochie did back in our day. She has a myspace where she has pictures of her puckering up with all kinds of makeup on her face saying ~*im sExY!*~ on the picture file. I mean what's the deal, and what about 20 years in the future? ... Are 6 year old kids gonna be acting like this? Makes me sick.

2007-07-07 06:42:45 · 26 answers · asked by Aaron H 2 in Society & Culture Etiquette

26 answers

i agree with you totally

2007-07-10 13:17:21 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

It's not the kid's fault. They don't have the money. It's the supposedly responsible adult who buys the clothes. Also the greedy manufacturers who make and advertise the inappropriate clothing.

Bras and thongs for under 8 yr olds is totally wrong.

A child needs to be a child for as long as possible . An adult life is a very very long time.

I blame the parents for allowing the child to have unlimited unsupervised internet access if "sexY' photos of a child are put in "myspace".

2007-07-10 03:28:22 · answer #2 · answered by i love my garden 5 · 3 0

Don't get me started. :D I totally agree with you. There was a question last week from a mother who was upset because other mothers and their children were "jealous" of her 14 year old daughter who wore a thong bathing suit to a pool party for 12-14 year olds. She perceived this as "jealousy" because the others were calling her child names. You can imagine what kind. The amazing thing is that most of the people who commented found this totally appropriate attire for a child of this age. I have to say that I was in shock. I think I still am. Personally, I can't imagine what kind of mother could possibly think that it would EVER be appropriate for a child to wear something like that---even in their own back yard.

2007-07-07 06:47:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes - I agree! Kids should be able to just be kids, and not have to try to act older. I think the blame lies with the older (my) generation - the folks who make the movies, design the clothes, push the advertising - if they didn't market this stuff (cell phones, clothing, make-up) to the kids, then the kids wouldn't fall for it. I'm glad that you notice and think that it's inappropriate. Maybe if enough folks from your generation could reach out to the kids and set them straight, they'll be much better off! I think a 12 year old would listen to a 19 year old much more than he/she would listen to someone more than twice your age (like me!).

2007-07-07 06:50:54 · answer #4 · answered by Salvage1234 2 · 0 0

i'm a teenager, and i have to say that it's not all of us who dress like sluts ... but yes, the inappropriate ones do form a majority!

from what i've seen (my friends, people in my college, etc), its the really spoiled kids who dress like that, or the ones who lack parental attention. its also people who have low self-esteem, and they feel the only way they can look attractive is by dressing - well, like that!

but there are definitely sane teenagers out there!! i have a lot of friends and associates, and not a single one dresses with so much vulgarity. of course, these are the sort of mature people i choose to socialise with, but i'm just saying, since i've found so many, there are a lot more out there!

i completely agree with what you said about the whole make-up and cell phone scene -- thats pathetic! no matter how badly a parent raises a child, a child has to have the maturity to handle him/herself! and i pray to god my kids don't end up that way!!

btw, i think its fantastic that someone your age (a guy, at that!) is so concerned ... you're a lot more mature than some of the crazy guys at my college!

2007-07-07 17:43:51 · answer #5 · answered by yin yang 4 · 1 0

Some 6 year olds are acting like that. I have seen children under the age of 10 wearing makeup and inappropriate clothing. They are just trying to be like the older kids and they do not understand what they are doing. Something should be done and I think it starts with the older kids wearing and acting appropriately.

2007-07-07 06:55:15 · answer #6 · answered by happy 3 · 2 0

yeah, I agree with you - my daughter just had a big 8th grade dance a few weeks ago & trust me you would have been scandalized by what some of these girls' stupid parents let them wear
dresses that barely covered their butts and were cut down to their belly buttons - it was appalling!
when I had my senior high school prom we were wearing more clothes than these 14 year olds (and that wasn't the ice age either - 1989)
well, at least my daughter doesn't dress like a whoe and never will because she has good sense

2007-07-07 06:50:46 · answer #7 · answered by Jaci { R.I.P. Casey } 6 · 1 0

I know that's what I thought, too. Tsk. I heard this story of my Mom's friend's daughter (she's 13). And well, as she was saying, her daughter insisted on wearing a mini skirt to school. Both parents disapproved of her clothing, her dad said, "No, you are not wearing that to school- I can see you're underwear!"

And guess what she replied?

"So what? Paris Hilton doesn't wear any underwear."

S.lut. Celebrities don't even know how much they influence children of their (awful) actions.

Even I have the decency enough not to show that much in public- especially in such a young age. By the way, I'm only 12, but I actually have class.

2007-07-07 06:53:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Ahh... you smoked some and now you're THINKING, huh? Cool deal.

Well, I'm 34 years old, and when I was 12 and 13, I dressed as inappropriately as my mom would let me get away with, to be honest. Back in my day, heavy metal was on MTV, going to concerts and having big teased hair and leather miniskirts was the thing. My best friend even had a leather bra (that she'd wear with nothing else).

It's a phase, testing the boundaries. I buy my clothes from Ann Taylor now and look just fine. You've got to give kids a little room to look stupid; it's all a part of growing up. Just hold the reins somewhat. The leather bra was probably over the line. :)

2007-07-07 06:49:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I'm 34, and I swear this "fashion" thing is out of control. I'm not that uptight, but for that age? I see girls dressing, well barely dressed looking like prostitutes. Boys are still letting their boxers hang above jeans that are too big. And they wonder why they don't get any respect. My mother never would have let me out of the house, let alone bought me those clothes when I was that age. Don't even get me started on thongs and low rise jeans at work.

2007-07-07 06:52:38 · answer #10 · answered by chefgrille 7 · 3 0

Yes. But the problem is not as easy to solve as you might think. Ever gone shopping for clothing for a 12 year old girl? It is dang near impossible to find nice, modest girl clothes in that size ... all the current styles seem to be geared to dressing our female kids, even 6 year olds as mini provocative adults rather than as children. It makes me sick as well.

2007-07-07 06:48:06 · answer #11 · answered by naniannie 5 · 0 1

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