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Jack Van Imp from 'Daystar' Network had talked on this.

That this is international for Mexico & Canadians too? Other Nations. Any way Jack Van Imp spoke about this 2 wks ago & I haven't heard this yet.

2007-07-07 06:28:05 · 24 answers · asked by LottaLou 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Do a web search on yahoo, jackvanimpe, press search. When you get the site, then press on Television. Then you can watch his 1//2 hr TV shows for the last mo.+. So? I haven't watched the show yet on it, but now am going to.

2007-07-07 08:08:03 · update #1

End of days, why do you thank Clinton for this?

2007-07-07 08:10:54 · update #2

Bruce7, In Mexico the chip is in a class case to break if taken out? Wouldn't that cause a bad sore? The mark of the beast will cause a bad sore according to Revelation, for those who took it.

2007-07-07 08:20:38 · update #3

Remember HAL in Space Odysey 2002? Add 1 letter to HAL & get IBM. The veri chip is IBMs'.

2007-07-07 08:27:49 · update #4

24 answers

Beware of Van Imp. Not all his teachings are biblical. Yes, the RFID has been around for some time. Americans need to be aware of it. As far as your date? Meetings are held all the time that Citizens are involved with. Mexico City Officials and Police have them implanted.

2007-07-07 07:52:14 · answer #1 · answered by Bruce7 4 · 2 0

That is the first I have ever heard of that. But despite how outlandish the idea sounds, it could have easily been purposed. However I don't see it going over very well and I think most people would have to be held at gun point and maybe even strapped down to get a microchip inserted under their skin, and even then I know of countless individuals who would cut it out afterwards. Additionally the concept of that being done is expensive and paying for that would be very hard to do. I just do not see that being done anytime soon.

2007-07-07 06:41:29 · answer #2 · answered by Joseph 6 · 1 0

Yes if You recieve a government check You will be one of the first-Or no check; also for those with a Medical cond . that dr. needs info fast ,they will have it.You are already using it and don"t know it. Cars =--Wall Mart products,Here is a good thing place one in a Terriost or an inmate turn Him loose an He will lead to the Hide out or Country.Note
For people that like to Fish,when You catch the first one tie a string to A Balloon and to the hook and release Fish He will go to the others of His Kind,Bingo start catching ,This isn"t a R.F.I D. but a simple way to fish an you don"t need an expense fish finder;

2007-07-07 06:46:44 · answer #3 · answered by section hand 6 · 0 0

Personally I would rather be an outcast before I allowed the government to stick something in my body in order to track my movements. Which is where this ID chip is going.

Honestly, I think it has some good implications. Being able to identify homicide victims who have no ID, or soliders in the field. They have also talked about putting a patients medical history on this cards so if they end up in the hospital unable to talk the doctors can treat them correctly.

But with everything, I see this going to far. People are too willing to give up responsibility for their actions, to allow other people to control their lives to really stop abuse of ID chips. I don't want to end up having a tacker chip in me, reporting everything I do to someone. I value freedom and privacy too much.

2007-07-07 06:36:53 · answer #4 · answered by noncrazed 4 · 2 0

You should really listen to other news sources than Jack Van Impe, who has a very large financial stake in getting people to believe that the end of the world is upon us (rapture, second coming, Jesus' return, whatever you want to call it). His whole career is built on making people fear the second coming, "warning" them that it will happen very soon, and telling them how to be saved from the horrors of the Tribulation... and not incidentally, holding enourmous rallies at which he collects millions of dollars a year to do so, not counting his television and radio "ministries."

I was a fundamentalist, evangelical, Pentecostal Christian for most of my life, and I heard more such stories, misrepresentations, and downright lies that preachers like Van Impe used to "prove" that Christ was soon to return.

One preacher read about the possibility of an asteroid collision, and told us that "Astronomers have proven that there is a large body headed toward Earth, and I believe that it is the Body of Christ with all his angels coming to take us up to be with Him (hallelujah!)."

Many preachers have told us that either the Social Security system (which gives us a number), the European Economic Union (a step towards a "world government"), the United Nations ("world government" again), the famines in Africa and Asia, and every war that was ever fought since the Crucifiction, were "signs" that Jesus would return soon.

I remember when I was a teenager attending a church that told us dancing, movies, rock and roll, and many other things were sins. I couldn't understand why, when the Bible didn't say they were sins. I was told once "You wouldn't want to be in a movie theater and have Jesus return and find you there, would you?" I remember living in fear and looking over my shoulder, afraid that Jesus would catch me doing something I shouldn't.

Wars, rumors of war, famines, floods, earthquakes, all of these are "signs" given in the Bible that Jesus will return soon. Of course, you can't point to a time in history, any time, when there were not "Wars, rumors of war, famines, floods, and earthquakes." Yet many preachers use these to warn us that we'd better accept Christ (meaning, accept their beliefs and leadership) before He returns and you are left behind.

There is a device, like the one used to identify pets, that can be placed under the skin and read by a scanner. There has been speculation that it could be used on humans, for example on soldiers so they could be identified if their bodies became unidentifiable (no more "unknown soldiers"). But no one outside of the fundamentalist community has said that every human being on the planet, or even in a single country, must have such a device by any year.

Ask Van Impe for references. It's easy to say something, much harder to prove it, especially if you've only exaggerated or made something up entirely. I promise you he will not be able to point to a single law that requires everyone in the United States, let alone in the world, receive such a device by any date.

Keep him honest. Make him prove it. He can't, but that doesn't matter to him because most of his followers and listeners believe anything he says, and don't bother to think about the possibility that it is untrue, or even irrational.

ADDED: Oh, at least one of your answerers DID hear about this on the news - on CBN, which is "Christian Broadcasting Network," where evangelist Pat Robertson and his staff report "the news" daily. Now THERE is an unbiased source if ever I heard one... That's what I mean about the lack of critical thinking. You'll probably hear it on Trinity Broadcasting Network too. And maybe in the "Weekly World News" tabloid. But not on CNN, MSNBC or even Fox News, or in Newsweek, or US World Reports, or any other serious and respected news media.

2007-07-07 06:57:14 · answer #5 · answered by Don P 5 · 2 1

Yes! there is a Chip that they are starting to put in people's hands for ID. France, Mexico, Canada, Germany, England and many more have or already using this. The US is going to start some time between 2008 - 2010 You can thank Clinton for this.

2007-07-07 06:36:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Yes, I’ve heard of this. Set up yahoo alerts for “New Technology” and you’ll get plenty of related articles in your inbox.

Many people who have attempted to escape the law have been rounded up because they are carrying a cell phone which can be located to within millimeters. This new technology will expand that ability to anyone and leave them no escape.

This technology is inevitable. The world’s problems are forcing the need for this as a solution. When it becomes economically viable and necessary for our “security” it will be implemented.

2007-07-07 06:39:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

JVI has been predicting this for 20 yrs. He is a KOOK. He has made so many false prophecies that it is safe to disregard him on most issues.

He predicted the Soviet Union would fly their flag over Independence Hall in Philadelphia by 1976.

He predicted a nuclear war would begin by 1998 in Israel.

Don't listen to false prophets

2007-07-07 06:34:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anthony M 6 · 0 1

Yes this has been on CBN news several times and there is a web Youtube scary video going around about it.

I don't think it is a sure sign of the anti Christ, I just know I'm not getting one.

2007-07-07 06:33:56 · answer #9 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 2 0

The last I heard was it is going to be on our drivers license in 2008. But, they may have changed their plans. Van Impe bases his information on news articles, so Im sure that he saw it somewhere

2007-07-07 06:32:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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