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I read this book called "Daniel Halfman and the Good Nazi" about two best friends who hated all Jews but the n 1 of the best friends found out that he was a Jew himself.
After reading this book I hate Hitler 5 times more than i hated him last week. Whats his problem, why did he hate Jew so much? I don't get this
plz EXPLAIN !! Thanx!

2007-07-07 05:57:52 · 34 answers · asked by hUMOR*mE 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

he used them to unite the people against a common completely fabricated enemy to consolidate his power ... much like the west uses muslim terrorists ..

2007-07-07 06:01:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 6

From what I've learned, the Jews have always been persecuted, mainly, from what I'm guessing, their religion. When Judaism first began it was the only monotheistic religion, being surrounded by polytheistic religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. I believe this uniqueness and the fact that many Europeans have been Christians or Catholics, that a subconscious dislike for Jews began. Also, many people of Christianity believe that it was the Jews that crucified Jesus and that just adds on to the Jews' problems. Mainly Hitler just wanted to show his power; he wanted to make sure that only HE could rule and dictate. At the time, Germany was in the Great Depression and Hitler promised a way to overcome this. Seeing as how the Jews had already been persecuted continually, he decided to continue this trend. Because there was a depression in Germany, the people of the country were easily swayed, which is why propaganda worked so well.

2016-04-01 01:57:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly; Hitler did not 'hate all jews' that is a common fallacy even used by some academics. He treated the jews as a unit in so far as one treats all grant's gazelle as a unit. What applies to the majority applies to the unit; regardless of the fact that there will be exceptions. Hitler issued personal pardons for a great many jews as several historians (such as Ingrid Weckert) have pointed out. In fact; the salient fact that Hitler did not 'hate all jews' as you are told today is also born out in jewish testimony from the Third Reich area and post that era. I am of course excluding those who wish to make not a few dollars off holocaust claims (as Finkelstein has pointed out). Since we don't have any actual evidence for a 'holocaust' thesis; this is also additionally indicative of a reason why people don't like jews [since people get locked up/fined/personally abused/beaten up/have their career's destroyed/killed for pointing out that there is no real evidence for such a conclusion].

Secondly; to answer your question, Hitler disliked jews because they were (and still are) a menace to European society writ large. In Weimar Germany they were the literal power behind the throne controlling most of the financial and mass media empires of that time [which are the two most influential power-brokers in terms of politics]. They also came to dominate German cultural life more so than they had done before the first world war. This is despite jews being a tiny racio-ethnic percentage of the population.

Despite claims that Hitler was irrational I am afraid this is just not so. If you read the MacDonald's group evolutionary thesis and his application of it to jews you will come to understand that jews want to be involved and ergo control everything. This isn't a conscious effort, which is where many go wrong, but rather it is how the biological group (and no they are not a 'religion'; that is a follower of Judaism [they have unique genetic characteristics for example the cohen modal haplotype]) protects and reproduces itself to best advantage.

However this does not mean this is desirable for host nations; far from it. Hitler in essence wished to create a home for the jews to be among their own kind, they now have that, but they wish to have their cake and eat it [i.e. have a contributing and loyal diaspora and have a homeland which their diaspora helps fund and shield from criticism]. You'll note that Eugen Duhring in the 1880's came to very much the same conclusion about how jews operate and why jews are a menace to society. The fact that they still operate in this manner; suggests MacDonald's thesis is correct.

If you want more facts and figures; I suggest finding copies of 'A People That Shall Dwell Alone' and 'Separation and its Discontents' both by Prof. Kevin MacDonald; or taking the time to read Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'.

2007-07-07 07:23:55 · answer #3 · answered by Victates 1 · 0 1


For Froggy,

1) Hitler happened to be born into a Roman Catholic family but he had no use or interest in religion and quit going to mass and the sacrements at a very young age.

2) The nazi administration, especially those like Bormann did not like Christianity and considered it nothing more than a bastardized form of Judiasm. They planned to get rid of it and discourage it eventually but realized there were too many Catholics and protestants in Germany which was a significant force to reckon with. Some members of the administration were going back and practicing the Nordic religion.

3) Curch leaders both Catholic and protestant were imprisoned or worse if they shot off their mouths crticizing the nazis.

As for the question, Jews were generally disliked and discriminated against around the world at the time. Lies like the "Protocals Of The Father's of Zion" and their doing so well in business and commerce did not help matters. Conditions were right to make them the scape goats and many bought into that.

Michael Kelly

2007-07-07 06:51:41 · answer #4 · answered by Michael Kelly 5 · 0 1

Short answer: according to the New Testament, it was the action of the local Jews (the Sanhedrin) which led to Jesus' death (instead of the thief Barabbas).

Longer and more complicated answer: The Jews had specific sanctions placed on them in Europe. They could only live in specific areas and take up specific trades. For example, they weren't allowed to own large tracts of land for farming, and many lived in the Pale of Settlement. As a consequence, Jews took up whichever trades were available to them, most notably money-lending (banking), medicine, and other skilled trades. As a general group, Jews are well educated and hardworking, so they succeeded in these trades. This did not escape the notice of the other Europeans who held their success against the Jews.

It's really a huge case of "damned if you do, and damned if you don't," pardon my language.

You say you hate Hitler, but please remember that Hitler did not work on his own. He could not have gotten very far without the support of the Germans, and later, the peoples of the conquered nations, such as Poland (where many of the concentration camps were located).

For more detailed information, see the web links I am providing (the first one is the better of the two).

2007-07-07 06:13:49 · answer #5 · answered by Kathy P-W 5 · 2 2

Because he needed a way to unite the German population. Germany was in depression. Now if you look at the history of Jews, they had a lot of jobs forced onto them that nobody else wanted... these jobs turned out to be well-paying and during the depression the jews were a lot better off than the rest of Germany. So Hitler blamed them for the depression, for the treaty of Versailles.... And he united Germany under the goal of getting rid of them.

2007-07-07 06:02:43 · answer #6 · answered by xx. 6 · 3 0

i watched a documentary about him on the history channel. Hitler [ever though his family was Catholic] believed in a mythology-ish religion. he met these people in the woods and though they were some kind of special people. so he wanted to essentially "breed" them. thousands of babies were born, all born with Blonde hair and blue eyes. what Hitler believed was the "ideal" way to look. and decided that he needed to kill people who didn't look like that. and as you may know, most Jews do not look like that. he also considered them a threat, he believed they were plotting something to take over the world. Hitler was a crazy paranoid man. he was not accepted to art school, but if he had, the holocaust would not have happened.

The Nazis targeted many groups for persecution - among them Catholics, Poles, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists - but only three groups were targeted for systematic extermination: Jews, the handicapped, and the Sinti and Roma (often known as Gypsies). [source is link #1]

it was rumored that Hitler was part Jewish. he wasn't. his grandma worked for a rich Jewish family when one of his parents was conceived.

2007-07-07 06:18:57 · answer #7 · answered by lins 5 · 1 0

Because they reminded him of what he hated most about himself. Think about it. What was the image that Hitler had of the "perfect" race? Did he come even close to fitting that description? 6 foot tall, blond hair, blue eyes. Hitler was a man with an extreme self esteem problem that he took out on other people when he got into power.

2007-07-07 06:12:13 · answer #8 · answered by Joseph 6 · 2 1

It wasn't hate, it was a "common goal" to unite all of Germany behind Hitler..the oldest game in the book. Give people a common enemy and they will join forces to do almost anything asked of them. Jews were made into devils by propaganda machines....and the Nazi party arose from the ashes of Jews and Gays. This is a very sad statement as to the nature of humans, in general. We see this today, here in the US, in the lunacy of the far right uniting against a common "enemy," Gays. Gays have done nothing to anyone, yet they are made into some kind of devil to suit an agenda of the far right wing. Beware, anyone can be caught up in these schemes...always be alert, be aware of what is going on, and NEVER think it doesn't concern you..for in the end, everything done to one, is done to us all.

2007-07-07 06:04:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

why would you waste your hatred on a dead man? Do you think your hatred makes a lick of difference to him?
Hitler was a sick and darkly twisted imitation of a human being. He didn't hate the Jews, he didn't care one way or the other about the Jews, they were less than nothing to him. He used them, they were a way to keep people from noticing what he was doing. As long as they were afraid of the Jews, they were too busy to notice what he was doing under their very noses with the government of their country. All those Jews, all those tragic murders where nothing more to Hitler than a smoke screen. He was a truly evil twisted man. I don't waste hatred on him, only on what he did.

2007-07-07 06:04:36 · answer #10 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 3 1

Hitler and many others were following a pseudo-science called eugenics which classified and catagorized various racial characteristics. The same theory was applied to coloured people in America at the same time and Australia applied it to Aboriginal children.
The pseudo-science linked genetic disorders with racial origin and was used by various groups to try to prove the superiority of one group over another. Many prominent people believed in eugenics from all over the world but Hitler implimented policies with more vigour than most.

2007-07-07 06:27:15 · answer #11 · answered by John B 4 · 2 0

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