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Most people saying it's a choice are using science or holy text as their defense saying there is no "gay" gene. Interesting how they use science on this point, but not in other "religious" areas of thought.

Reality is science is studying this and they are finding that sexual orientation is part of who you are within yourself (possibly a function of your brain), so, not the DNA itself.

I wish we would not be so concerned about what others do that is not harming to anyone.

Do you agree for the most part people do not "choose" their sexual orientation? Shouldn't we love them and treat them just like anyone else? Why would they "choose" a life of discrimination? Maybe it's because it's not choice? Thoughts?

2007-07-07 05:16:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hi James..I have to respectfully disagree with you. I have a sibling who is homosexual. They are one out of ten children...if it's the environment that contributes, then more of my siblings would be gay using that line of thinking.

2007-07-07 05:45:28 · update #1

12 answers

I don't think people choose who they fall in love with. That goes for straight or same-sex relationships. As for there not being a "gay gene"... I think there is, sort of. Maybe it's not a gene, but a function in our brains that defines who or what we find attractive. I think it's ridiculous that some people believe that gay people would purposely choose a life that they know is going to be filled with difficulty and opposition.

Also, it's a widely held belief that animals do not posess the reasoning abilities to make such a choice. Yes homosexual behavior has been observed in primates and dolphins. If being gay or participating in homosexual behavior was a choice, how did these animals make that choice when they lack the skills?

2007-07-07 05:30:42 · answer #1 · answered by JustDucky 3 · 2 0

My favorite response is just an example. I would like to take the person, let's say it's a guy in this case, to a public place. I pick out a girl who's on about the same level as far as beauty goes, seems nice enough, perhaps is participating in an activity that the guy likes (for common interest), and maybe even shows some interest in him. Then I'd say, "Ok, go fall in love." No matter how compatible they seem, I'm sure I'd get a baffled look from him. If love really is a choice and the match makes sense, they should be able to do this, right?

Granted some people might protest, saying that this isn't valid because I chose the specific person, so let's edit it a little. I take the same guy to a place with 20 girls. All seem logical matches for him in terms of looks, personality, and interests, and to make it more interesting we'll say that all have an interest in him. I tell him that after interacting with them all for a couple weeks, he can fall in love with any of 1-10. Chances are he could find someone he likes in 1-10, but I don't think any of us would be terribly surprised if he fell for #17.

In response to the answer that said sexuality is ambiguous until around 4, when it becomes more solidified, I've heard that as well and that still doesn't convince me that homosexuality is a choice. To relate it to religion, I often hear talk about the age of accountability, in terms of sin and going to heaven and hell. I don't see how this age could be before 4, and that would mean that sexuality was determined before accountability, when we're conscious enough of our actions to be responsible for them. And additionally, I don't remember hearing that these little 2 and 3 year olds made a choice to be gay. They study I saw reference to said that it was mostly environmental factors that determined this. Considering how impressionable children are, that seems more than reasonable. In that case, they never made a choice in the first place. The choice was made for them.

2007-07-07 13:31:48 · answer #2 · answered by Phil 5 · 1 0

I completely agree. I am not gay but some people that I know are. I've asked some because of my own curiosity so I'm also curious is why these gay bashers don't merely ask some of them. I don't think the gay community is 100% in agreement on this issue either but what does it matter. It's not an issue for me and I have trouble understanding why it's an issue for anyone. If two consenting adults want to have sex why should anyone care whether they do or not. I really think the religious right is responsible for a lot of this crap. Religious fanatics have spread their superstitious nonsense in efforts to stifle progress for millenia. Their hate and intolerance has brought on far more misery than any other faction in history.

2007-07-07 12:21:11 · answer #3 · answered by Don W 6 · 2 0

psychologically--homosexuality is no longer deviant action, this was passed by the A P A. Many psychologists differ with that finding. Sexual persuasion is dertermind by age 4--environment has much to do with homosexuality. In younger years sex is fun and learned behavior. Psychology states that the sexual drive toward same sex is met by all individuals and some choose the same sex SEX IS A CHOICE. D N A and the Bible happen to agree.

2007-07-07 12:37:30 · answer #4 · answered by j.wisdom 6 · 0 1

Well, the bible for one spells it out in plain english.
homosexualityexplained.com is a site that explains all of that.

Why would God make male and female throughout all of nature if He didn't want male and female? I mean, it's so clear to a mind anointed by God. The world doesn't get it but they really are being played with by a sinister spirit... so, the bottom line is this: What is God's, gets it. The rest believe in lies.

2007-07-07 13:03:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absolutely, I always thought it was a choice till my girlfriend asked me did you choose to be attracted to girls. I said of course I did, but the more I thought about it, why is it that when I was growing up thats all I thought was sexy, and that is the sex I am attracted to. Maybe there are other people who have other thoughts that they did not choose. That is my rationalizing at least.

2007-07-07 12:22:34 · answer #6 · answered by reelperspectiv 5 · 1 0

i agree with you. i am catholic and hey am attracted to girls. i did not choose at all(love is love). actually my whole life i was always brought up that girls and boys go together. not boys and boys, girls and girls.

i just don't get my religion they say we should treat everyone equally and love thy neighbor. but i know why they don't like the idea of gay's and why god created male and female. i just try to look at it from both side. we should just respect each other, and stop worrying what others think, live,or do.

everyone has there own opinion and well that is something that they can only change for themselves.

2007-07-07 12:38:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

>>>>Why would they "choose" a life of discrimination<<<<

I Choose a life of Christianity, do you think there's no discrimination there? That was a choice.

I never go around saying Homosexuality is a sin, unless someone else brings it up and ask for opinions.
It's unnatural! How are humans to reproduce. Male organs were not made for other males, same said for women. Simple as that.


2007-07-07 12:23:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

i just think it's SILLY that people think that it's a choice. i know a lot of gay people who didn't want to be gay and it took them a while to become comfortable with it. i think that people who say it's a choice say that because they are uncomfortable with the entire thing for lots of different reasons and they are just trying to find something to make them more comfortable. if it's the persons choice, then it's more acceptable in their minds to persecute them rather then if it was just the way they were born.

2007-07-07 12:23:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I believe being Gay is a choose, but the chooser is choosing to sin. I do believe that we should treat them good and love them as Christians, it is up to God to deal with their Sins. As far as them choosing a life of discrimination- many people do just that- child molesters, murders, rapists, etc.

2007-07-07 12:26:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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