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Do you really need to make so much C02 to tell others to make less? Isn't it funny that they get a bunch of people that use enormous amounts of C02 each year to tell us to use less? It is sponsored by Chevy and Conoco Phillips. Do they try to be this hypocritical.

2007-07-07 04:51:52 · 11 answers · asked by wallyshields 2 in Environment Global Warming

11 answers

they're carbon neutral and they talk about how they're using recycled stuff and saving energy. not hypocritical at all.

with temps. hitting record highs all over the place, wild fires in places that didn't have them before, etc. etc. we NEED to know ways to save the planet.

why are some people so against saving the planet! that to me is hypocritical!

2007-07-07 05:00:25 · answer #1 · answered by Mike H 6 · 4 2

Yeah, I wondered why they had to do giant outdoor concerts! Certainly anyone going to the concerts is thrilled and will have a good time... but will it generate any new converts to the Church of EnviroFundamentalism? I seriously doubt it. The faithful already know who they are and those outside the faith hear their gospel preached everywhere we turn, so the "awareness" is already there.

Historically, all of these concerts with a message amount to very little for the causes they claim to be promoting. Even Bob Geldof stopped doing them after his last experience, in which all the funds donated, which amounted to less than 5% of what they took in, were actually confiscated by the corrupt governments responsible for the crisis he was trying to solve. So the irony was, the event actually raised money to perpetuate the problem!

The same thing will happen here.

If people really wanted to solve the "climate crisis" in accordance with their own defined causes of the problems is to TEAR DOWN ALL OF THE WORLD'S MAJOR CITIES.

Bulldoze NYC, LA, Boston, Chicago, Paris, London, Beijing, Tokyo, etc., etc., and make it a world law that each person must occupy a 1/4 acre area of land minimum. (So a family of 4 requires a 1 acre plot.) And yes, there is more than enough land across the globe to accomplish this.

The problem isn't the amount of pollution we create, but the extent to which we cluster together and create areas of highly concentrated pollution from which the climate cannot recover. It's just common sense.

So anyone who is an environmentalist should FIRST leave the cities in droves and move out to the rural countryside. Otherwise, they are continuing to be a part of the problem.

2007-07-07 05:43:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

NO To lead people by example . They did not only generate an enormous amount of pollution but they polluted a bunch of people . The bad part is there are some that are making millions. If u can fool enough to get people to send in $20 each , what can be done with this stupidity.

2007-07-07 08:47:09 · answer #3 · answered by JOHNNIE B 7 · 1 0

This is for Mrs. Lazzara

“How many times to I have to say this. Everything being used in Live earth is bio degradable and environmentally friendly. The staged are made from old tires and recycled bottles, theyre using florecent bulbs, performers are driving hybrid cars, seats in the dressing rooms are made from bamboo. What more do you want? I mean there is only so much they can do! If you wanna complain about what thyere not doing to help or what theyre doing wrong. Look at yourself, what are you doing TO help? Think about that before you judge someone else who IS trying to make a difference.
To me THAT IS hypocritical.”

So where did Al Gore get a hybrid plane? Did he fly commercial, I’ll bet not.

How are the ten of thousands of people to get to the concert? Walk I don’t think so. They drove or flew, how much CO2 did that cause, and don’t forget they have to drive home. How did the band get to concerts, not in a hybrid car, a limo or did they take the tour bus, maybe they flew. I’ll bet a few flew in their private jets.

Don’t forget everything is bio-degradable, given enough time. How did they transport those old tires and recycled bottles? In a hybrid truck, I’ll bet not. By recycling the bottles you release even more CO2 then if you just tossed them out. You have to transport them many times to recycle them. Florescent bulbs use mercury, how much of that will wind up in a land fill and into your drinking water?

Where did they get the bamboo? In China, Japan, how much carbon did they release getting the seat to the dressing rooms?

These concerts is to raise awareness about the environment and help stop global warming. But I’m going say something to stop the release of CO2, DON’T HAVE STUPID CONCERTS. The promoters of this thing would have set a better example by televising this concert. The bands could play in studio in what ever city they are at. They wouldn’t have to fly, or drive. People could have stayed home instead of driving or flying to the concert. How much carbon would that have saved? Wouldn’t that be a better example then releasing TONS of CO2? That’s what they could have done. That would have released the least amount of carbon, and still got the message out.

I judge people by their actions, not what they say. Al Gore says he for the environment, but he doesn’t walk the walk, you only have to look at his house to see that.

Saying how clean the concert will be, and not looking at the damage it’s causing is hypocritical. If people are really concerned about the environment, then all they have to do is not go to this concert. Just get out a nice CD and put it on, you’ll get some good music and release a whole lot less carbon.

2007-07-07 08:02:57 · answer #4 · answered by Richard 7 · 0 1

How many times to I have to say this. Everything being used in Live earth is bio degradable and environmentally friendly. The staged are made from old tires and recycled bottles, theyre using florecent bulbs, performers are driving hybrid cars, seats in the dressing rooms are made from bamboo. What more do you want? I mean there is only so much they can do! If you wanna complain about what thyere not doing to help or what theyre doing wrong. Look at yourself, what are you doing TO help? Think about that before you judge someone else who IS trying to make a difference.
To me THAT IS hypocritical.

2007-07-07 04:58:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

To maintain its green integrity, Live Earth is implementing “green event guidelines” for its concerts. The guidelines were issued with support from the U.S. Green Building Council; John Picard, a former-member of President Clinton’s Green White House task force, is leading the efforts.

The guidelines are: all electricity that powers the shows will be from renewable sources; concessionaires will be encouraged to use suppliers of biodegradable plastics; waste will be minimized through recycling and reuse; venue offices will use as little energy as possible; production lighting will include the use of LED light bulbs; staff and artist air travel will be offset through carbon credits; and ground travel will be by hybrid or high-efficiency vehicles where possible.

Anybody wants to sponsor this. You know why? Being seen as environmentally ethical is a good business with a future where those who are trying to save the environment are leaders.

“This is going to be the greenest event of its kind, ever,” former Vice President and Live Earth partner Al Gore told The Associated Press. “The carbon offsets and the innovative practices that are being used to make this a green event, I think, will set the standard for years to come.”

2007-07-07 05:01:47 · answer #6 · answered by gffaplaya 2 · 2 2

If I was the promoter I would focus more on Global Pollution since Global warming is still a theory and has not been proven. But it has been disproven.


2007-07-07 15:17:43 · answer #7 · answered by Kitty 4 · 1 0

I disagree with Lazarra and agree with Wally.
Lazarra, the people that go to the concert GO. They produce carbon dioxide in the process of going. The fluorescent lamps they're using contain mercury. They burned resources getting themselves to this concert via plane, train, and automobile. The electricity they're using at the concert produces carbon dioxide emissions.
I stay at home and consume very few resources. We're the real environmental heroes, those of us who stay home and consume next to nothing.

2007-07-07 05:02:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

but "staying home and not going" doesn't show support. these people are doing something huge, that's the only way any change is going to happen. people aren't going to stop going to concerts, their not going to stop driving altogether, they're not going to completely overhaul their lives, but they will switch to alternatives. a compact flourescent bulb and its mercury is still a whole lot better than energy sucking incandescents (which i think also have mercury) hell, burning candles would still be bad, so what do you suggest we use for light? corporations have to be involved, it has to be trendy, there's no time to convince everyone to live in yurts and raise chickens, we have to be realistic and accept better rather than holding out for best.

2007-07-07 05:45:30 · answer #9 · answered by Sarah G 2 · 1 2

know the facts. you should want to help the enviornment.

2007-07-07 04:59:23 · answer #10 · answered by rawfle 1 · 2 2

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