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I've begged and they've thought about it but they still say no. I had a dog but he passed away a long time ago and i feel so lonely without one.

2007-07-07 04:43:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

I have told them that i will do all the work but it doesn't work. They think that they will end up doing all the work! I have two birds and i clean the cage every week to show that i am responsible.

2007-07-07 04:53:36 · update #1

13 answers

everyone has been saying:
be responsible
show them you can work hard and show proof you can take care of another dog
good grades
...and many other reasons why

back in september of 06', i was begging my parents for a dog. i had a dog earlier, a beagle to be specific, in 05' for about 4 months. i was about 10 years old, and my brother was just turnning two years of age. now, i gave my dog away cause we couldnt take care of this beagle, and when i begged for another dog in 06' my definite answer from my parents was a no because i showed them that i am not responsible enough. when my brother turned 2, he was diagnosed with autism ( a disease in the brain ). my whole family was devasted, and it was even a bigger, no because we had to take care of my brother more than usual. now, i kept begging, showing them i am now responsible, and doing chores, all of this stuff. one day, they walk up to me, and tell me we are getting a dog. i was so excited...they told me we are getting a dog because it can help with your brothers problem...and help him with his speech. so when i got my dog, which is a shih poo, i first did SO much research to make sure this dog has the right:
love for kids
is energetic, but not crazy
a lap dog
and playful

...so when i got my shih-poo. i was so lazy, and my parents were going to get rid of him. i blew it, once again. i thought, a dog is a huge responsiblity...and i need to show them i can handle it. so from then on, i have been:
grooming him
feeding him at SPECIFIC times
bathing him
cleaning nose, ears, eyes, and paws
taking him out for a jog or to go outside and play
and much more...because it is very huge.

now first ask your parents why you dont want to get another dog. is it because you didnt take care of it last time? is it because something went wrong while having the other dog, and you dont want to experience it again? to expensive? well, write these questions down, why they dont want a dog. think of a solution for each question, and if its to expensive, do chores and raise money for the dog. take a quiz online if you are ready for a dog. if its because of training, petfinder.com is very good pet "store" where they already have vaxcinations, they are potty trained and everything. just keep in mind...you have to take care of this dog if you do get one...cause if they do let you get a dog and you dont take care of it properly, when you ask for another thing, you parents willl NOT give it to you!

i still have my shih-poo today. he is 10 months old, and i am trying to take care of him. my parents now have more trust in me...good luck!

2007-07-07 05:26:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ask their reasons for saying no and give your reasons for yes. If it's the money offer to get a job or do house chores. If it's the resposibilty ask what you can do to show you're resposible. Once they see you're serious and commited and will pretty much do anything for it they'll most likely let you. There's not much you can do if it's your living envrionment. Just offer to get a small shelter dog that's relaxed and well-behaved. If they still say no the might want to surprise you with one for your birthday or christmas, that's want my parents did!

I also have a good thing to say about the answer below me. I would try to look very active, showing you have the energy for a dog. Lying around the house will get you no where. They'll just think of you as lazy and irresponsible. Get good grades, be active, and don't act depressed. Don't just tell them you can handle a dog, SHOW THEM!!!

I always told my parents I was responsible enough, but parents need proof. My mom got me a bunny from rescue that I cared for and played with, that SHOWED her I was responsible. Don't just tell them they won't have to do the work, show them they won't have to do the work.

Really make sure to ask why they said no. Maybe they just hate the idea of another heart broken by him/her dying. Tell them you are mature and can handle it.

If they still say no, then they must just hate the idea of another dog. They might've had bad experinces that you don't remember. Just show that you're commited and responisble and can handle a dog. That's all you can do.

2007-07-07 11:50:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Prove that you're responsible. You say you had a dog a while ago...how old were you when you had him? How old was the dog? A puppy is more work and responsibility than an older dog, almost like having a baby, since it'll get into anything and everything. Trust me, begging isn't going to help. Just prove that you're responsible enough and you just might get that puppy.

2007-07-07 11:54:16 · answer #3 · answered by hockey_gal9 *Biggest Stars fan!* 7 · 0 0

Well i am trying too. The truth is we can't nag. We need to show we are responcible and save our money (Not to really buy dog they are too much but to show how serious we are) And help them out. Parents have a lot of work to do and dogs cost a lot and need nearly constent attention for the first few weeks and after that they still need a regular schedule.
Parents think we won't take care of it, or will stop after a while adding that much more work to what they all ready have. We need to prove to them we won't lose interest. Study dogs and talk about them a lot. Don't ask for one every five minutes. If you have siblings get along with them.
Good luck to both of us!!!!!!!!!

2007-07-07 12:43:26 · answer #4 · answered by Someday 4 · 0 0

Everyone else has had really good ideas. Here is another one. Try volunteering at a shelter. I don't know what age you have to be but see what they will let you do. You may be able to walk dogs or play with them. They may only let you clean out kennels, but you will be learning about dogs. Look around your neighborhood and see who has dogs. See if you can't talk to one of them and let them let you walk their dog. Of course go with your parents to make sure it is all safe. I would love it if someone wanted to take my dog for a walk. Go to local dog shows and meet and greet people. Talk to them about their dogs and how to care of each type.

I know that when I wanted a horse I begged and begged. One day my dad started asking me a lot of questions about how to take care of them. I knew all the answers and he let me get a horse. Learn as much as you can about dogs so you will be ready when they do say yes.

It wouldn't hurt to actually sit down with them and ask why they are not sure they want to get another dog. It may be the money. Could you get a part time job? It may be space or cleaning up after them. You'll never know til you ask.

Good Luck

2007-07-07 14:39:04 · answer #5 · answered by Beth L 3 · 0 0

First of all, act really depressed and lethargic. Don't leave the house. Watch a lot of tv. Maybe it will occur to them that, if you had a dog, you would have to take the dog out for walks. Also, they may be put off by the idea of having to house train and train a puppy. Maybe you should go on www.petfinder.com amd find a dog that has been in foster care and already is trained and has all of its shots and is fixed. That might be less scary for your folks. Also, then you are getting a dog that already has its personality developed and behavioral problems out in the open and hopefully even resolved by the foster family. Also, then you are saving a life. Millions of dogs need homes and adults have a harder time getting adopted than puppies.

2007-07-07 11:51:43 · answer #6 · answered by octaviakraut 2 · 0 1

Tell them what you are telling me, im 13 and have 4 dogs. Show them you can be responsible. make them a deal such as i will take out the trash for month, then this that etc. for a dog. Rescue from a shelter though. tell them about the life vs death situation that dogs are put in at shelters, make their hearts melt over a picture of an adorable dog. I hope this has helped you, but i'm off to a bird store!!

2007-07-07 11:50:06 · answer #7 · answered by furisded 3 · 0 1

same problem here!
i made a contract.
i said i would play the violin for an hour, clean the house, help when i could and other responsibilities in exchange for a dog. i have to do this for a year. but my dad found dog and i might get it..SOONER THAN A YEAR!
this really works..and remember to say 'i will take care of the dog, buy the toys, leash and everything needed while the parents buy the food and pay for the vet visits and also the dog itself.' or yu can pay for the dog, either way i garentee they'll say yes. <3
[and try not to write 'any dog of my parents' choice]
good luck!

p.s.: keep staying resposible or they can take the dog away from you!! O0O

2007-07-07 11:50:16 · answer #8 · answered by candymonster. 1 · 1 1

Begging rarely gets you anywhere.. Obviously there is a reason why your parents don't want another dog.. Might be the expense, might be that they don't want the extra work, might be that they don't want the heartbreak of another pet dying.
Use this time to research breeds, learn about dogs and when you move out, you'll have a head start on buying your own dog.

2007-07-07 11:47:10 · answer #9 · answered by DP 7 · 2 0

Prove to your parents that you will be a responsible pet owner. Tell them that you will be the one responsible for the new puppy; feeding, watering, playing, house training, walks, and providing him or her love.

Also offer to go to an animal shelter to pick out your new puppy. There are plenty of pets at the shelter that desperately need a good home and you'll be saving a dog's life.

2007-07-07 11:54:11 · answer #10 · answered by TJ 2 · 1 0

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