It started about 3 or 4 years ago in my late 20s. It was basically confined only to my head and it was only a few gray hairs here and there. Which was no problem at first. Now, I have gray hairs sprouting up everyhwere and in the weirdest places at times. Over the last couple of months I've noticed gray hairs sprouting out on top of my wrist, my eyelashes, my eyebrows, down the back of my neck, my chest, the top part of my back just below my shoulders, and without getting too graphic, I've spotted a few below the belt in a weird spot. Back when it was confined to one area like my head, at first I was self conscious and didn't go out with friends alot. Then I go used to it. Now I'm very self-conscious again. Would like to know from anyone [all advice given will be greatly appreciated] if there's anything I can do to stop the spread of this gray hair. Thanks in advance.
13 answers
asked by
Aaron B
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair